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Show Am. Fork Locals Clarence Grant, county clerk, is in attendance at a state convention of the officers of twenty nine comities i cf Utah held Thursday and Friday j in Salt Lake, at the Hotel Newhouse. Miss Alice Clark is away from her ! work in the Rainbow Cafe this week ; being the guest of friends in Salt Lake City. Clark Chipman received a bad gash on the forehead Tuesday when he was accidently hit by a double jack hammer while employed on the school ground beautif ication project. proj-ect. The H. B. Club members enjoyed I a jolly informal party Thursday afternoon af-ternoon at the home of Mrs. Lige Chipman. The party was a "pot-luck" "pot-luck" affair each member furnishing something good to eat without telling tell-ing the others what she brought. Bridge was played during the afternoon, after-noon, nine members being present. Mrs. Mark Coddington entertained entertain-ed the Lawata Club last Friday afternoon. af-ternoon. Three tables of bridge were in progress and late in the afternoon af-ternoon a delicious lunch was served. serv-ed. The prizes were won by Mrs. Vern Chipman, member, and Mrs. Stanford Briggs, special guest. Valentine Val-entine decorations added to the enjoyment en-joyment of the affair. Mrs. R. E. Booth and Mrs. J. Aaron Ross were joint hostesses at a delightfully de-lightfully arranged luncheon Friday afternoon. A Valentine scheme was carried out in the table decorations. Covers were laid for Mrs. H. H. Ramsay, Mrs. Joseph Nicholes, Mrs. John Buekwalter, Mrs. Abe Gud-mundsen, Gud-mundsen, Mrs. Clifford E. Young, Mrs. Bernard N. Christensen, Mrs. Stephen L. Chipman and the hostesses. hos-tesses. Mrs. V. F. Houston entertained last Saturday night at a miscellaneous shower in compliment to her sister-in-law, Mrs. Phyllis Houston Smith, I a recent bride. The entertaining rooms were prettily decorated in , Valentine motifs and colors. The main diversion was the playing, of "Hearts", following which a delicious lunch was served. There were about forty present and the honor guest was made the recipient of many lovely gifts. r |