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Show : Mid-Month iil SALE R . ii ! Li Opixjrtunity is calling m M you to O. P. S. Store, t ! Saturday offers an vm- j ! fl usual opportunity to se-! se-! i' lect at leisure ' Quality j I Food Values". i Butter, First Quality 33c '1 : ; Peanut Butter, 2 lb. ' OA " ; q Jar 20c (j : Matches, 6 boxes 13c u ' r J Miracle Whip, qts 31c Lj 1 BETTER FEEDS 1 I OUIl FRESHLY GEOUNR FEEDS GIVES ALL I ' FEEDERS MORE PER DOLLAR i : All Kinds Chicken, Turkey and I : I Livestock Feeds I V ;'' M''W-" J L - - , , , i i i - n i ' - r- - - -- - - t -- -Hi, y - i ii I, ii ------ -j.-. ... -. j f f 1 i :: SALE :: Ii CLEARANCE FASHIONABLE DRESSES i Three Smashing Price Groups j! J.S5 $7. $95 Values to S7.50 Values to S10.50 Values to 816.50 j.j You'll find a large variety of smart styles and colors b to your liking. Every dress sold for much more. All sizesJuniors, Misses and Women's. I I : 5-. h- . L j New Luxurious Rayon Satin f f Children's , oTt'o fi DRESSES ' M bJLli O They're Tubfast, They're r ! ! yi Plain and Lace Trimmed Smart, Newest Fashion UeJL Vf:' Colors: Tea Rose, Opaline QQ ;j The finest selection of children's Frocks i Navy, Rose, Copen Blue cOC ;f that we've seen at so low a price. Sizes ; one year to 6 years. Buy several to t SALE 50 Inch Square Fancy Rayon save money. ; i TABLE CLOTHS il c ;. S Floral Designs j BrOadclotll POIltS I 49c j! 15c yard I " ,SALireWock,RegarVl!oO, ' H ge Variety of Colorful Patterns r An Excellent Value! n HOUSE FROCKS H w'Jpi; s p 79c APRONS S; Saturday Only ;j ATTRACTIVE ' All Washable and Fast Colors COLORS . ODC 1 Chipman Mere. Co0 ,j Tuna Flakes 10c K Chicken Noodle Soup, fl 3 cans 25c B Soap Specials gMM0LIVEi7c 'kJ5 CONCENTRATED fA iSrl&uPER sacs Ave lMKEK(D19c igp&l'S23c A GRANULATED StM WHITE p Flour, 48 lb. bag, Kitchen MaTd 87c 1 I Crackers, 2 lb. box .... 15c I Sugar, 10 lb. bag 56c 1 Jello, any flavor 5c i t Peas and Corn, 3 cans 25c f Milk, 3 tall cans 21c jj Pancake Flour, 2V2 p lb. pkg 17c 1 $ Cheese, 2 lb. American U Loaf 49c 1 i i f FRESH FRUITS 1 a 1 h Bananas, lb 6c 'i 1 Grapefruit, doz 17c ! P Oranges, 150 size, I doz 17c U FRESH MEATS 5 1 Young Muttoon, leg a I cuts, lb. 15c I I Boiling Eib, meaty, I 2 lbs 25c ; Cheese, choice med., fj I lb 18c 1 1 j Hams, boned and rolled, lb '. 25c 1 O.RSEC&GGS FOODl-iyikST0RES WEEKLY PROGRAM The Amusement Center for the Towns of Northern Utah Co. ji F3UDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AND 22 ii Ginger Rogers and Dennis Morgan in "KITTY FOYLE" . The most iV.wuvx novel ever written by a man about a woman. It's the heart-cry of millions of love-and-a-home-hungry girls, adrift and alone j In the fis;ht-or-die jungle of business life. One of the best shows of j the year, don't miss it. ADDED SELECTED SHORTS. SUNDAY .AND MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 AND 24 u- SYve tode n . J 6 A catei K n n ' ; , 1 afvs . , ! A t'v - Alt ALSO GOOD SHORTS DISNEY CARTOON LATEST NEWS AND CRIME SERIES TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 AND 26 TWO FEATURES TWO "CAPTAIN CAUTION" With Victor Mature, Louise Piatt and Leo Canillo The Strangest Trio that ever sailed the Seven Seas. Sensational underwater under-water prison-break from a floating dungeon of terror. HIT NUMBER TWO George O'Brien in "STAGE TO CIIIXO" Action in Arizona! G Men clear the plains for the United States Mail! THURSDAY ONLY, FEBRUARY 27 BARGAIN NIGHT "BOOMED CARAVAN" With William Boyd What a thrill as Hopalong crashes through a cordon of killers to glory. ADDED GOOD SHORTS ADMISSION ONLY 10c AND 15c , I . BAKERY SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY Orange Tiffin Rolls, dozen 20c Jumbo Glazed Donuts, dozen 19c Assorted Cookies, dozen 10c Raisin Squares, 2 for 5c Apricot Pies, each 17c Raisin Bread 9c II03IE IVIADE BREAD, 2 Loaves 15c WE DECORATE CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS ( GRIFFIN BAKERY i |