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Show Pleasant Grove Locals j Mrs. Pearl Wadley entertained at a quilting Friday afternoon and evening. eve-ning. The Timpanogos stake will foster a temple excursion Thursday, February Feb-ruary 7th. Mrs. Kate Jacobs went to the L-D. L-D. S. hospital Wednesday for medical medi-cal treatment-Vance treatment-Vance Smith of Magna is visiting visit-ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford Walker and family. Mrs- Merle Coombs left Sunday night for an indefinite trip to Washington Wash-ington to visit with her son. Mrs. R. D. McKell of Heber has been isiting the past week with her sister, Mrs- James D- Thorne. Mrs. Josie Walker was hostess to the ladies of the Mothers Club Thursday afternoon at her home-Mr. home-Mr. and Mrs. Gunner Rasmussen of Logan were guests Sunday of Mrs- Rasmussen's mother, Mrs. Eleanor El-eanor West-Mr. West-Mr. and Mrs- Reed Coulam of Idaho Falls, Idaho, returned home Sunday night after visiting for four days with relatives here and at Provo. Jesse Walker returned Wednesday from a month's visit with old friends at Toronto, Canada. He left Thursday for Salt Lake City where he is employed- Mrs. Mary Cooper and Mrs- Cora Atwood of the stake Relief Society Board, were visitors at the Windsor ward Relief Society last Tuesday afternoon. af-ternoon. Mr. and Mrs- J. R. Halliday returned re-turned Saturday from a week's visit with their son, John, at Provo. They were in regular attendance at the leadership programs. Mrs- Fern Bigelow and children of Wallsburg were guests from Friday Fri-day of last week until Wednesday of Mrs. Bigelow's parents, bishop and Mrs- D. B- Thorne of Lindon. The scout masters and assistants of the Lindon ward entertained the scouts and their parents at a program pro-gram and social in the Lindon hall Tuesday evening. In honor of Robert Mitchell's sixty-fifth birthday a surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Bryant Hicks on Thursday evening. A birthday birth-day cake with sixty-five candles formed the centerpiece. Places were set for sixteen. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and fam-ilv. fam-ilv. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Lee and Mrs- Chastina Walker is visiting friends in Los Angeles. Mr- and Mrs. Thomas Jacobs left Monday for a trip to California, Mi-, and Mrs. Wesley Jense and baby son, Gary, were Ogden visitors Monday. Mrs. L. A- Bacigloupe and Mr. and Mrs. Aston were guests of Mrs. Mary Peterson Sunday- The Boy Scouts of the Manila ward are planning to hold a dance at their ward amusement hall on Valentine day, February 14th- Mrs. W. W. Norton, Mrs- A. G. Gorham, Mrs. Green and Mrs-Holmes Mrs-Holmes of Salt Lake City visited with Mrs- Mary Peterson Friday afternoon- C- L- Wright and James D. Thorne made a business trip to S'alt Lake City Wednesday for the Pleasant Grove Canning company. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Ellsworth, Mr. and Mrs. W- J. Ellsworth and Mrs-Genevieve Mrs-Genevieve Ellsworth were guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. James D- Thorne. Mr. and Mrs. J- Sanford Walker accompanied their son, David, to Salt Lake City last Saturday night, to bid him goodbye Sunday morning. morn-ing. He left for a mission to the Samoan Islands. Mr. and Mrs- Dan Swenson and sons, Roy and Dan, of Logan, Mrs-Ruth Mrs-Ruth Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George Swenson and Mr. and Mrs- Burton Warnick of Salt Lake City were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs- H. V. Swenson and family- The Timpanogos stake monthly meeting of the M. I- A. board was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mr- and Mrs. H- W. Clark- After the business had been taken care of a social hour and refreshments were enjoyed. Mrs. Horace Culmer had the misfortune mis-fortune last Tuesday, January 29, to fall in her yard and break her left arm between the wrist and the elbow- After ten days of pain and discomfort, Mrs. Culmer is reported to be getting along nicely. The marriage of Howard Harper, son of Mr. and Mrs. A- B- Harper, and Ida Healy of Alpine, has recently re-cently been announced- The young couple left soon after their marriage mar-riage for Pheonix, Arizona, to make their home. Mr. Harper is employed em-ployed there- , n family, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Fowles and family, Mrs. Mary Jeppson and Mr. end Mrs. Bryant Hicks and family. fam-ily. A program was given by the guests and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Miss Reva Downs will leave soon for Barstow, California, to aid her brother, Alfred, in a Cafe business there. Miss Erva Wright gave a social in her honor Monday evening. eve-ning. Mr- and Mrs. G. E. Sandgren of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. H- V-Swenson V-Swenson were guests of Mrs- Jennie Newman Swenson of Salt Lake last Saturday to celebrate Mrs Swen-son's Swen-son's husband's birthday. The Sharon ward will present "Green Shirts," at the Third ward amusement hall Friday evening-This evening-This fine play was presented at the i S'econd ward amusement hall Saturday Sat-urday evening to a large and appreciative appre-ciative audience-Miss audience-Miss Rhea Johnson, who was called home about three weeks ago on account of the serious illness of her mother, returned to her school work at Cedar City Sunday evening. eve-ning. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilton and daughter, Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hilton and Mrs- Ethel West motored to Ogden Monday to visit with their aunt and sister, Mrs. Nellie Hilton Tanner, who is seriously ser-iously ill. Mrs. Archie Boren was hostess to the ladies auxilary of the Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove fire department Monday evening. The time wras spent in games and social chat- A delicious lunch was served- The firemen Joined the ladies at the lunch hour. Mrs. F- C. Shoell was called to Arizona the last of the week on account ac-count of the illness of her daughter, Louise Shoell Tobler. On Friday, February 1. Mr. and Mrs. Don Tobler Tob-ler and family returned home with Mrs. Shoell- Mrs- Tobler will re-1 main here for medical treatment. Mrs. Ora Cunningham. Miss Edna Ed-na Shelley, Miss Fern Jude. Miss Kathryn Grow, Miss Hilda Knudsen and Mrs. B. M. Jolly, lady members j of the Lincoln high school, were i hostesses at a dinner and social at j the Hotel Roberts in Provo Monday j evening. The book, "The King's I Henchmen." was reviewed by Mrs. I Howyard- Those attending from I Pleasant Grove were Mrs. Karl Banks. Mrs. Calvin Walker. Mrs. I Ernest Clayton and Mrs- A. J. Rogers. |