Show ATTENTION I I Farmers and Ranchers of Rockport 1coa Oakley North Kanms Katnas Woodland and llcncli Creek the butter Department of the Crystal Creamery It now running and ti i fully equipped 1 to mako ft large amount ol finlclani butter During the summer a cheeiio department Kill lw ratabllihed In order to run both department nil find Hint we hall need more milk than under present ar ranipmenli li I produced In the vicinity ol the Creamery We would therefore ask that you avenge to product at least ten time M much milk m you are now producing There are many acres ol waste land near the Creamery that will Brow the linent milk producing grasses In the world Much ol thus Imlll I for ale 1 or rent 1Vr pay thnhlghent I cash price for hnllrrfal or Itarnulvalonl In 1 butter 01 j any firm In Summit County UHlhTAI CIlKtniUtY CO tt5111I8 Manner WII Jolinioii Newark 0 eaya Ono Minute Uuugh Curs au > fd my only child Itom dyiiig by croup It liii unveil 1 thouuuidn ol other roll croup pneumonia bronchltli nod nlliin urlouD threat and lung trouble John Hoyden A Bon I LJ I DC s O Q J < D e > or w I orZ 111 I 0 ftc fl C Z ft-c f I zW U W o LJJQ in C o 0 8 LJJO c S O t 1 9 I 1i American Clothing Company PARK CITY To the farmers and people of Summit County We will sell for the next 30 days the following articles ar-ticles at onethird off trot the regular price but you must mention The Coalville Times MENS WOOL SHIRTS II JERSEY II II WORKING II II COTTON II Mens shirts of all kinds Hoys Shirts of all kinds for 6ycars old up Knee 1 pints for children ages 3 to 14 Boys long pant ages 10 to 20 Mens socks from 5c up Ladies hose from 7c up Firstclass celluloid collar 150 cuffs 25C Mens good pants at 850 to 250 Mcns duck lined coats at 145 And shoes and boots almost at your own price as we have a great many large sizes and they will go at half price AMERICAN CLOTHING CO Park Clly E J wOlIlm Manager |