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Show Pimples on Fac fcSever Could 8 Siav Healed by Cuticura i "Three years ago my face a' arms broke out with a skin eruptl y, that was followed by largo, red pi h pies. They festered and went ; over my face and arms. They Itch i and burned and I could never slia' Jj I lost much rest at night with the y "Nothing I tried helped very mm -Then I saw an advertisement 1 Outlcura Soap and Ointment a purchased them. I used about fc F cakes of Cuticura Soap and one a s-a s-a half boxes of Cuticura OIntmc ; and now I feel like a new man. am completely healed." (Slgne Harry It. Hall, 3958 14th Ave., B mingham, Ala., Jan. 20, 1934. Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 5i Talcum 25e. Sold Everywhere. 0 sample each free. Address: "Cm cura Laboratories, Dept. It, Malde! Mass." Adv. Jjj Relieve the distressing U symptoms by applying llf Men! holatum in nostrils HI and rubbing on chest. w WEAK AND MISERABLE Mrs. J. E. Ekstrom . VV 215 W. Oak St., 0Kde f ; Utah, said : "I sullen v -L rom "'regularity. I fe Q I weak and tired all the whi Ej-V Jfe - and had pains in the srru t - of my back. I used D k j? Pierce's Favorite Prescri) ciii mc and helped to rid me i " the feminine trouble, grew stronger felt like a different person. Write Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. V for free medical advice. PARKER'S &SPI HAIR BALSAM Removes DandrofT-StopflHolrFalllr njV,,'.VT Impart Color and tjKSjv fc-Ji Beauty to Gray and Faded Ha RbSSWr-Sl Wt and SI .00 at UraeniaU. t''&A X jHlaco Chem. Wkfl.. PnlchoKuo.N.1 FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for UB8 connectionwith Parker's Hair BaUam.Makes tl hair soft and fluffy. GO cents by mail or at drui gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patihosue, N. 1 X, Tour .own druggist is author-X f I ized to cheerfully refund your I money on the spot if you are 1 Anot relieved by Creomulsionf-s FEEL Mil, ACHY-"flLL ACHY-"flLL WORE! HIT?" " Get Rid of Poisons That Make You 111 IS a constant backache keeping you miserable? Do you suffer burning', scanty or too frequent urination; attacks of dizziness, rheumatic pains, swollen feet and ankles? Do you. feel tired, nervous all unstrung? Then give some thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function properly, for functional kidney disorder dis-order permits poisons to stay in the blood and upset the whole system. sys-tem. Use Doan's Pills. Doan's are for the kidneys only. They help the kidneys cleanse the blood of health-destroying health-destroying poisonous waste. Doan's Pills are used and recommended the world over. Get them from any druggist. DOflfl'S PILLS NIP THAT-Zpl COLD JuT CLEANSE INiiRNAllYf.-.-i Doctors advise: "Tha ""3 moment a cold sets in, -.v . eat sparinqly. CLEANSE ViV)ff INTERNALLY." A cup y7l S of Garfield Tea will re- ' l Nft lieve constipation, help break the cold's hold. '"ffftia Incidentally cleans out jiaS the system, increases iopll''flml your resistance At .f0 rr drugstores 2Sc& 10c. ftJVio OLD AGE PENSION INFORMATION BNULOSH STAMP JUDGE LEHMAN, HUMUOLDT, KANS. SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY Radio for Every Room A 200 Rooms-'200 Baths A . tfiw' ' 'J;J, "'v , " '4 1 Iff 1 , J3 ff - -1. ! I HOTEL Temp!e Square Rates $1.50 to $3.00 0 The Hotel Temple Square has a highly desirable, friendly atmosphere. atmos-phere. You will always tind it immaculate, immac-ulate, supremely comfortable, ana . thoroughly agreeable.You can therefore there-fore understand why this hotel Is: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED You can also appreciate why: It's a mark of distinction to atop at this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C. ROSSITER. MgrA 0r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women Btrong. No alcohol. Sold by druggists in tablets or liquid. Adv. l vfe' For delicious chocolate layer cake sure to use our pure, effective Bak- mmisx ill fih' - s, 'f&ZSi fStl . , ... , , . . IRP . DESCRIBING USES OF BAKING SOW gV ' WnMW1 ) m9 Soda tiWrWm ... is specified by cooking authorities & for all baked f M ; ijfilT'ilnV r delicacies such as devil's food, steamed pudding, JsiC'Lfe lemon loaf cake. Our f j I hWfilW i Soda, a necessity in the kitchen, is helpful throughout the home ...is often W 'JsJ'JJIoV prescribed by (3f physicians . . . Keep an extra package in the 'li medicine gE " j cabinet . . .Your grocer has it. Just a few cents a package . . . Mail the coupon. Binthyelti846 |