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Show Funeral Services For Jens Monson Funeral services were held Sunday Sun-day at 2 o'clock p. m- in the Timpanogos Tim-panogos stake tabernacle over the remains of Jens Monson, who died in Salt Lake City, January 30. He had been in poor health for some time- The services were under the direction of the Manila ward bishopric, bishop-ric, with counselor H- V. Swenson ; conducting the services. A duet, ''Rock of Ages," was sung by George and Ivan Monson, nephews neph-ews of the deceased. The invocation invoca-tion was given by S. D- Moore. The speakers were James H. Clarke of American Fork, stake president W-W. W-W. Warnick, Bishop L. M. Atwood, and closing remarks by H. V. Swenson- All of the speakers told of his devotion and loyalty to the priesthood. He had always been a devoted church worker. He had helped to emigrate thirty people from Scandinavia, . who became members of the L- D. S- church. He was retiring and modest and always ready to help those that were less fortunate than himself. A sketch of his life was read by Miss Beatrice Monson. Other musical musi-cal numbers rendered were a violin solo, "Going Home," by Milton Brown of American Fork; a duet, "That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine," by Howard Nelson and Sam Shelley, and a solo, "Rock of Ages," by Ora Chipman, accompanied by Mrs- LeRee Van Wagoner. The ben-; ben-; ediction was pronounced by Gun-! Gun-! ner Rasmussen of Logan. Inter- ment was in the Pleasant Grove cemetery, where the grave was dedicated by R. D- Wadley. |