Show MCW MUSEUM ron eOVrT pm of Ihp Thlna Coil the Iuodllin < tnf The foundation atone of the new mu IiUnl iliitlned to contain the national nilliitluti of 11 > llan vntlqulllM now at Ulnh n M laid on the Ut Inll by the kliiilhe the riremnny MIIR nt tended iy the mlnlilera high oniclal dlplumailr corps and a few nlleil European rwldenm aay n Cairo core r iKnli nt of the Ixindim TlniM An IJ > ptlan monolith coffer of tho ttteltth ilrnaity about J600 II C wan wa-n < rt to hold a box containing tho fol lonlnR objwta The preea verbal nf tin u nimiii in prwil h and Arabic an onollnl nf the finding of the coffer n hell e nieilnlllon M > rtrnll of HIP blue dlse lHirlnic on Ilir I re > cre the name Abaa Illltnl II kheilUe Munlnphi IVIimy ln lm prime mliilaler Iliiiatln Iahfcry Imha mlnliter of public wllrho ant I Inatnirtlon J de Morgan illtr Inr general of aiilliiilllea Marcel IKiiirnnnn arrhllril t ipnlmena of current cur-rent linn photnRmph nn pan hurnl of tin plan and crate of the biillillnK nn bet l teeter tncaniiri1 n cup of the bullillnic pniniallnn nihl ni lies of I nnlln nnil Ill rI pcn jniirnala pitbllih fl nl aim The nrnamental dwlgn of the irmi a irbal repreented twit pj 1 blue on which after Iho iianiM of Chainpolllnn and Mnrlette Itmcrlliml na the chlefa among i yptilnKl > tii were lho r of IInorlllnl Nrator 1llolc Upalna De ItoiiRe llrunwli JrlMo iAinnm Chnl w llcbleln MAIer Diimlihcn I letwiw Itenotif Irebaut Unione Naxlllp Schlnpirrlll lr man de Morgan Unurnmml Platt The only IStiKllnli namwi Iturrlbed nn lire document were HIOIM of Illrcli mid JoodMn Tho coffer after being lowered low-ered Into nn underground cnlty of ma four was finally rmcrcd with n large cubical blink of Hone Comment haa been Melted nl the pxclitilon of etch eminent name na tlitx of llclzunl YnunB WllklniKin 1ctrle HpleRelbirB Sare from the roll of ploliiRltta 1 depo lleil under Iho foundation Mono of the un miiMiim |