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Show Local Beautification Committee Maps Objectives For Coming Year Representatives of all committees of the Pleasant Grove Beautification campaign met at the Second ward chapel Sunday afternoon, under the direction of William C. Smith, executive ex-ecutive chairman. Objectives for the coming season were outlined by Mr. Smith, who asked cooperation of the committee and the community communi-ty in securing pictures of homes that have been beautified before and after the transformation. The church general commit:r'e has requested re-quested a complete report of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove's successful campaign carried on last year, and also some illustrative pictures for publication in church periodicals. Anyone who has a photograph or snap shot of their home before the work of beautification beau-tification was begun on it, is requested re-quested to report to Mr. Smith. Secretary Lucile Walker gave a brief report of last year's achievements, achieve-ments, and suggested the following cleanup projects for this season regular hauling away of all garbage, so that homes may be kept neat, the city bring asked to undertake this project; an educational campaign to secure the cooperation of schools and citizens in keeping the streets, especially Main street, free from refuse and scraps of paper. Joseph Walker, of the city council reported the attitude of the city regarding the disposal of garbage. Mrs. Lavina Fugal talked on the necessity for planning before planting. plant-ing. She also suggested as a beautification beau-tification project, the landscaping of the high way, and reported ways of accomplishing it. Remarks on the various objectives objec-tives were also given by Ray Merrill, C. A. Gamett and Don Mack Dalton. |