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Show . Local Items Mrs. T.uuni Tinipson is .spciulin'i two vciks in Los Angeles with ' friends itnd relnl ives. I Owen Sweeten of Fsm Francisr;o, j C';dil'orni;i, left .Snndiiy niornhv; for home, niter a ten days' visit at the ) mine of Mr. and Mrs. Ii. L. Sweeten. Velden V'.. Yancey, of I.ns Veas, Nevada, returned home Sunday niejit after a ten days' visit here Willi Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Yancey, and other relatives here, lie also visited his brother, Kenneth Yancey, at Of.;den. Mr. Yancey is a bus driver for the Union Pacific, havinf; the run between Cedar City and Las Venus. Mrs. Ralph Hedquist entertained the members of her club at a bridge luncheon, Friday afternoon. Attending At-tending were Mrs. Clyde Clark, Mrs. Keith Thomas and Mrs. Milo Bean, and a special '.nest, Mrs. Ed Hall, all of American Fork; Mrs. G. T. Braun and Mrs. M. D. Jones of Pro-vo, Pro-vo, and Mrs. H. E. Bradley of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove. First prize was won by Mrs. Jones and second prize by Mrs. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson entertained en-tertained at a miscellaneous shower Saturday in honor of Mrs. Pearson. Mrs. Robert Marrott entertained the 1-ealily club at her home in Pleasant Grove last Wednesday, at a briclijo luncheon. High score was won by Mrs. Leo Bowen, second hiyh by Mrs. Keith Nielsen, and i low score by Mrs. Neldon Varney. J I Ed. R. Tuttle of American Fork was a fctiest at a breakfast Sunday morning at the Fort Douglas golf course giv'f.n by the Salt Lake City Chamber t of Commerce and the Utah Manfacturers' assiciation for the members of the state legislature. A gay Valentine party was given Wednesday evening, February 12, by Donna Gordon, E'Loyse Hansen and Evelyn Cunningham at the home of E'Loyse Hansen. A color scheme of red hearts and white lace predominated predomi-nated in the decorations. Valentine games were the diversion of the evening, eve-ning, after which refreshments were served. The following guests were present: Donna Gordon, Evelyn Cunningham, E'Loyse Hansen, Mary June Phillips, Oveda Wright, Ruth Hansen, Glen Powell, Elroy Lamph, Morris Schow, Dale Clark, Keith Smith and Lester Russon. Mrs. Emma Lee Jackson announces an-nounces the marriage of her daughter. daugh-ter. Eleanor, to Dale Pearson of Salt La:-:e City, on January 20. They will make their home in Spanish Fork. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Werner will leave Monday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kitchen of Orem and Mrs. R. D. Davis of Provo, for Mesa, Arizona. They will vUit at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Nelson and L. B. Werner in Mesa, and E. R. Werner ; at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr. ! and Mrs. Werner will be in Arizona ! and New Mexico about a month, the I others returning home after a brief 1 visit. In honor of the new Alpine stake Sunday School board, the outgoing officers of the organization entertained enter-tained at a social Monday evening in the Harrington school amusement hall. The officers' partners and the stake presidency and their wives were special guests. The evening's entertainment featured fea-tured games and other diversions. ! j and light refreshments were served. ! j The outgoing Sunday School board j included Vernon Holindrake, superintendent; super-intendent; Raymond Monson and Kenneth Singleton, assistants; Elijah Eli-jah Chipman, secretary; and E. Ray Gardner, J. W. Phillips, George C. Scott Jr., Myron Moyle, Florence Dunyon, Fern Burch, Howard Pax-man, Pax-man, Ora H. Chipman and Wayne Chadwick, board members. The new board is comprised of Walter B. Devey, superintendent Jesse W. Spafford and Wayne E. Chadwick, assistants; Glen T. Anderson, secretary; secre-tary; Clare B. Christensen, director of the genealogy department; Ora H. Chipman, chorister; Howard Pax-man, Pax-man, organist; Helen Green, Primary Pri-mary and Kindergarten supervisor; and the ward Sunday School superintendents, super-intendents, Frank W. Brown of the First ward, Stanley Peters of the Second ward, Elden Miller of the Third ward, Moral D. Steele of the Fourth ward, David Strasburg of Highland, and H. A. Smith of Alpine. Al-pine. Eddus Abel gave a beautiful Valentine Val-entine party at her home, on Thursday Thurs-day evening of last week, with twelve guests attending. Music and games Were enjoyed during the evening, and a tasty Valentine luncheon was served. Those attending included Eddus Abel, Darwin Taylor, Ange-nette Ange-nette Hampshire, Dick Adams, Dorothy Doro-thy Peck, Kathleen Brewer, Willis Day, Verda Pulley, Oveda Wright, Shirlin Jarvis. All the young men were from Pleasant Grove. Members of the American Fork camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers Pio-neers met at the home of Mrs. Eliza Buckwalter , on Thursday afternoon of last week, at an interesting meeting meet-ing and social. The program featured fea-tured a history of James A. Crystal, given by Mrs. Myrl Saxton; and a lesson on "Early Shops and Factories," Fac-tories," given by Mrs. B. N. Christensen. Chris-tensen. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs, W. R. Halli-day, Halli-day, Mrs. Ellen Tracy, Mrs. Lexie Briggs and Mrs. Buckwalter. I Last Friday the two classes of the WPA Play School enjoyed Valentine parties in the school room, given by Mrs. William Peterson and Mrs. Lloyd Wagstaff, the social committee commit-tee of the Parents club of the school. The distribution of Valentines, a program and games, and the serving serv-ing of refreshments by the women, made a most pleasant time for all. The Adams camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers held an interesting meeting and Valentine party, Thursday Thurs-day afternoon . of last week at the home of Mrs. . Myrtle Seastrand, with 38 in attendance. Mrs. Lucy Bush gave the history of Kesia Dur-rant, Dur-rant, and Mrs. Myrtle Seastrand gave the lesson. Each one attending drew a Valentine from a box, and refreshments were served by the February hostesses. Husbands of the G. A. club members mem-bers were special guests at a social held Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hansen. A program was enjoyed during the evening. It consisted of a vocal duet by Maurine Spafford and Cecil Ray Hansen, a clarinet solo by Cecil Ray, and two numbers by a girls' trio, Donna Cleghorn, Helen Adamson Adam-son and Joan Greene. Miss Alice Hep worth of the. American Fork high school faculty spoke on "The Short Story," and then read several short stories. Late in the evening a tasty luncheon was served. Decorations Deco-rations were carried out in a red and white color scheme, with American Amer-ican Flag placecards. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Bunten, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. John Duckworth, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nilsson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mower, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tregaskis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Spafford, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hansen, besides the guests who participated par-ticipated on the program. |