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Show M. I. A. Banquet Very Pleasing Event The amusement hall of the stake tabernacle presented a most pleasing sight Monday night when some two hundred M Men and Gleaner Girls of this stake as well as class leaders, stake and ward authorities surrounded sur-rounded the beautifully decorated tables. The party was the annual M Men-Gleaner Girls banquet, and in every detail was a most successful success-ful and delightful affair. The hall and tables were artistically artis-tically decorated in a Valentine theme, the colors of red and white being effectively used in the designs and symbols appropriate for the season. On the tables were large hearts with tapering streamers, and at intervals along the table were burning long red tapers in Valentine holders. Each place was marked by an appropriate favor. The orchestra stand was cleverly decorated in the predominating colors accentuated by a large Valentine Valen-tine heart in front. The back ground was of the M. I. A. colors in gold and green velvet bearing the M. I. A. insignia. While the guests were being seated seat-ed and during the forepart of the banquet hour all were entertained with music played by a trio of B. Y. U. students, Miss Ann Clayson, violinist, vio-linist, Miss Lotta Paxman, celloist and Miss Naomi Halliday, pianist. Misses Clayson and Halliday are Gleaner Girls of this stake. Eldred Nicholes, as master of ceremonies cere-monies bid all welcome and following follow-ing the invocation offered by Paui Christensen, introduced Eli K. Clayson, Clay-son, who took charge as toastmaster. Mr. Clayson occupied this position most creditably making everyone at ease by putting all in a gay mood with humorous stories sprung at intervals during the evening. The program included two vocal solos by Miss Lotta Paxman of Provo, and two violin solos by Miss Ann Clayson, footh accompanied by Miss Halliday. Miss Paxman .sang "All For You" and "The Cuckoo Clock" and Miss Clayson's selections were "The World Is Waiting For the Sun Rise" and "Pale Moon". The toast and tribute to the Gleaner Glean-er Girls was given by Sherman Wing M Man of the Third ward, and Miss Winnifred Babcock, Gleaner Girl of the First ward responded. A prognostication prog-nostication of the women of the future was given by Clifford Young Jr., M Man of the Second ward, and Leigh Ingersoll, and Fred Bowen, M Men of the Fourth and First wards told humorous stories. The guest speaker of the evening, G. Ott Romney of the Brigham Young University, in a jovial mood, told the young people how to get joy out of life. Mr. Romney in his usual clever manner, told of his participation par-ticipation in Boston grand opera while a Harvard student when he made his debut in "Aida". In a more serious strain Mr. Romney Rom-ney urged the young men and women wo-men assembled to make a happy "memory book" whose pages they could figuratively turn in later years with pleasure and contentment. "Many people", he said, "find a great deal of pleasure in collecting priceless price-less bits of china, works of art, rare books, etc., all of which are perishable, perish-able, whereas beautiful memories remain throughout all of life." He stressed the part the M. I. A. is playing in preparing its members for more leisure time which adjustment adjust-ment of the economic conditions of the future is bound to bring, he said. What to do pleasantly and profitably profita-bly with leisure time, the M. I. A. is teaching in a variety of ways. Mr. Romney was lavish in his praise and commendation on the preparation made for the banquet and party and said he would retain this event as one of his most happy memories. The banquet was prepared by the ladies of the Third ward Relief Society So-ciety and served by Junior girls of the four wards. Dancing occupied the remainder of the evening. A great deal of the credit for the party's success is due Eldred Nicholes Nich-oles and Miss Grace Parker, stake presidents of the M Men and Gleaner Glean-er Girls organizations, and their committees of vailing workers selected select-ed from the six wards of the stake. To Ralph Garrett and Wendell Noyes and Miss Parker and Miss Christine Ramsay and their committee com-mittee goes special commendation for the beauty of the decorations. Mrs. Mabel Nelson and Norman B. Wing supervised the preparations, being the stake leaders. o |