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Show Mr. and Mrs. Max Nielsen are the happy parents of a baby boy, bom Monday morning. Mother and babe are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs- A- W. Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. J- I. Wilson and family were in Nephi Sunday in attendance attend-ance at the funeral of Mr- Wilson's father, John Wilson, of that city-James city-James Bodell of Salt Lake spent last week-end here with his grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Martha H. Chipman. Joseph Miller, who for the past eight weeks has been confined to his bed following a fall on ice in which he fractured a pelvic bone, is doing well, although it will be some time yet before he will be able to be about. The many friends of Jesse Green will regret to learn that his condition condi-tion does not improve and he is gradually growing weaker. Mr-Green Mr-Green has been confined to his bed the past several months-Mr. months-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Douglas of Salt Lake City axe the proud parents par-ents of a baby son, -born last Saturday Satur-day afternoon in the Holy Cross Hospital. Mrs. Douglas before her marriage was Miss Wilma Stice of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stice. Mother and baby are doing well. . Mr. Ground Hog, who enjoys the honor of being a forecaster of early or late springs, crawled out of his winter habitation last Saturday, the official date of his spring debut, and peering into a cloudless sky, became panicky at his shadow and scooted back for another six weeks nap. 'Tis said had he gazed at overcast "skies, spring would be six weeks earlier and now we are supposed to be in for six weeks of winter. The Feality Club was entertained Thursday afternoon of last week by Mrs. Thelma Marrott of Pleasant Grove at the James Varney home here. Three tables of bridge were played the high score prize being won by Mrs. Walter Steffen, mem-! mem-! ber, and Mrs. John Wing, special guest. A delicious lunch was served at the small tables. Mrs. Lanard Haag Sr. received word of the death of an uncle, Dr. Irwin S. Townsend, one of Detroit, Michigan's oldest physicians, a famed fam-ed traveler, and descendent of the English statesman, Charles Town-send, Town-send, who as minister of King George m, did much to bring about the Revolutionary war. Dr. Town-send Town-send for many years took an active ac-tive part in political affairs, participating partici-pating in the campaign of General IT. S. Grant for President in 1872 and later in the campaign of General Gene-ral Benjamin Harrison. In addition to his medical and political career, he attained fame as an artist, had two of his musical compositions published pub-lished and was famed as a world traveler and collector of art which he acquired in his travels which took him to practically every country coun-try in the world. |