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Show GRAND COULEE DAM X NEARLY COMPLETED ;' RICH soil, dirt CHEAP: 40 Years, ; J without interest, to pay Water Rik'ht. t Crop Rotation Plan: IJovt. boM Maps; ' Soil Samples-; FREE colored MOVING J ' j P1LTI RKS at f.5 Exchange Place i 2 Salt Lake City. Z I GRAND COULEE SETTLERS i I LAN CO. V. F. PAVEY, Mer. i HOTELS When In RENO. NEVADA stop it the HOTEL GOLDEN Iteno's laricest and most popular hotel. NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT NON-SURGICAL INJECTION TREATMENT Piles - Hernia PAINLESS PERMANENT Special reduced fees for out-of-town .patients. THE LAWRENCE CLINIC 144 East South Temple Salt Lake WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 600,000 MEN WANTED Shipyards, Airlines, Aircraft Factories WE TRAIN YOU FOR THEM RADrO OPERATING and SERVICING. SHEET METAL. BOILER MAKING LAYOUT. ..PATTERN MAKING and WOOD WORKING. WORK-ING. ACME VOCATIONAL CENTER 49 West 3rd So. Snlt LaUe City, Utah EYE GLASSES REPAIRED Send Your Broken Spectacles Direct to Optical Laboratories, 252 So. Main. SalL Lake. Exact duplications. Save the difference. WALL PAPER Fait Wall Paper Company has just received its first carload of New 1941 Wallpapers direct from the mills. All patterns priced extremely low. Extra special 200 or more 1940 PaLterns from which to select No reasonable price refused. Come early, shop and save at FLT'S 245 South State Salt Lake City comtxpation i and knew what to do for it. Nowadays , wo have many polite words for it, meaning the same thing, but when 1 we are listless, have bilious spells, bad breath and gas pains with sluggish slug-gish intestinal action we still use ADLERIKA, the product Grandma I found best 40 years ago. Take home I a bottle of ADLERIKA today and I try it. At your Druggist's, ii RAW FURS WANTED FALL MARKET Price Paid for domestio and wild Rabbit Hydes and all other furs. Bring: or ship them to R. C. ELLIOTT & COMPANY 60 North 3rd West Salt Lake Cltr BABY CHICKS V BLOODTESTED rUiriC Jt j U. S. APPROVED Vr11i.) -i 'M Sixteen breeds. Leghorns, Common V '-'-T Heavies. A $7.50. AA $8.50, AAA $9.50, H Mix $6.35. Prepaid Jive - delivery, Sexed chicks also. COLORADO HATCHERY, Denver, Colorado OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs, flies, typewriters, adding mch's, safes, bk-cases. S. L. DESK EX., 35 W. Broadway. Salt Lake WHEN IN SALT LAKE . . j The best food 'n Salt Lake is served by The MAYFLOWER CAFE at 154 South Main POPULAR PRICED Luncheons, Dinners and Sandwiches SHOES . DISCOMFORTS I m fS MENTH0LATUM J g 1 ft Uuldily Reieres Cfl I B I STUFFINESS III ilai SNIFFLING IILyU SNEEZING mi a mimm I FEET HURT? Try a "Walk-Easy" Pep your step I Over 200,000 users can't be wrong. 314 Tcmplcton Bldgr., Salt Lake. Hrs. 1-5 or write for appt. HEARING AIDS Deaf - Hear Wgy$ WHISPERS IIS Easily and clearly -with f$ 3 (ft Aurex Vacuum tube am- MmJA ' plification. Light small j tf$ 1 easily wearable. Free I JL demonstration. l jL- HEARING AID CENTER R. E.MORRIS & ASSOCIATES ; 504 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City WNU-WlNo4 ' Salt Lake's NEWEST HOTEL 14 I x t '?Avvf ,o . i 1 i.i-wjyssggi'S a Hotel I TEMPLE SQUARE I Opposite Mormon Temple HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Rates $150 to $3.00 It's a mark of distinction to Stop af this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C EOSSITES, Hzt. I HOTEL BEN LOMOND 0GDEN.UTAH ; )ut ,i t P: ! 151 Rooms 350 Batha J2.00 to jj I Pamily Rooma for 4 persona " Air Cooled Lonnfte nni Lobby V' ! Crill Roem Coffee Shop Tao Room ' Home of I Retary Klwanis Executives j I Exchanee Optimists "20-30 ft Chamber of Commerce and Ad Club j Hotel Ben Lomond OGDEN. UTAH Come as yoo are '( T E. Eitztrerald. He' (j, VIGILAWCE COMMITTEE ADVERTISING is a great vigilance vigi-lance committee, established and maintained in your interest, inter-est, to see that the men who aspire to sell to you will always be worthy of your trade. |