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Show FORMER PLEASANT GROVE ! RESIDENTS CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING -1 Mr. and Mrs- Soren Sorenson,; who were early residents of Pleas j ant Grove, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at Bingham Saturday. Relatives and close friends formed the guests who wish-, ed them many happy returns of the day. They wrere married Feb- ruary 2, 1885- They are the parents. of four sons snd daughters as fil-j lows: Jess Sorenson, Long Beach.; Calif; Vern end Duane Sorenson,1 ai.d Mrs- Veda McLaughlin, Bing-(' ham; Floyd Sorenson and Mrs- Ber-1 tha Deveraux, Pleasant Grove; Mrs.1 Flora McDonald and Mrs. Luey Larson, Magna- They also have twenty-five grandchildren and five j great-grandchildren. ' i |