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Show That Space Between The Built-in Closets By RUTH WYETH SPEARS Vy HAT could be a greater lux. 4 f v v ury than two extra closets in i your bedroom I That is exactly 'V what a young friend of mint thought. But, when they wer built in, she was painfully conscious con-scious of their angles and the room seemed much narrower. This sketch shows you how the feeling of width was restored and the angles were made to melt away. A wallpaper border all the way around the room helped to soften down the angles of the closets also 1 CHEST MAKES SPACE tt-t-, 9 iTffSl SEEM NARROW - I m m I 1 WALL PAPER BORDER JPI? ! AMD FULL SKIRTED . Vii? DRESSING TABLE . t"Tt SOFTEN ANGLES AND I H H 1 ACCENT WIDTH i fkJ U- LU added an exciting color note to i the plain painted walls. The chest I of drawers- in the upper sketch ' was moved to another part of the room, and the long spacious dress-ing dress-ing table was built into the space between the closets. The top of j the table and stool and the frame ) of the mirror were enameled por- v1 celain blue which was one of the 'i colors in the wallpaper border. Dotted Swiss skirts were fastened on the inside of the finishing boards across the front of the table ta-ble and around the stool with snap fastener tape one side tacked to the wood and the other sewn to the skirt tops. NOTE: Directions for making threa types of dressing tables are illustrated In booklet No. 1 of the series which Mrs. Spears has prepared for our readers. Details for making the frilled lamp i shades Illustrated today are In No. 5, I which also contains a description of the series. Each booklet Illustrates 32 home- " making projects and may be ordered dl- 1 rect from Mrs. Spears by sending her your name and address with 10c In coin for each number requested. Send order to: I I MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS .'. Drawer 10 ' Bedford Hills New York Enclose 20 cents for Books 1 and 9. Name 1 Address INDIGESTION ; may affect the Heart Gu trapped In the stomach or gullet may act lOco e I balr-trigger on the bearL At the first algn of dlBtresa smart men and women depend on BoU-ana Tablet to tat gaa free. No laxatlre but made of the fastest-actlng fastest-actlng medlclnea known for acid Indigestion. If the 3 FIBST DOSE doesn't prove Boll-ans better, returo u botUe to ua said receive IMJUBUi lioacj lack. 25c i Beware Coughs I from common colds That Hang On hp Creomulsion relieves promptly be- "; cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden ph&gm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in- h; flamed bronchial mucous mem- is branes. Tell your druggist to sell you w a bottle of Creomulsion with the nn- derstandinsr, you must like the way it n quickly allays the cough or you are sc to have your money back. pi CREOMULSION c for Couths, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Ca 1 1 1 ,i al WNU W 841 kt - an Help Them Cleanse the Blood 'ol of Harmful Body Wasto Tour kidneyg are constantly filtering itt matter from the blood stream. But avi kidneys sometimes lag in tbeir work do r not act aa Nature intended fail to re- 11 i mora impuritiea that, il retained, may poison tha system and upset the noi8 body machinery. . J Symptoms may be capidng backache, a persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, pulfiness Ula under the eyes a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis- Oct order are sometimes burning, scanty r 1 too frequent urination. . , There should be no donbt that prompt uev treatment is wiser than neglect. Use i Doan't Pills. Dean's have been winning new friends for more than forty years. triu They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people tno country over. Ask your neighbor! I pl |