Show One or lni > rnir < Clems The placo to take the true measure of a man la not In the market place or on the corner nor the forum or tire Hold but itt hit own llreslde Tlisrohc lay aside Ills mask and you may learn whether ho It Imp or Angel king or a humbug I care not what the world aye whether It I crowns him with glory or pelt hint with bed eggs I cart not a copper what hli repulatlontor religion maybe If hit babies dread his coming and file boiler half swallows her heart every time she asks him for a f5 bill he ii a fraud of tho first water oven though lie prays night and morn till he Is black In the face and shouts hallelujah till he shakes the eternal hllli lint It his children run to the front gate to greet him and loves own sunshine Ilium mutes the face of his wife when she bun bit footfall you can take it for granted that he Ii I true gold bla home U heaven and the humbug never gets that near the great white throne of Gal Ha may be a rank albelit and a red flag anarchist and a mugwump i he may bay votes In blocks of five and bet OD the election i he may dealm trout the bottom and drink beer until he cant tell a silver dollar from a circular taw and itill he Ii I an Inflnatelr bettor man than the cowardly humbug who Ii all airily but who mikes Home a hell who vents on the helpless head of wife and children tho 111 nature he would like to Inflict on his fellow men but dares not I ran forgive much In that fellow mortal who would rather make men wear than women weep who would rather have the hate of the whole world than the contempt of hli wife who would rather call anger to the eye of a king than fear to the face of a child It Ingcrioll |