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Show Young Wife Dies From Heart Attack Mrs. Jessie Davis Gillespie, 24, passed away at 5:30 o'clock last Saturday morning in the Lehi hospital hos-pital after a lingering illness of heart ailment. Death came as a release from months of suffering. She was the wife of Albert Gillespie. The deceased was bom in American Ameri-can Fork, September 3, 1910, a daughter of the late John H. and Jeanette Adamson Davis. She attended at-tended the schools here. In October Octob-er of 1928 she was married to Albert Al-bert Gillispie of Provo and they spent the major part of their married mar-ried life in that city. Soon after returning to Duchesne after the death of her father last spring, Mrs. Gillespie became very ill and was brought to American Fork where she has since resided. 1 She is survived by her husband a step mother, Mrs. J. H. Davis, and the following brothers and sisters: sis-ters: David Davis, Howell Davis, Mrs. Ethel Gammell and Mi's. Fern Peay of American Fork; Hiram Davis Da-vis and Reed Davis of Susanville, California; Mrs. Mae Kautzman of Butte, Montana, and Mrs. Hannah Snow of Los Angeles. There was a large attendance Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon at the funeral services held in the First ward chapel commencing at 2 o'clock with Counselor O-rval C. Mercer of the ward bishopric in charge. The profusion pro-fusion of flowers which banked the rostrum gave evidence of the respect and sympathy felt for the bereaved husband, brothers and sisters. A mixed chorus under the direction direc-tion of J. T. Young sang "Resting Now From Care and Sorrow", with Mrs. Alex Karren as accompanist. S. F. Grant offered the invocation following fol-lowing which Rulon Nicholes rendered rend-ered a vocal solo "Whispering Hope" with Mrs. Owen Humphries as accompanist. ac-companist. The speakers were former Bishop James T. Gardner, and E. J. Sea-strand Sea-strand of this city; and Bishop Walter Wal-ter Whitehead of the Provo First ward. Brief remarks at the close were made by Mr. Mercer. Interspersing the speakers remarks were a vocal solo, "Come Unto Me When Shadows Darkly Gather" sung by Reed Davis, accompanied by Miss Lydia Olsen, and a violin solo "O Dry Those Tears" rendered by Milton Mil-ton Brown, accompanied by Mrs. Humphries. The closing musical selection was "Sometime, Somewhere" Some-where" sung by a ladies chorus, accompanied ac-companied by Mrs. Karren. . The benediction was pronounced by Leo T. Shelley. Interment was made in the City cemetery where the prayer of dedication dedi-cation at the graveside was offered by Bishop T. A. Greenwood. o |