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Show Alpine News Mrs. Leonard Bates, Reporter ' Miss Ida Healey, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Prank Healey, of this City, and Howard Harper of Pleasant Grove, were married last week and are receiving the congratulations of their many friends in their respective respec-tive towns. A fine baby son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams Wednesday night of last week. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Wild are the proud parents of a winsome little daughter, which arrived at their home early Sunday morning. All concerned are doing nicely. Tlie Alpine Dramatic club took their show, "Polly of the Circus", to the Salt Lake Fifth ward last Friday night and put on a splendid performance. They had an audience of about 400. They were treated very fine by the Salt Lake people, who will bring a return show to this ward next Wednesday night. Mrs. Loy Beck entertained the Young Mothers club at her home Thursday afternoon of last week. The usual activities were engaged in after which a dainty - lunch was served. Last Sunday evening the choir from the Hawthorne ward of Salt Lake, gave a splendid musical program pro-gram in the ward chapel here. The music ,and the words were composed by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frisbie, who are both well known here. Mr. Frisbie Fris-bie is the leader of the Hawthorne Choir. Mrs. Leland Beck entertained the Happy Dozen club at her home Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon. Needlework and social chat were engaged in after w-hich a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Healey are visiting this week with their daughter daugh-ter and 'son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Hall, at Magna. The Alpine ward Gold and Green ball was held last night. Miss May Strong was queen with Miss Mildred Muir and Miss Fae Clark as attendants, attend-ants, Hollis Bates page, and Marilyn Mari-lyn Devey crown bearer, Cleone Bateman and Luella Bennett flower girls. |