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Show WANT ADS John P. MiUer & i ' 2-8-1 for the return of the bronz De SZk Dr' CulVer R' Anderson, a1 ' 2- Sale, Cheap-Fine R C TrT do, walnut cabinet, inquire j f Will thelwV who took by mi ' take the ladies all black cloth co with fur collar from toe tabernat "yniBhtseeMrs. Lloyd Adar place" 'e Ul Cm loft C Pure GuFnsey BurT foi smT we Price $1.00. Absolutely rjya credit at this price. Rcld - 2-8-Uvnj Lost-Lwr and white Spaniel pu' Will pay for return of pup. rc 1 Dwm- 2-8: r liy Irfwtr-Tan calfskin Jacket wi con initials M. W. R. Return to N,of Cafe. Reward. 2-8- r For Sale-Building lot, north" tfU1 First ward chapel. Price reasonabftBC Mrs. Jos. R. Payne, Am Fork 1V" 2-8-3. 15IY sol Potatoes For Sale See Ray Abi Carter, LcM. j.. tail FOR SALE Brick and Hunt from Klrkham Building. See Cha Featherstone, Lchi ,prc -lai FOR REN T Modern 4-roama home. Unfurnished- $8 00 per mont Arl Located at 58 East, 5lh North, a To' Mrs. Sarah A. K. Smith, Lent. 1313 To - nic FOR SALE Modern home, wif East, 5th North. A bargain. tat or write Virgil J. Smith, 267 Ea Ad 7th North, Provo, Utah. 1-31-3 Pri " - ; WiC Modern home for rent. For i tia formation see Gilbert Baxter, Ami 01 lean Fork. she MALE HELP WANTED STEADY WORK-GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAN WANTED to c p! on farmers. No experience Or ca ! a tal needed. Write today. McNE Co., Dept. H, Freeport, Illinois 1 - . . aui Lost Black male dog with b pr tail, white under neck, Spaniel ty) of Has had broken hind leg, below kr Tl: also has large scar above hind kni ed Reward. Finder Telephone 85-1 ini American Fork. 1-17. Ai To Save Trips All Over Town It Pays to Have Your Own TELEPHONE Easy Pleasant Way To Lose Fat How would you like to lose 15 pounds of fat in a month and at the same time increase your energy and improve your health? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent promi-nent abdomen and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that it will compel admiration? Get on the scales today and see how much you weigh then get an 85 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts which will last you four weeks. Take one half teaspoonful in a glass of hot water every morning and when you have finished the contents of this first bottle weigh yourself again. After that you'll want to walk around and say to your friends, "A quarter pound jar of Kruschen Salts is worth one hundred dollars of any fat person's money." Leading druggists America over sell Kruschen Salts. adv. DON'T SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE AFFECTS HEART If stomach GAS prevents sleeping on right side try Adlerika. One dose brings out poisons and relieves gas pressing on heart so you sleep soundly sound-ly all night. Wm. Thornton Druggist, Drug-gist, adv. i;:;- (iK - -'. " ""- Obtained by mounting-; I l! Ks i'.'V 'j fT. S - - -Jf front springs ahead of 1:ilHhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(l irU--S jHjigu pfilffitlffi and moving V-8 : 1 .-fV i V-.T!T """""" - engine forward. This k y s. places more load ahead faf. S f rear axle, more i X about the new Ford V-8 Truck for !Si;as5P:!S232iis NiAsll llIlluMr?i 1 1 1935 is not merely that it gives you new tejJJ??. CSiffll W--' money-saving features but that these Jea- &g3-JiHgit. xlllll fW-iL I tures have been added to a truck whose economy, JSKi?I- sli'IS performance, stamhia have already been proved, t r -f For 193 5, Ford gives you an entirely new VWCS development Forward Load Distribution. This V: ;5. j-L-f'' makes possible more uniform tire and brake Vt- W wear better brake action improved operation yy and wear throughout the truck. In addition, with more space between the cab and rear axle, the Test this new Ford V-8 Truck yourself. Your 193 5 Ford V-8 permits acute angle turns with nearest Ford dealer will let you do this ... on full-width semi-trailers. your own job, under your own load, with your own driver! No matter how efficiently you are now doing j c a n n . r t V?oTveSS thCr f7UrS f $SOO ThrouPgh codeTharem'aXS no'ochu DVV F'd W in America today, regardless of price. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS THE rrfpp If a iliPf for iV L IV a T4 aiuis a W k hi a a lyoiy More than ever, America's great truck value To All Who Suffer Stomach Agony, Gas and Indigestion Money Back if One Bottle of Dare's Mentha-Pepsin Doesn't Do You More Good Than Anything You Ever Used. You can be so distressed with gas and fullness and bloating that you think your heart is going to stop beating. Your stomach may be so distended that your breathing is short and gaspy. You think perhaps you are suffocating. suffo-cating. You are dizzy and pray for quick relief what's to be done? Just one tablespoonful of Dare's Mentha-Pepsin and in -ten minutes the gas disappears, the pressing on the heart ceases and you can breathe With this wonderful medicine you can banish indigestion or dyspepsia, or any upset condition that keeps the stomach in constant rebellion and one bottle will prove it. Every regular pharmacist guarantees guaran-tees one bottle of Dare's Mentha-Pepsin Mentha-Pepsin to show the way to stomach comfort. Over 6,000 bottles sold in one small New Jersey town ask yourself your-self why? adv. deep and naturally. Oh! What blessed relief; but why not get rid of such attacks altogether? |