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Show ioj ! 3City Council Outlines Work Projects 5th South streets with the Street committee with power to act. The motion was seconded and carried. o n , is The council met in special session vi-nd out-lined the following projects i js a suggestive program for the cur-l(j cur-l(j rent year. Each county and city ; lere asked by the State Planning Board to submit projects, ynfity Building $ 65,000.00 Post Office 25,000.00 inj miles of graded and LlcJgraveled sidewalk along .opthe State Highway 1,800.00 rr; miles of new road, fenc- tfjirig, graveling, etc 11,000.00 urBeautifying cemetery and jq parks 10,000.00 6 miles of rock masionary iij on canals 18,000.00 6 miles of mulched oiled nj roads 25,000.00 eijRoadside drains and gut- fJters 5,000.00 tj TOTAL $160,800.00 id Mr. Thomas Fenton was present jfkt the regular council meeting Saturday Satur-day in the interest of the Old Folks jcicommittee. He stated that the time nhad come to once more entertain the eaiolder people of the community and flttiat 'this took finance. He asked s jthat the city contribute to this wor-ist'.hy wor-ist'.hy cause. Mr. Loader moved that 1, the city council appropriate $15.00 ;oto help finance an old folks party pdon February 12th. Mr. Clark sec- jonded the motion which carried. ci Mr. Walker moved that the peti-Btion peti-Btion of Varian West to have a culvert cul-vert changed near his home be left with the Streets committee with power to act. The motion was seconded sec-onded and carried. Mr. Walker reported he had call- ed at the state auditors office relative rela-tive to the property between the i( new secondary highway and that he C, felt the ground would eventually vi revert back to the city. 33 Mr. Johnson stated the principal t. of the high school had informed him the school board were anticipating p( planting the campus to lawn. This aj is to be watered mainly by irrigation. C'iA sprinkling system is to be install-on install-on ed by the school to take care of the h spots irrigation water will not reach. p( They ask that the city furnish the it water. Mr. Clark moved that the Water- 2. works committee confer with the re school board with regards to the C above movement and report back at, the next meeting. The motion was ds seconded and carried. -Ii Mr. Johnson reported the culinary kt water rates were not coming in satis-ij satis-ij factorily and that he felt notice . should be mailed those delinquent n( that unless payment is made or sa-l11 sa-l11 tisfactory arrangements made, their in water will be disconnected. It was '. decided to take this action. 3lj Mr. Loader moved that the mayor, ze recorder and the Irrigation commit-ttj commit-ttj tee meet in the council chamber JeJ February 14th from 10 to 12 a. m. a and 2 to 4 p. m. to hear complaints e from the stockholders in the Pleas-va1 Pleas-va1 ant Grove Irrigation system if there ri should be any. The motion was seconded and earned. Mr. Loader moved that the city tax for the year 1935 on male dogs (J be set at $1.50 and $3.00 on females. 33 The motion was seconded and car-h car-h rled. The chair appointed Ethan Allen hi as dog catcher for Pleasant Grove in City, which appointment was conns con-ns formed by the council members, vi Mr. Loader moved that the city ii pay the dog catcher $1.25 for each m female, $0.65 for each male license l: and $0.25 for each dog killed or ;ii otherwise disposed of. The motion fli was seconded and earned, 'a A motion by Mr. Walker that the :b Waterworks committee investigate b the matter of metering the business ii houses on State street and report t back at the next regular meeting carried. 'i" Mr. Loader moved that we leave the petition to have the rock wall m removed from Locust avenue and |