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Show ifjj . . 41111111 P i" U 1 L, j5S ?! . 1 Man About Town! iy'' V iVeui Yorkers Are j Talking About: SIT;; The hush-hush divorce of Seth C 'l' pnrker (Phil Lord) and his current blaze, Bonnie Doone, former "Hon-j.,. "Hon-j.,. eychile" on the Bob Hope stanzas . . . The $1,000 bracelet Chaplin I gave a Powers model named Jean ! ,p . . . The witness in the Hauptmann case who brought "new evidence" 1 on the Lindbergh snatch to Dewey's office . . . President Wilson's rjs daughter, once active in N. Y. lit-; lit-; - erary circles, who has joined a I Brahman nunnery in Pondicherry, Indo-China . . . Quentin Reynolds' standing order of posies to Betsy l Cushing Roosevelt every day. He i calls her "the ideal woman." jj The 540,000 a month it costs to keep the Normandie and its crew docked in NY. The coin comes from C'S the frozen French funds here Capt. Patterson's plan to erect the ;; fe, , biggest independent radio station within six months . . . The soon-'dv soon-'dv due consummation of the merger of ie, two newspapers (B'klyn and Man-; Man-; tr; Ji hattan) now that they've applied to -i tjl the RFC for a $2,000,000 touch. :!;,' Erskme Gwynne's escape from a bc.s concentration camp to the Ameri-fej. Ameri-fej. can Consulate at Lisbon . . . Al-bert Al-bert Payson Terhune's appearance !;- again after a two-year illness which ;ir. almost killed him . . . The first ;;. subpoena ever issued by the Dies ScJ Committee to George Sylvester Viereck, Nazi propagandist. How come he was never forced to apis ap-is t-: pear before that group the sub-v's: sub-v's: poena is still valid isn't it? . . . "p.r1 The Oliver Hardys. si'"?. j X: ; Prince Nishbu of Nepal, India, Jifc who wants to return there but can't 1 Set a visa fr Stephanie Markin, for-;-"C mer show gal in "American Ju-'ct' Ju-'ct' bilee." She's his Girl Friday at the !r:::s Hotel Madison . . . The Buick I Company which will build 125 mil-M mil-M lion dollars worth of Pratt-Whitney engines this year . , . The 200 lin bombers a month that Fisher ail Bodies will make at their new Kansas Kan-sas City plant . . . The Frigidaire firm, which is making so many 50-caliber 50-caliber machine guns "that we 1 won't know where to store theml" The Cuban political exiles, some of whom were responsible for re-is re-is tsl fusing entry of that shipload of ref-'ata ref-'ata ugees on the liner "St. Louis." Now f also they're in the same fix . . . The r!V Cuban consul's denial that he . il okayed the bills of those ousted of-;';.;7i of-;';.;7i ficials . . . The way intimates will ok J wager that Ann Sheridan is keeping csy" her marriage to George Brent a se-tte se-tte cret "for the sake of his career" lie ... The $25,000 Renoir painting sey. Billy Rose bought for Eleanor Holm, his wife, and when he asked her if she wanted it hung in her room she screamed: "You're not gonna put any nails in my wall!" Eb i Broadway Alien (No. 3) He didn't bring along a press agent (to see that the papers got g his picture) when he registered for the draft. He considered it a chance to serve his country not to advertise adver-tise his patriotism . . . He doesn't are I pride himself on his ability to kite he f a check. To him a kite is some-jr- thing he used to fly in his back ;h yard or from the roof ... He attributes at-tributes your success to ability and I his own to good breaks . . . The 7 circles in which he mixes are crowded crowd-ed with square guys ... He doesn't need a night club m. c. to put him to sleep every night. He needs the rest too badly to be caught any place but in his own bed after a J hard day's work ... To him a j. "sucker" is a lollypop. it He doesn't know what it means to have "a bun on." To him a bun a. is something you eat in the morning OH with your breakfast ... He has " never gone to a psychiatrist for any $ sort of trouble such as a complex, com-plex, a broken heart or the d. t.'s I ... When he has a broken heart, 1 you can betcha your life nothing j) can mend it but the gal who stepped all over it ... He doesn't even 2 know what schizophrenia is! He's never had trouble getting a et date with his girl the week Fran-in3 Fran-in3 chot Tone got into town . . . He's the never been invited to a private screening of the latest picture. He's already seen it at popular prices in his home town weeks before it hits J Broadway ... He doesn't impose 1 himself on you with burdensome f conversation when you're busy or i concerned with private troubles . . . id He thinks an individual has a right to himself, and need not be an ever available sounding board for his probable empty and tiresome ideas, e- i To him the word "character" is a description of moral fiber rather 1 than an eccentric individual . . . The books on his shelf weren't or-t or-t dered by the yard to match the col-' col-' ) or scheme of his room . . . He's 1 : never backed a night club because ' he liked being with showgirls so I much or because it was cheaper to pay the weekly deficit than I playing stage-door Johnny and all-, all-, f around yap . . . He has no enemies and so many friends that the New 6 Yorker can't get enough stuff to-f to-f gether to do a profile series on him |