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Show EXCELCIS BEAUTY SCHOOL ENROLL NOW: Learn modem beauty culture pleasant, profitable work. EX'S EX-'S celcis, known nationally, offers yon many M advantages. For free catalog giving full particulars, address EXCELCIS BEAUTY SCHOOL 221 So. W. Temple Salt Lake City a THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY J Give yourself a valentine this year. If i you haven't already done go. start buying I pi Intcrmountain-made (roods exclusively. j You'll find all your needs in Intermoun tain goods and be surprised to find you tell have extra cash for things you had not ilia been able to afford when you sent your dollars too far away to return. MRS. J. M. GRENFELL, Bellcvnc. Idaho. UUI t J WRITE FOR FREE a GARDEN BOOK B SALT LAKE CITY tfggK At 400 J fg?) Utah Oil t eay Refining "del Service Stations in Utah and Idaho ferJ wfh'i Comets Slow Travelers ""a Some comets require thousands crilj of years to perform a revolution cue around the sun. ie i 'on. DIESEL POWER Y ENGINEERING SCHOOLS America's Finest and Best Equipped DIESEL Schools. We auppy loading Diesel Mf?rs. wllh men for their trade. Coll or write for particulars. I 311 NESS BUILDING, SALT LAKE .Hit 1 J J ARE YOU DRIVING ai ; i A 1910 CAR? IYI Not likely! Why, then, put ! up with old-style windows : that rattle, stick and waste ! valuable fuel? Ask your ' lumber dealer about SI-LENT1TE SI-LENT1TE America's most modern window. Morrison-Merrill & Co. Distributors ppi'jt w.. .,Tu.n. ! ' "V y- '.J-'y ' ' I j ' Wouldn't YOU Like Hens Like These? ITens Owned hy Eatrs 18 11. F. Tucker, Murray. 12 mos. 4S1I 25 It. W. ( lurk, Am. Fork, 12 mos. 7:109 27 F. J. Perry, Provo, 12 mos 7615 II 70 Hens 12 monllis' time 19,853 ,- Average production, 283.6 egs per bird y. per your. AveroRO weight of eggs, over 26 ounces per dozen in lirst yer of production. Profits depend on Production, and Production Pro-duction on Breeding and Livubility. The blood of these high-producini; bens flows through Kamshaw and Timpanogos chickfl. Tbeir sons and brollior:i ttnd oilier male birds of the same blood line, have beaded our breeding flocks for yerrrs. While legliorns, most heavy varieties, and sexed cliicks. A copy of our 1 '.1 3 5 price list and descriptive descrip-tive literature is yours or the asking. KAMSHAW HATCHEIUKS Salt Lake Cilv ( l". No. 546 TIMPANOGOS HATCIlliUY Provo, Utah C. C. No. 1206 WNU V 0 3 isiii Week No. 3506 W.N.U. Salt Lake City (t ry ff Pet week will bo paid lor Jt))J(J the best 50-word article on '"Wily you should use Intcrmountnin mado Goods" Similar to above. Send your story in prose or verse to Intermounlain Products Column, Col-umn, P. O. Box 1555 Salt Lake City. II rour story appears 'n fnt O this column you will re- 4 "S I M ccive check for jyt.VV |