Show Hiswrov IKTTKR IFea4a RLoa VAmilNciriiN JnneJI htlJi rue Hi tlniHirl nt event of the neck lu WaihliiKlnn was the lending nl the treaty for the inneinlUn ul lla all lo the United Statute ai a territory to the Senate Them ll Jubilation am Hi llhe who believe that the true iollcy ot tlili inrrnment is l to gel Cflnu1 of ell outlying out-lying Islands In both flue Itclllc and the Ulantlc Oconni There 11 I mime talk bout the ratincntlon ol this treaty twig tw-ig made a party qneitlim In the Senate 111 It li hardly likely nay oml leuhle number III 8enalora can be found who will acknowlelne thetnielvel lo be no lortilghtrtl ai lIch an act would l pro aim then to be Thl la I not a party question It I an American question as Ircildent Cleveland quickly learned when ho thwarted the last attempt at intonation The Japanese uilnliter has bee aching tome qnetlloni about the annexation treaty which Indicate Intention on the part ol hli government nment to make a protest against the treaty It ll I aot now certain that the U e4ty wilt Un ratlfled by the Sunato at tide IINlon ol Congress but a protest fro Japan would maku Its ratllliatlon out only cvrtaln but ipwdy Senator Klle who strongly fryers f annexation iiyn he has made poll ol the Konato and Iht lllcyllvu Senators have declared for annexation and tnelvearuln doubt bout how they will vote Hilly voice will U needed to ratify the treaty In order to bo prepared lor any cumin ency It ll I underitood that flue friends annuxatlon will Inlroilucn a joint rest lutlon In both llouie and Senate annexIng annex-Ing Hawaii In case there iia 1111011 lon l-on on the part of the opponent ol an exatlvn la fllllhuiter against a vote ou he treaty In the Senate thli resolution will bu accompllihed just the tame a i though the treaty were ratlfled Tsaaa WM MMXMljbl ra Juntstotn oaatter a treaty bad ailed of ratlflca 1100 Then li I no doubt that the fettlgrew ntllrnit amendment to the larrlff bill would hate been adopted had U been put to a 11rIIM vote of yes or 0 not wllhitandlng the lerlouk Imperfection lolL which were pointed oat bat the ole was not taken upon the amendment amend-ment but upon Senator Alllioni moon mo-on to lay I the amendment upon the table which was carried by a rote ol 31 to 3J thai thawing the truth ot the tying about there being more than one way to kill a dog Senators who favored he 1ettlgrew amendment have given notice ol their Intention to offer several iliullar amendment before the bill idlipoicdol and they wilt do their wit to have them directly voted upon Instead ol being killed by motion to lay on the table Beiutor Iettui who voted to lay I on the table haho uttered an amendment to prohlhll the Importation Importa-tion ol raw iugar by I the trust Senator 1eltlgrew doienl think that the tact that agar stuck did not raise ai many point during the consideration 01 the sugar acheduleot the pieient tariff bill a during the larllT debate on the Wllion bill gives the prenent Senate any cause for pride When Mr 1otll grew relerrwl to the raise In iiijur tack he was Interrupted l by Senator Gear who laid that the oar debate In the Senate three yean ago tent up sugar tock 40 twist and he exclaimed In reply re-ply I think that the two debatei are ingar now and three yeah ago jaitlly the exlitence ol a new political party After fully dlicuuln the several proportion to amend the tariff I bill so ai to curtail the profile 01 the advance Importation of foreign geol 1 upon which duties will be advanced by thus new tariff Ihe Kenatori have Informall decided them to bo Impracticable and none of them will bo pushed Althoug this li i far from tatlifactory it must be accepted limply because there ll I apparently ap-parently nothing eliu that can bo done 1etltloni aiklng thai tho Senate speedily 11111101 of the tariff bill ere Iiourlng upon that body In a stoutly stream and trout nlmoit every nation 01 tho country ThB Kuuur light ended ui IIIr ni tho Bcnnto li concernvd when tho sugar schedule wan thli week adoptrJ but the llnal rmnil will nut be fnughl until Ihe cntlru bill han been passed I by the Senate and 1 sent to a conleieiice Then the Home confer will make a decided slum for Ihe tutting out ol the Veimtr amendment to the original llouv sugar tcheilule and If the talk ol hurt tiers li I Html up to they will maintain It until they carry Ihrii point Mr Collioun Ireildvnl McKlnlevi ipeclal Cuban Commie loner ease In Wmhlnglnn agiln lull week and held reteralronferencee with the Pieildent A day or two ago there was a rumor that Ireildent McKinley hat decided request re-quest the Ilipulillion leaden ol the lion 0 ti put throuijli tho Morgan rest 1 utlon for the recognition ol Cubau brl gerency |