Show SCARING WOLVE3 DY YELLING Th UIIC Ion 11 Wor KITetlltr While on his nay to Craig and whoh about ten miles from town John W I lowell Jr had an unpleasant experience experi-ence with ihrco gray wolves which ought lo bo siilflclent for ono day sai tho Cm IE Colo Courier I Mr 1owcll noticed Ibo wolves In tbo distance but paid no attention lo them until after ho had traveled about a mile when his horto became imoity Ioolilim Lack Mr 1owcll behold a I sight which ns ho tn > t caused uhi hit to ralto not a trlllo thrco bro gray I wolves about 200 arils distant were nd J f charging after him at n speed xvlilch would toon bring them up r > ltli Mm hero was not a moment lo iuro and Iho JOIMIK man hardly knew what to do Ilo was unarmed nnd Iho mow was so deep that It nai Impojilblo for bis horto to run from tho ferocious bcatta with any degree of SUCCMII Mr lowell quickly decided that ho had but ono chance and that vus to altcmpt to bluff Wheeling Llj horto around facing tho wolves ho applied Ihe iuiit and at every Jump uf Ma tle 1 < u bo let forth a jell llmt would I havo put any Comancho lo shame I or a moment Ibo bluff iteemcd a failure for Ibo wolves continued to ppnuli and tho dlttanro between the burse man and tho shaggy crvaturas lenjencd to about CO jards when tho turn In affairs af-fairs occurred 1lnally after n tow moro plunges In Ibo snow by tho liorto nnd numoroui yells from tho thoroughly frightened JOUIIR man tho wolves suddenly turned and ran In an opposite direction Mr Lowell followed hit lead with renewed vigor and moro whoopi ami It any ono In tho lower country should see threo badly l seared wolves running westward II may bo depended upon that they nro tho Identical ones which threatened the safely ot tho son of our state auditor |