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Show BALED STRAW ! 1 40c Bale : Best Alfalfa Baled Hay I I's,.- Snn-hiy ( .' li i k -rj I'.-.-. 1 for I i'-st Results. jj "Always I'liifunii " tC-' ' rtt ?- " ? rrrr- ---- r 1 i Ji UN THE CROWD j I I At The f I Big Married Folks j; I DANCE I t i ; Apollo Hall I I Monday, Feb. 11 j t CARTERS ! I ORCHESTRA E. L Drage, Floor Manager i j I i CROWDS STILL GOING j j And Popularity of j Dances Increasing. j i I SPECIALS For Friday and p H Saturday 1; ij ! fi Large Fresh Eggs' 2 j Dozen 25c j m Oranges, extra large, f each 3c B j !j Peas, can 10c k 10 lbs. Sugar 53c li White King, bar Soap 5j 10 for 30c M Lemons, 3 for 5c j H Bananas 5c lb. p n Lettuce 5c head g I Grapefruit, 3 for 10c p I Flour, per bag $1.55 & 0 Matches, 6 for 23c 1 No. 2 can Tomatoes .... 7c H Tall can DelMonte a Salmon 19c QJP. SMrAGGS j Q HERE ARE BARGAINS I .fe THAT ARE HOT FROM p Ipllft cffiPMAisrs E j lte.iipi2 A PHENOMENALLY LOW ! '01 1 Wif I'RICE ON I fro WilSlSKS 5 J . ,-j-.'-t.i i:iml j Outstanding Values 1 All other Suits Reduced fi I Children's llU.krfWMi.d lTalileofLadi.-s'Ncw Bloomers Spring Oxfords 5 Sizes 2 to 16 H J'"' ' i Special Saturday Rubbcr Sole "eel g 5 i A . 1 J H won 19c 39c $1.49 jr: I 36 Ineh Women s Crisp New Style I i n I Outing Flannel Cotton Hose House Dresses I I Special Saturday Guaranteed not to Fade I rem, 13c yard 2 25c 98c I II ry c Chipmae Merc. Co 3 I JL ,the II lil I III II II II Hi I 'I I I1 II II YITTf-irr III I I I l III inn iiii.i mi mil, i 3m" 3 Call 224-J i FOR : PEERLESS i j COAL I Direct from Mine to Your Bin Hoggard Grain I and Coal I W. E. HOGGARD, Manager jj 55 East 1st South WEEKLY PROGRAM The Amusement Center for the Towns of Northern Utah Co. c-v.x.nm o FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 AND 9 "TRANSATLANTIC MERRY-GO-ROUND" With JACK BENNY & NANCY CARROLL Mystery! Comedy! Music! In one grand picture with fifteen grand Stars! An ocean trip that will rock you with laugh and thrills ! ALSO GOOD SHORTS Matinee Sat. 3:30 p. m. Adm. 10c Evenings Only 10c and 15c SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 11 & 12 The Musical Romanes That Held Broadmy la ' f Its Enchanted Spell for S3 Capacity "Weeks J Now Immortollisd qo the Screen by; Warner Bro Master Producers o!)$kabl B 1"-', fev" tt"m I '"u. " X M ) I x W (s "P o- A - -ilmM j Wilb 111 world-lamcua Jaromt Sere & Oieot j ' Hammsnilein II seng hits mdudinq "HZHE AM I". . I "WHY VAS I CORN" . "DO NT EVES LEAVE ME" J . AND U STARS . HUNDRED'S OF 8IBLS ALSO LAUREL & HARDY IN THELR LATEST COMEDY "TIT FOR TAT" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 AND 14 BARGAIN NIGHTS Madv Christians The Brilliant New Star In "A WICKED WOMAN" You'll open your heart to the glamorous actress who makes her first screen appearance. Yoti'll cheer her in her first magnificent performance. also "Rustlers of Red Dog" "WITH JOHN MACK BROAYX Admission Only 10c Coming Eddie Cantor In "KID MILLIONS" SEED BARLEY . AND ;P Seed Wheat S Raised from Certified Grain. ! Also good grade w ALFALFA SEED Chipman and I f Robinson j I Telephone 75, Am. Fork wjjpawwr'.TVB-rTa WW IB JVLJ ic j Ray T. Elsmore I t ATTORNET-AT-LAW t I GENERAL PRACTICE I I Office moved to City Attorneys i office in City Hall. i f i I PHONE 191 ' ,,.,...., . . . t i I Auto Insurance : at a Saving . . . , : ""-INSURAJVCE Echange . Chad wick's Insurance Service American Fork, Utah PHONE 130-J "I You Can Get Butter Substitutes 10 bars White King Soap .... 30e 2 pounds Macaroni 15c 2 pounds Spaghetti 15c 3 cans Campbells Soup 25c Best "Wisconsin Cheese, lb. 25c 3 cans Lye 25c 2 pounds Powdered Sugar 13c 2 pounds Brown Sugar 13c 10 pounds Sugar 54c 1 can Shrimps 13c Large can Pink Salmon .... 11c Jello 6c Butter, pound 40c and 42c Boley's Inc. YOUR HOME STORE TELEPHONE 4 WE DELIVER 1 The Green Pitcher I ,1 NOW OPEN i 1 Try Our 3gO I THy Of Beer i ; Each Pitcher Holds Four 10-Oz. Glasses I Light Lunches & Car Service I J 1 BETTY HERRON, Operator Located First Curve' West of xlmerican Fork. q u |