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Show Local Republicans Attend Lincoln Day Banquet At Provo i) Sixteen Republicans from Ameri-I Ameri-I can Fork attended the Lincoln Day I banquet at the Hotel Roberts in Provo, Wednesday night of last week. ''Ed. R. Tuttle of this city acted as toastmaster at the affair. Those attending from American Fork included Mayor and Mrs. O. DeVere Wootton, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Chip-man, Chip-man, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shum-way, Shum-way, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Packard, Mrs. R. L. Ashby, Mrs. Frank Bush and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R. Tuttle. Principal speakers were Albert E. Bowen and Orval Adams of Salt Lake City. The musical program included trumpet solos by Jack Dunn of the B. Y. U., accompanied by Anna Beth Smith of American Fork, also a student at the university; univer-sity; and socal numbers by Nola Woodland, accompanied by Loa Matthews. County Republican Chairman J. Rulon Morgan gave the address of welcome. |