Show I Id aehuut Coorease Sunday School Conference convener I at 1eoa June 10 at 10 a m at I Marchanta Hall John Hoyden County Superintendent pretldlng Elders ko < loddard and Ir K G Maeterol the DaavreV Sunday School Union Hoard were In attendance The usual opening eiercUr were had Pup lloyden made a few Introductory remarks Kamaa and Hock port Sunday school wero reported The Intermediate department 01 rVanilitp Sunday school went through very creditably an nxerclie on tieIlfa of JoMph Appropriate remnrka were made br riupta Mae lor and Goddard At 2 p m after the opening exercises reports were heard from teo and Perk City Sunday nchoola a clam exercise by the primary department of Park City Sumlay school was exceedingly well rendered aa alto the recitation by young < < MlM llaiUnd older Owblnrdand Maener gave lomn very uttful Injunctions concerning bundiiy rchool clan work AT CdAIVIIIK Hiimhty school cnnferenca waa con tlnll1 at COIl vIII III tbo Stake llontu at 10 a m Sunday mho 20th After the opening cxercUcH were over the Henefor and Coalvlllo schools were relrllII by the reHxtlvo aupcrin tendency A class rierclc was given by tie Kant Coalville Sunday ichool class and he balance of the morning wan occupied by Kldera Goddard ami Merr At the aflernnon Ktlon the Evanston ichool wan retorted Knoch Ilnown reported re-ported hit labors Pup hoyden ant Ire Alma idrr > dg gave abort and rood addrtftee They were followed l by Elders Gmldard and Mae > Or who occupied the time until 330 when t adjournment was taken on account of the funeral The lluieter shoot did some excellent clnglng Uith morning and afternoon and were highly complimented Till conference was one ol the molt aucceniful and targerly atUndod for years and the olHcera and tcbool fell much encouraged |