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Show Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jesse Burch, the ladies of the Feality Club entertained in honor hon-or of Mrs. Mark Osterloh of Stockton, Stock-ton, California, who is a visitor here. Bridge was played at four tables, following which a tasty lunch was served, "pot-luck" style. There were sixteen present. June Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Davis, was operated upon up-on Thursday of last week in the Lehi hospital for acute appendicitis. appendici-tis. Elden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. The Merry Makers Club met at the home of Mrs. Leo T. Shelley Friday afternoon last. The time was spent in sewing and games, Mrs. Laura Spratley winning the first prize. Special guests were Miss May Greenwood and Mrs. Jane Nielsen. Delicious refreshments were served. , The birthday Tuesday of Mrs. Bert Timpson was the occasion for a family dinner at their home. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Timpson and two children, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bate and son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Timpson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Timpson and son Maurice of this city. That evening ' ten of Mrs. Timpson's friends came in and spent the evening. Games were enjoyed followed by a dainty lunch. |