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Show v 1 WOOL aCHtOULE. THE COALVILLE TIMES Armet TW on rh.rs Umimuo Huoi TUiEs FI HLIMIINU t o. iit'liif t,m. June -- 4 lobnt. markqd tin'Omh w'1.'!dl W oakum .j (. i UTAH UTAH. 111 ;'''1 m ua It NEWS. j ' It deiohqiei! first in a serious di-greeini nt on tlu l.tq.u locan i(l' a- f I, an i passed licensing sheep li.i r Mr Lou Ilam.iton in juil at ?alt M Lake on the charge of murdering her nt nt husband, is htiti in feeble health and W ,t requires the aerv.ees of a physician A eh tM aged is months' daughter rtf , John Jones, a eai aoiter at Murray, Mr fell into an ut'rijl.itUt.in.uiiU.li.a. yatul.- - j from the house and 'ms drowned h Charles Jelford of Bountiful has been nominated by ( oniesMimn king . l t II It .1.01 the pa r i as cadet at the I lilted s,utt s Military arad-iuv- , with hd U ole of halt i I. ft se City as alternate The second crop of lucerne is Wing rut. (train is Wing intrusted and every t ti i n jf lietoUens a tine year for ttie farmers in ushingti.n county, in every re apeet Nineteen Mormon missionaries left Salt Lake City lust week for the east They are destined for various fields in j this country and Europe. Four eases of small-poare said to exist imiin the Kanakas at Josephs. Tooele county, who have been taken to the leper settlement and isolated, anl nothing has been done for them In the way of medical attendance. The rumor that Duncan Kjpen of bountiful, wrbo returned rently from a BIMETALLIC LEAGUE. aojourn of three years in the .Samoan islands as a Mormon missionary, wai I I'll eigne I till.- - In Otilo. I ml In u t a (flic ted with leprosy. Is pronounced! hcntmkv wml tl.,1 tiralma canard. lie ( I itici nun II 'I June Dr. Park, state superintendent o Valley tiiinet.i II n le,ii e in. t wit public instruction. Is closing up th d. Icguti s pus. n fioiitilno Indian contract with the publisher for tin Kentnek and l'ot than ngin s n di e iisliinctoii m.i 'e a III adopted by the recent text-- man book convention. Each publisher w lie sUt tup t lie ohm, t tin- tip wi, had a hook adopted must enter into a to h ague clubs of tin fun oipanie contract and give bonds to furnish the status mimed tm tin purpose of fm books at the prices named in his bid. t hcrinp the free co inn; e of go d an I he eoimntma list, m-- to . Mil. Cora Thomas, who is charged silver address by lion ( Inu with murder in the first degree, for the jet of Minnesota killing of her husband, Samuel Thom-a- , The priu. ipul ev nt n. the doings .. a member of the Twenty-fourtth league wns nnnctlngut the Pik Infantry band had a preliminary hearhouse nri.l the lending feature ojiera ing before Justice McMaster at Salt meeting was the oi.itii.u to llici Lake city and waa held for trial in the William.! Ilrvau district court under a $3,000 bond, Mr, lieyan arrived late in the afto Washington county is being depopu- noon, lie apiMuired nt the Pike opt r lated of cattle, on account of the high house after addresses had Wen. mad price lieing paid. Everyone owning by Seiiat .r K A. Finley and Mr. Hue cattle is selling; In fact the highest tun of Nevada. Hi reception wa price for year la being paid. There one long protracted, deafening rour o are more buyers than cattle, and each Mr. Ilryan said he wa enthusiasm. g one haa been gradually Dot there tn Kteak. t.ut to exhort the other. Some very fine herd are What lie. wanted was organization am being pukhed toward Milford for shipnot'd biinetulism triumphed agitation ' ment. After his speech be had to go theougi The cases of John Adama and others a short season of handshaking. charged with gambling at Fort DougMooilfiird'a Otil KpMirht at las, have Wen tried by court-martiNew York, June 23.