Show A BID SUIT EXPECTED nolhr fflapen In the tspltei SUo1 Il4nk IMl kl IInr sin belts Llnccln Neb lun I Ncarlv 1M I moneyed men nf Illinois xnt 1 rl over the ilole fnmi Chicago to hoot St foul many of whom lesldi at Ic orlannd Oale bnrg have been made defcndanl III n hat to I likely to pens I the most Mnsatlonal bank llllgnt never n-ever In the wool the next I i eh ipter In Ihe amour ease In wh It thnrlea Mmher prealdent of the 0 I fund Cnpltnl Snllnnal honk 1 nf this city figured In the extent of all something over n million dollar llla bank limed lu IMil Inn can I prior to that lime the Capital Nntl m ul hnl been i < nlng big dtrl lend nmnuntlng 111 I thus nggregnte tn half n I million I dollar Its kt < khllr I were inanll Illlnol jwiple Hoi i lluidenuf the Mi > hcr hank urio h 1 brought cult IRlnI tbrv t1 lib I en In force them In relurn thin dH dind loll i 11 Mmher nn the gr mil earned but n r that they mono not 101 lll pal l out nf the inone of llu cb po lt > r lie ousyo that Ito Inkikaalmn that the binUiuv made 1 I dollar A kimtlnr salt hn just bci n dccl leil ngnlnst n Now York alniklinlilir II Wnnl Him nod who mint return 87900 ptild him by Mmher |