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Show usical Treat Given By High Schools he auditorium of the high school filled almost beyond capacity Inesday night when the four a school music departments of district presented a program for patrons of the school. The same Svam also was given at Lehi inesday night and in the Pleas- Grove and Lincoln high schools Way night. Leo Hansen was the louncer for the American Fork ?ram. i music, both vocal and instru-ital, instru-ital, and in dance the patrons e taken on an imaginary trip to ;ral foreign countries and over United States. Each high school toiled about twenty minutes of ! entertainment which was great-njoyed great-njoyed and appreciated by the audience. teican Fork high school's num-'as num-'as especially pleasing to all. school portrayed the songs and s of two nations, Scotch and 'i- Le Mar Clements in full :h attire told in song why he 1 to wearing kilts. Miss Mar-?t Mar-?t Dunkley and Beth Ellison were 1 charming lassies from the land fjte heather and danced the High-f1 High-f1 fling. The scene then shifted f Miss Zola Grant as a pretty miss sang "A Little Bit of Nil". An Irish garden scene )wed with lovely Irish "roses" Red by young Irishmen. Miss 5 Robinson and James Wagstaf f i "When Irish Eyes Are Smil- wid the group sang "My Wild Rose". K. J. Bird was musical ttor. The numbers were accom-d accom-d by piano, cello and violins, 'he lighting was very effective. |