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Show A. F. H. S. NEWS Wednesday, February 6, the four high schools of this district presented present-ed 'their twenty minute skits to the American Fork and Lehi patrons. The skits were presented to the public pub-lic of Lincoln and Pleasant Grove, Monday. Each school was given a nationality to portray. Those nationalities na-tionalities demonstrated were Irish, Scotch, Spanish, American and Oriental. Or-iental. After the entertainment, a social was held in the American Fork High School Gym for those who participated. par-ticipated. . Last Friday the basketball team won their second victory. The game was played with Lincoln at the Lincoln Lin-coln high school. The game this week was played Thursday in the American Fork Gym with Provo as the apponents. , The Pep Rally last Friday consis-, consis-, ted of the following numbers: 1. Stunt by members of the Sophomore Sopho-more class. 2. Music from the band. 3. Vocal duet, Virginia Shelley and Evelyn Peck. ' 4. Talk, Coach Ingersoll. 5. Stunt by a group of Senior students. stu-dents. 6. Talk, E. Ray Gardner. 1. Vocal trio, Arland Bashton, King Drysdale and Howard Nelson. 8. Talk by Willard Devitt, a member mem-ber of the basketball team. 9. Dance by Jehet Baird, accompanied accom-panied by Lydia Olsen. 0 1 |