Show There no use talking laY W II Droadwell druggtlt La Oj ne Kan Chamberlain Colic Cholera and Dlarrb Remedy doe the work After taking medicine of mjr own prepara don nnd those ol others I look a Jew of Chamberlains 1 and It helped mei a second dote cured me Candlillj and conilenclouilr I can recommend It as the beet thinK on the market The 25 and CO rent bottles for sale by Jobn Ilorden A Son Uout neglect a cough became the I weather Is I pleasant before the nest storm rolls around It may develop Into I a serious difficulty beyond repair One Haute Cough Cure II easy to take and will do what its name implies John Boyden A Son TuBKiuti AccinnNTH lia terrible accident to be burned or scalded but the pain and agony and lc the frightful dliflKiireroenti can be quickly overcome without leaving n tear by 1 using De Wlut Witch ln lintel fuho John llojdcn A Son Not only plies of the vrry worst kind II I ran be JIIyl PeWitta Witch hotel Suite but rcitMiia rcnlils burnt bruise brills l ulcer and all other skin troubles can be instantly reliovnlby the same remeily John Soldiers A Sn They are dandles says Tho Rower ol the rocket Texas Enterprise while writing about DeWIUi Little Early Users the famous little illli for lick leadache and dlnonltri of the stomach and liver John llojJmi A Bon TINSHOP Homemade Tinware StovePipe Stove-Pipe Hath Tubs Garden Sprinklers Galvanized Iron Zinc Copper and Sheet Iron Work etc made and Repaired by Joseph Jones TINNER Shop one block east of Stake House Coalville Utah Postoffice Store EOA Summit Co Utah 0e F LYONS General Dealer In All Hindi ot SIRTlO E8YAND AND = SOAOOL SDPPUES If You Want School Books Note Hooks Paper Envelopes Tablets Blanks Pens Pencils Ink Rulers Erasers Slates Fishing Tackle or anything its i thai line give me a call before purchasing PostoffJce Building IIt R0A UTAI I SUMMIT COUNTY MarbleWorks I Hoytjvillc Utah Before you send your money out of your county get our I prices on Granite and Marble Monuments Headstones etc Work guaranteed C H WEST Propr THK S S SALOON We now carry a line of goods that in quality have never been surpassed in Coalville The brands 01 WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Just received If you want a good drink or cigar give us a call SIMPSON SWAINSON ONLY BUY DIRECT n Cash Bargain Store COALVILLE PC Is UTAH Wash Goods and Summer Suitings The fault with most beautiful things in wash goods has been that their beauty was transient Subjected to suds and elbow grease their complexions faded away This is i why we boast of OUR NEW WASH GOODS They arc as beautiful an artists ar-tists dream and as hardy as a sun tanned Indian The PRICKS we quote on these goods should CROWD OUR STORE WITH 1JAGHR BUYERS French Delaines in summer tintsworth 10 c a IIlt 6 c Figured halfwool delaines all colors 150 II at u c Figured Organdies dark ground floral pattern worth joe at iic Wavelet Crcppns all colors 33 inches wide worth 250 at ijtfc Corded Dimities new designs 32 Ins wide worth 150 at it cts Lcno Novelties floral designs 32 Ins wide worth 17yic at r3 ye Morley Zephyrs light colors 36 ins wide worth 174c at tjjtfc Ladies Percale Shirt Waists onr 750 quality for 45 clot Just added to our shoe stock a line of Ladies Oxfords in all the latest toes black tan and oxblood We offer to clo c our line of Williams Hoyt childrens shoe in kangaroo and calf sizes 6 to 13 worth f i6o at fiao Cash Bargain Store Coalville Utah a I I i MANUFACTURIftB n 40 IIv YAic lJuMIIII VEHICLES end tofu Dada With Clupen Shipped injoksri to iitMS al WHOLESALE PRICES 00 as cum 110 OINAfr aAfdaNit t ROAD IICOIO DAasUILr riiKnorCoixixnnonv END or IIIIIITU Karma fort bow Iumm VANT S Ton Patent curies fuUntnbilllnlocotbfilwoolilcilclothrorilril reams aadeloeed darter to quarters KoLID PANIsL MoN Bruno Iocs cloth or fancy father trltnminit wing cushion Hirirn h > llwllti lltrukr Hut No IJI Tor DUOOI Ii In treed liM In doable collar steel aied swateel and tentall Loris t and a leaf oll lemlered in i ht quality lirxir IsXimn wM bylain long node of but triunes lutnusr i > < of iJboV lb siting f W Lt ash trams and oplie Panels thoroughly Issued crewel and platter t > oubl risen toned I I foil linrtli Crirtlif tniit ol best hortr Iron