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Show Around the World In Music By "Doc" Linebaugh Monday evening in Lincoln and Pleasant Grove and Wednesday evening eve-ning in Lehi and American Fork, the public enjoyed a presentation of "Around the World in Music-" This program was sponsored by the Alpine school board and was presented pre-sented by the music departments from the four high schools in the Alpine district. Monday evening Superintendent Gourley conducted the program at Lincoln and Supervisor Leo Hansen conducted it at Pleasant Grove, i Mr- Anderson's group from Lehi, presented Spanish dances and mus-sic- The group from Lincoln, under the supervision of Mr. Vernon, presented pre-sented a theme using music from Hawaii. Scotch and Irish music were presented by Mr- Bird's group from American Fork. At Pleasant Grove, the evening's entertainment was brought to a climax with American Amer-ican music, presented by a group of fiftv students fro mthe Pleasant Grove high school, under Mr- Beck's supervision. In American music, the rise of the curtain revealed a group of Indians. At the opening of a wigwam, an Indian brave sat beating a drum and an Indian Chief was doing an Indian dance- This was interrupted interrupt-ed by the entrance of the Puritans j who sang "The Breaking Waves ) Dash High." Then the Indian Chief sang "Indian Love Call" and was answered by an Indian maiden. A girls' quartet, an Indian maiden and the group sang "Indian Moon Song," and then all left the stage. The Negroes entered and an old Negro mammy sang "My Old Ken-j Ken-j tucky Home " A Negro sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" accompanied by the chorus. A quartet and the chorus sang "Old Black Joe" and the Negroes exited- In conclusion color guards entered en-tered with the Indians, Puritans, Negroes and Westerners, and all j sang "America." The theme of the American story I was worked out by A. P- Warnick, ' Ruby Williams, and directed by E-A. E-A. Beck. |