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Show CLASSIFIED j Apartment For Rent 153 Sou;h : First East. Phone 136-W 2-21 j NATIONAL COAL Domestic ! Lump $4.23. 24-Hour Service. Thistle ! Coal Terminal, opposite State P.oad sheds. Thistle. 2-21-2t. APfLo FOR SALE By the truck load or retail. W. D. Stewart, Phone 234, American Fork. 2-14-2tp. FOR SALE! Automatic electric washer. $5.00. It runs. Phone P. G. 3131. 2-14-2t. In order to close estate will sacrifice sacri-fice 5 room modern brick home in Pleasant Grove for $1550 Contact J. Albert Page. 2-14-2t. Modern 3 room Furnished Apartment Apart-ment For Rent. Automatic Steam Heat and Hot Water, Electric Range. Inquire Citizen Office. Fire Insurance, Real Estate, Notary. No-tary. H. C. Johnson, Utah Power & Light Bldg., Telephone 97-M, American Fork. 2-14. For Sale 4 room Modern Home. Close in. Steam heating system. Citizen Office. Model A Ford Coupe For Sale Good condition, just overhauled. Cheap. Francis Pulley. Phone 221-J. 2-21. FOR SALE 1941 Ford, 1937 Ford, and 1935 Chevrolet Sedan. Allen Wells, Lehi. 2-20-tf FOR SALE Cow. See Ivan Webb, Lehi. 2-20-tf FOR SALE Air Hammer and Drill Steel; also De LaVal Separator. Separ-ator. (Will trade Separator for hay) . E. W. Shelley, Lehi. 2-20-tf FOR SALE One acre Garden lot. See T. F. Kirkham. l-30-3t Baby Bed For Sale; also mattress recently renovated. In good condition. condi-tion. Call 90-W, Lehi. 2-13-tf FOR SALE Alfalfa hay and alfalfa alf-alfa seed. See W. E. Winn, Lehi. 2-13-tf FOR SALE Kitchen Cupboard, $4.00. Mrs. Cassel Willes, Lehi. 2-8-tf ALPINE BOWLING COURTS PLEASE HAVE YOUR TEAMS READY TO PLAY AT THE APPOINTED TIME j j Second Half Schedule I MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 7:00 P. M. Tidwell vs. Griffin 8:30 P. M. Gambles vs. Chipman's WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 7:30 P. M Thorntons vs. Timp Motor THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 7:30 P. M. Sykes vs. Skagg's. MONDAY, MARCH 3 7:00 P. M. Timp Motor vs. Griffin 8:30 P. M. Tidwell vs. Chipman's WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 7:30 P. M. Thornton vs. O. P. Skaggs THURSDAY, MARCH 6 7:30 P. M. Syke's Service vs. Gambles MONDAY, MARCH 10 7:00 P. M. Timp Motor vs. Tidwell 8:30 P. M. Griffin's vs. Thornton WEDNESDAY, MARCII 12 7:30 P. M. Gambles vs O. P. Skaggs THURSDAY, MARCH 13 7:30 P. M. Sykes vs. Chipman's MONDAY, MARCH 17 7:00 P. M. Griffins vs. O. P. Skaggs 8:30 P. M. Tidwell vs. Sykes WEDNESDAY, MARCII 19 7:30 P. M. Gambles vs. Thornton THURSDAY, MARCII 20 7:30 P. M. Chipman's vs Timp Motor MONDAY, MARCII 31 7:00 P. M. Griffin vs. Sykes 8:30 P. M. Tidwell vs Skaggs WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 7:30 P. M. Timp Motor vs Gambles THURSDAY, APRIL 3 7:30 P. M. Thornton vs. Chipman's SAVE THIS SCHEDULE FOR FUTURE REFERENCES I Utah Hide & Tallow Co. We Call and Pay Highest Prices for: DEAD AND USELESS HORSES, COWS, SHEEP HOGS, PELTS, HIDES, FURS AND WOOL ALSO DRY JUNK BONES Phone Spanish Fork 88 y DR. ARTHUR VANCE j Veterinarian j ! Phone 923-J j PROVO - UTAH f BUY JEWELRY Watches, Rings, Lockets, Diamond Engagement and Wedding Rings H- i mi i ESSTinl.hw. -r-r C. D. Strang Jeweler and Watchmaker mii4kfm mk WjM'- . .yp .v i INf You'll be surprised ' i- ) CVJfKJ at the low-cost of ihJ S electrical appliances lt, now. Today you re- ' & '5'?fv'3SS52 ceive much more tor t? VX our money tlan yu ' O 1 . a few years ago. And the I Vv new electrical appliances i y ; cost less than ever to op- -2"T."f ST'vn erate, for they use less p3 '"-fK electricity, even though 1 1 Jj electricity is cheap. Re- C?-2S'5 U JI$ produced here are only "gb--y f a few of the many elec- -iiJj1 trical items available at especially attractive """"Vtf prices. There are also s-rzT - V many other low-cost ap- ? -t pliances at Utah Power -: ink & LIght ComFany Stores v I .' - H and Electric Appliance Dealers. ii: ) Electrical Appliances can V 7 be purchased o:t CKven- i .''v-'i icul, easy .y,w, oj course! SEE YOU a DEALER OR UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. 1 i . BET. lH . . SIHETCH Oil 1 . . and ejoy NEW COMFORT was the keynote as A soft, steady, gliding new Ford ride g JQfjf we made plans for this year's Ford. that takes good road or bad in a sat- 9 Get in, through the new wide doors! isfying new kind of stride. And notice Stretch out, in room to spare! Seating the quietness of this big Ford! ElBf V width has been increased as much as There's news at your Ford Dealer's 7 inches. Knee-room and inside length that's too good to miss ! News in corn-are corn-are greatest in the low-price field. fort. News in value. And news in a Then take the road and try its ride! "deal" that you'll find easy to take! , V- : . n .mi1 " m jr. ? A: VI P' St. ZZY;--- 7 ' l FORD SALES & SERVICE J HARVEY-BECK MOTOR CO. j . PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH r I -- - -'y , ! ;r " I The Better I PEERLESS 1 I GOAL 1 1 Every Size From $ I SLACK to LUMP 1 J.D.KELLER 1 Telephone 246 j American Fork |