Painting and nnll All eta toil Isoeth All rorgla + clll bolts t r tv nriicliittthroiiiliout I li llis pillows a deb I black Ream Ilfewert stern black or carmine hintnm complete with bang leather dub boot siorm prop hand omel v aft lpal Each boKcr stormy carpet wtl Felt len I ate A barley warrant with ssisssi this Stao la oar N7xcIAt wuoLaxabx tatcx for fine buggy 1 Nun before sold for less but to Introduce oar work In you locality wt h > M ilrcldnl to make a > i < rcltl coupon oltr giving Cnlpan Ha 1013 very ntdrr ot this pAler anorr ttnnltirto list attrlcllr Brst ooop rOil flu I11icbofr at It lowest titledever offered < lurt > clitar e I40OO and coupon we will ship this I handsome buggy SMtirtlr S5OO packs and crossed and in > iifd on board car no sot mile this 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lowlni points of suptrloillyl The MM of the Atllnftoo swton on pitta 1 tockrt kin its firmly held down by a thumb aefew ffVljL and handsome 1a design nl beunfurr ornamented 11 In Cold led pia t host waded roes and la Inlaid or eanterwok mak ng It flush with lop of table nlCh Ass deribe arm is ay Inches i high and b lochs bog Taewill admit the arhI akin and even quilts III all ThfMlexALdulely ao holes 10 put thread through e pt specneedle aulle lstytlndrr oenon sod attest aelf thrtsdlo vasf to put In or m ng C tla I 1 Ildlhrel Stllgk kexrrfor is i hlt < dafthemochlo beneath the hobble winder hod haunt ante shnwa the Dumber of stitches to the loch and call be changed from to 31 stitches lI lath Food is douLtlf fail extends on both aided t needle Cover lolls to take Condo through never slops at seams movement Is po Iles an spring to break and et out of orders can be mused 1g11 towrrnl ri ir A temat Nlkkla Yoe 111111it Iht I iAlbin oulon fed perfect olwdth without holding the thread Nchlne nut tun while i ohihey tlti inst Nuklo0Is ea Lotus doesnalfatthtoper four makes little noise slid sews dilly sufh is a double roc Uh the some on both situ will 11011 ravel and can Wlhnged lthorta slopping the mahlot Ttnsan s fit s roC ten J Ill alma thread ffront a to Ise sprd kiloton without t changing Never fl out f of 1 t rl = hndfat11nx utedlsfiu of fine Me and Cannot be Put wroog Needle Isar Ie found sede of ee ll toed steel with oil I CUP at the bottom to resent oil from1ctalet u1 the I gents AdiaOable OthringsAll twsrin s rte ease hardenrd steel onl4oI easily d j neJ Ili a screw driver Alii lost mUllo can he salsa UN eo 1 the machine will tart a UrIIo AllKbmnlsUcb uuchlue le furnished with nertwrr 111104 accessories 1 and In I addillo vre fu nish an extra set of attachment in a velvet lined metal hot fret of charge it follower One luiTlernndcitliereronUnderonihlrtlnpUlon f < Miofouricniineri7diirerriilwldlliiip 1 SI ont under brifder ono short or attachment fool snit one h read lf Woodwork if fmrlriuHl ok or wlnul rotble < 000 anddrawer10ckel pltrl lint i crerh al goons w woad t tail dotoloo fur rtptadoC boll DDJ PAY flawNO MACHINES BUY SAYL l CnM uAHJ DE ERf P 1110101118 Ol1R ORT tia eOleur bal 1 Whdutf prlcebut SCI Clle OPlrhR ID I rr lu lulra uct th ah Isrs iewlnx rnachl 4Ilia ka a special cw ton utter airing trerY reader of this paper a chanrt 10 art a firstclass I lea Coupon Crime at the lv tlr On rectrPlol uhudcouyo NO I r we will i t ship the I awe 3 ewrltxt machine anywhere security thd crranAraulceftdellver 7 A ten tote puked th uO e rh at achlue Noney r µ oIllInot DO it Coented after ibiny 11 I + 1U trial Wte alit shlpC 0Iifor with prlrllrvenf daye4111111011 118141 twenty 1111 nu Gael 1 tier r t of COalfolth andcharoea Ifyou referthlrt I Ifwsluhwkr 1 In IOn1 n n COIOII lIh COIf IOrArilnpon menials nUinlaYlulV how we ship Nwing r I r to any C StlrigMuhlnt 3 iitatlliv I lowest IDniiriliirtr oprlrewlthuutckingone nl its lrinre A h08S A The 1 U1 plan Is I la sent all cash wnh order htf art then use the t1W diD C M di-D Inte Kiiumbcr the caupuu must be selitwithrtdeL I IhIIWdloUuoUoU ADCKDSS IN 1 rti 11 CASH uivnRS1 UNION 6 > 4UI3 I58U4 1 W VAN BUREN ST CHICAGO UI The Coalville q TIMES 1 2 per Year j iY rya h r y Larger Circulation in Summit L 1 County outside Park uny man all other papers combined O O II I I THE TIbdES i Job Printing Department I IS OOMIIFLEJriES |