Show Ysaeat rat Ctoppdl Tho funeral services over tho remalni of Mn Thomas Chappell wero held at the Blake thou Sunday Afternoon and were laigerly attended Quite a number came down from Hock port thu former home of the deceased Frlendi and relatives from Pena Kama Oaklejr Halt Lake and Iark City were also In attendance The casket was covered with beautiful wreaths and flower placed there by loving hantli Robert Blddoway of Kockport and Jesse Slur bldge of Kama spoke feelingly and In great pralie of tbe departed having known her since her Infancy lion Alma Kldrodge delivered a touching and masterful sermon and alter appropriate sense by the choir the funeral pruoiiiloa moved np to the cemetery where the remain re-main were tenderly laid In tho grave j |