--dispatch t the post Adams waa found guilty and Herald the from Madrid Tin says: sentenced to serve one month in the guard-housWsldes Wing deprived of avowed and final Cuban jiolicy of th. his pay for one month. Several other Liberal party is now eomplete. men who were tried for gambling were guarantees autonomy sincere and thor directed by a Uhist worthy an simply fined. A gambling den was otigh. found under the band quarters, where The. uewspaNru are bnsy l.Kiking u; five monte game were running. the speech which it is alleged llenera John Ntubb of Salt I.ake City is to Wood fori intide years ago. fnrorin go Into the lecture field, lie will open the I bl.( n rebels and drawing infer At Uingham ami close at Park City. euecs thcrefiom Tbev alsi echo tin le haa armed ldmsdf w ith a banner statement pnblebed in an English pa bearing his portrait and the legend, per that tin lln . nii.iri Islands woah Stublm, the Tramp Orator of the be nt the in -- v of the Spanish fleet in West.'' Subject: The Social and Pie the event of mt i lei na'ional rupture liticnl Condition of the Industrial rl he II. r.il !.. p ibl'shes an extraor li Claa-sea.- " Mr. Stubbs ha not retired x iolent i.i! against Genera ed.t.ji nanly Trom hteratnre. as be bss a w urk tn H .si' turd, i g tb.it f lie is an t hoi hand called The Coming Crisis." tiii'msici 'ie cannot ionic to Spain uni' James O'Connor and John Dolan, be n velvet a court whose true nsuie Is Charles Kempton, XI .hI s.iu ., (.n lr Isith yiuilhs. who pleaded guilty to sinjf some si t months ago and were M.t. June 2.1. Mrs licyci'm. burglary Sauiu.: li., ncs a r ith, r pretty young then sent to the reform school, but woman of this plan, created a setis. 'h. liin lccs m badly in that that they could not W kept tun, t. ,ttcl,.p' ii g to c iilin.l Siiiel.l. there any longer, were brought Wfore on tm si 'cot sin s, nt a .lnemai Judge N'orrell at Salt Lake City for into a saloon to bad, f,,. h. - husband further pnx'ceding and his honor sen- and s In .s turned sht drunk a muuI teneed O t onuor to eighteen month! bottle of hloruform and f 11 to tin and Kempton to one year In the stutv pavement shrieking that slie killed hersilf Prompt me. Inal attention prison. St. George was thrown into excite-men- t saved her life, and it - heliefhif she Domestic d i thou ! ties over a fire in the Lund block on " Ul the 17th inst., which took the united raUMd tin act efforts of a bunt seventy five men tc '""I ir n ti.oti. . get It under control. The - fire wa I reek. ( ., June 73 -A- atvstarted in the stables of I). II Cannon, f"'-- ' -- f K,,,,h n,u,"U' ,1' hj') jr., by little laws and firecrackers. " " "" li of the cfcp. and a high wind was blowing from the uruthwest. carrying the flames toward, was found U'l.ler the house f E- K the Lund and Andrus barns. Forsoute Jacobi. pris dell' of the defun, t M'n lli-.- i it l n exploded as if they were disnned, ill'P n'-1e , n w reek ei! late bnt two brigades working from Itoth l!l, fi,m D aides got it under control. No damage 'r I1'1"'''1' there by was done to the former, while the lat- - tho,,pht U1v, R", tt.ere is m U'P,'lt"r ter was scorched badly; Mr. Cann-is tlie only one damaged to any exUnt cine to the ' gyilty- party. i I M fe-- . I I x j Orj-Kli- ir I I I v text-book- o nririTift or Mrtbmf of th ti, ft., Jnne73. sskfd ftyf--e .