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Show Bert S'cott and son of Hollywood, California, visited here during the ; past week with Mr- Scott's brother, Chris Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hayes and family and the mother of Mr. Hayes of Provo, were visitors here Monday with Mrs. Rose H. Grant I Lynn, 15 year old son of Oscar Hunter, is ill at the family residence resi-dence suffering from cerebral meningitis. men-ingitis. The young man is now doing do-ing better and all indications are favorable for recovery. Jack Iverson underwent an operation oper-ation for apepndicitis Monday in the U- S. Veterans Hospital in Salt Lake. The operation was successful success-ful and Mr. Iverson is doing well-Mr. well-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald are the happy parents of a son, born In the Lehi hospital January 28th, Mrs- McDonald and the baby are expected to return to their, home here today. Master Tedi Barratt, 8, son of Mr-and. Mr-and. Mrs- Thomas A. Barratt, is greatly improved. The lad has been seriously 111 with acute nephitis, but the last few days have brought a decided improvement In his condition-Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Byron Crookston and son, Elden, Mr. and Mrs- M. L- Baird and child, enjoyed en-joyed a very pleasant motor trip down into Carbon county. While 1 in Kennilworth they visited with Miss Lenore Crookston. The death of Jack Carson, 19, student of the State Training' school, occured last Saturday in the Lehi hospital- The youth was removed to the hospital from the school suffering suf-fering from infection resulting from an ulcerated tooth. He was the son of Mrs- Litha Carson of v Salt Lake, where the body was taken and services were held and burial made- The School Chums club met Thursday afternoon as guests of Mrs. Orin Ashton. Sewing and social so-cial chat were enjoyed during the afternoon followed by a hot supper served in the early evening by the hostess. Covers were laid for eighteen, eigh-teen, including Mesdames Roy Ol-sen, Ol-sen, Mattie Kirkpatrick, Jennie Gordon, Gor-don, Mary Ann Boley and Lawrence Ashton, who were special guests. Mrs- G. A. Anderson was hostess to the ladies of the Bee Orchis club and several special guests Thursday Thurs-day afternoon of last week- Progressive Pro-gressive Monte Carlo Whist was the main diversion after which a delicious de-licious lunch was served at the small tables. In addition to the members present the special guests were Mesdames Lawrence Briggs, Bert Adamson, Thomas Coddington, Codding-ton, and A. B. Allen- Among those from out-of-town attending at-tending the funeral services of Nathan M- Thornton here Monday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Geo-Hayes, Geo-Hayes, Mr- and Mrs. Earl Thornton, of Rigby, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Moffett, Mr- and Mrs. N- A. Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. E. M- Anderson An-derson of Burley, Idaho; Mrs- Hannah Han-nah Nielsen, Twin Falls, Idaho; Mr- and Mrs. I- C- Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Nielsen and John Posey of Murray; Mr. and Mrs. George Hol-man Hol-man and Mrs- William Shelton; Messrs- and Mesdames I. W- Fox, William Trinnaman, Jr., George F. Barnes, H. C. Evans, James C. Gough. John Laveder, T- H- South-worth, South-worth, Leo Trinnaman and Thomas Trinnaman; Mesdames E. B- Garrett. Gar-rett. W. H- Johnson, C. L. Johnson, Maud Udell. Chester Smith, Luther Coates, Wallace Sorenson, and R. I-Johnson, I-Johnson, Miss Mavis Johnson, William Will-iam Trinnaman, Sr., and Homer Trinnaman, all of Lehi. |