Show 4 Tlla onn raLLO rlCfllO A hur1 aad aJobl Aise Is Rees llttfttt The picnic ball and day of amusement amuse-ment arranged for by the Odd Yellows of Coalvllle came off at the City Iark on Saturday last and It was a credit to the committee to the order and lo the city f Not single thing occurred that would I in any way detract from the pleasure of the day and no part of the pionram I which had Wen arranged for was omitted or alighted It was an occasion tint gave opportunity I oppor-tunity to all Coalvllle and adjoining towns to meet ai a large family become better acquainted I and spend A pleaiant I day with each other Kverybudy wai welcome and everything was free for all I and In taking the Initiatory In Ihli rnoit commendable object tbe Odd Fellows I have net an example whIch we hope alit bo followed by other A great many cities have adopted the plan of Saturday half hollday and the result In every Initauco hiss proved beneficial The attendance lilt Saturday was Clattering almost If not quite ai large a e on National holiday occasions All went prepared with well filled lunch baskets which wets opened np I at 1 oclock and anybody went hungry he was no huiller The cricket game was the Out sport Indulged In and was decidedly interest log What tho writer didnt know teat cricket would stock a community with Information but before thus game was out wo bad learned all about leg alorethowlckel bye wide nu ball f tc The gamertriultcd in a victory lor the First Eleven composed of many of the old cricketers At I oclock tho Coahlllo Iliac Band came out and urnlihtd music for the day and after luncheon the children child-ren dance was announced l In the pavilion pa-vilion and the little folks had I merry time uf It for over an tour A few minor iporti were Indulged Inn In-n then tho baseball gamo between the old rival tho Married M Single men was called In thus game the married men didnt do a thing to the single men the scorn at the finish Hand Ins 21 lo 0 In favor of the former lly the way w e havent heard much about baseball since It understood that two Inulngiat cricket were lobe played but owing to the limited time the second Inning was i deferral until after the ball game when It wai played out In the morning time the score stood OS to 27 In favor of the Flrit Eleven In the afternoon the Second Eleven went to bat and made 1 41 rum bringing their core up to CO the First Eleven then made enough to psitlhliicoro and were declared the victor The bowling by Wm lull and Mttlhla for the Second Eleven and by Jsinea nand W D UoblDIOD for the Pint easbronouocel by old cricketer ai very good A dance In the pavilion at night ended end-ed the program and all went home well pleated and satisfied THE iHICKKT UM Wu were unable to obtain the oRlclal core 01 the second Inning but the lint Inning was ai ollowa Kirst 11 Hwnlnion 11 runs bowled by Hall caught out hjr llnddow JHIIICI HoUlninn to runs Inwleil and caniiht out by Menile Hainucl Clark 1 run boll 11 out by Hall J Jumps fi runs Ixiwleil II by Slalthlaecaught II nut by Hull i rh min llyrum Hale I 9 runs bowli by hall ceugmt out br llulfmlri Joseph Jones 4runi tuna try rd by Mitlthlai out by Shaw W Uublnson I 0 bunted by Mntthlas nut by Huirmlre H All rOod U howled out by 1 Hall Win Marilmll 0 Ml at tho bat J A Smith 0 bowled by IUhlu out by Iliddow I Orson Arnold bowled out by W I 6IT Mtthlnt Vides 3 lyre o Total 115 JHohlnson Bnondll out K Hawloy by VV Oi 11 1 bowled Itobliiion by Itoy Wllkinei1 1 liualortwlckiH bowl rut by J icolilnson J Iliddow I bow led nut bv W n Koblnson Ann Wllron I 2 bowled by J HobliiMii 1 out byHnalnran i MatthUt 1 bowled I 1 out by W n Itobliiion Jut Shaw 0 bawled l out by J Itoblnson Ullulf mire 2 bowled nut by J Robinson VI 12JI W ti Htockmn oft bowled I i out by I > Itoblnson llenjaiuln Llloyd 11 I I hilt at bat Wm Hall 0 bowled out by W n Itobinson Ilobert Mcnile 2 bowled bowl-ed out by W II Itobliiion Wide 1 byei 2 Total 27 DAIIDAIL TIIK COK < MAnaiin An n io A a KHcaublen II 7 2 0 0 I VnnBwvurlngen 31 7 3 I 0 0 I Mark Hopkins ss c f U 2 13 0 tf 8 ploy Wilkins p I u 4 1 1 1 n llulCiiiIre Ib II I 4 10 1 0 John Unibu 0 2 11 2 I I J A Smith rf C 2 0 o I Carl Alllron met U 1 a 1 2 Jai Hoblnxm 2b 0 2 a 4 I Total 60 21 27 IS I 8 IXflLIC An x ro A Ie Joe Salmon o 4 1 II 1 2 J James p Ib 4 0 U 1f 1I I Ceo Williams 11 4 0 I f I > 2 flee Crnmplon rf p 4 I 0 a I UvlSavakfltilb 4 I 4 1 I W Htgnall 2b 4 I II 3 I Italia Wnlktr 3b rf 1 0 1 2 J IIIITI III iir ITI l i M AWrlcht Ill 4 1 3 I 1 HldrwUi n cf 4 1 1 0 01 Total Stl fl I 27 17 9 klOIIK Ivy INNINde tHIIl7811 Married 0 2 I 0 6 4 W 2 I 0 Ilt Single 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 3 1 U StrlkrculiillyWilkliis by Jnmct 4 by Oromnlnn 2 Itnroon I bnlli Uir d Wilklni Ijnir l J inp 2s oirCruinptun 1 Left on b imiMiurhdji Klnijlo 4 Uecclpt Ixitiki 100 In book finale this t-his olllro |