(,ncrning the charges made by Proft!,0J '! - toii,an. thare..ple party h.r governor of Maine laat rar, Mr.J ' Semite The Couimivsioner of I ! mrry county loin ;i hare repealed the ordinan e recently M.u.t., AMwr to th t hrg - ' of the - COALVILLE. i J j j over-biddin- al 1 . i;rvll,i "No w are attache-- to tlie money turned over to Senatoi Men, except that it should lie. use it anord-- , ing to Mr Allen's judgment f r the cause of iiiuiet.illisin All d. ui.it d.s J he Mere made for that purpose money' was divided between criifx. Populists and Silver 111 proportion to the vote cast 1 ic.iv mi ,, Is wxnfldtnwe been .ill liic.xeii sable slight .f Thesubjt fusion dlreet-v-oe.u- -- i I l' - 1 c' ltMt Offlc KollMr AmtaitHl. ' -- . d.l.ctly, . t Ire tii W Unicoi. Uillurd, June 22. bout o'clock snnday morning fire broke out in the store of Hauling A Co here, and eon sumed the sti tu ture It was a tw.e 1 Pateman I presume, has r. f. r cm c to th M. r ns rcpr.Mluced in n. , I t.ook took it fi ..in the new If Prof P.HteiiiHii brick stoic. v ith a eomplete stock pi oves to me t .at It story i.is a in. '.take i skull make the . kauge of general m. rcliandise. How the fire started is unknown. It wa not disii subs. ,tii nt edit ons. covered until the flames hu.t gained Jutin W. M.4 srlney X.i, lilt t , .1 eomplete control. 1 lie huiUlirg ami " asbirorton. June 21 Judge H'.id sto. k were i ompletely destroyed. The V sust. lined the motion of the d. loss is partially covered insurance. by 111 '.use tlie ease of John . Met artnd '1 he (lames destroyed t ie i broker of this eitv. on trial for a' ami st..pp.d votinei tion for telephone the north leged eontempt of the Senate sugar in for u time, hut the line was repaired estigation committee, and order..! iuiuieiliatelv. In to a il leturn verdict of acquit, jury The Ihe gioiin of the decision was that King In Dublin. he questions asked were individual Dublin, June 27-.- Aba meettng held of Senator Allen and riot near ( ollege green in connection with j u.st ions ouimittee questions Mr McCartney! the jubilee, a black banner waa dis-- ; i as the last of the alleged reealeitrant played bearing the statement: During ietoria's reign one and a half million " Itnesses to he tried so that the vennl .tarids Heiiiitted six. tsmvieted one. people have starved in this island, three i.iuietv. Hroker E II ( liapman of New millions have been evicted and four loi-kmillions have been compelled to emi-- 1 who ci ved twenty five u.iy a tual in jail. grate." A body of undergraduates who X Ttiiihsiko p, march out from the grounds of Trinity N.ishi iie. Teii n . Juue 27. A l.ouis college carrying a union jack came in.die a- N.ishvilm express train run to a collision with the crowd and there ling tween this eitv and Memphis w as considerable fighting. After the ins heoi up by u lone robber at rumpus the crowd paraded the streets doekitt night near St. lietbleliein and destroyed the decorations. he robliei who is supfiose to haie ...aided the train at Clarksville, en Heavy Earthquake Shook. ered the expri ss ear anil compel lei! Cal , June 22. The heaviest Gilroy, lie messengei L. C. Hrauden to okii ever felt here lasted only earthquake he N.ite After idling the safe the a few seconds, but did much damage. robber pulled the bell cord und when Numerous chimneys were toppled over, ho train slackened its speed he jumphouse walls cracked, heavy plate glass 'd off and made lus escape. Accord-nstore windows shattered and a general to reports ri ceivcil he secured from of bottles and shelf waredn f..OlMi to fit.OiM). Illoodhound were wreckage houses and stores. Ieople rushed out ilueeil on the band't s trail. of their homes thinking the last trumn Th Cue. pet had sounded in earnest. In some houses blinds-werSun Francisco, June-- 23. Mrs. wrenched from the s)xnt another weary day upon the hangings and an unusnal scene of petty vituess stand, when the trial of the destruction is presented in every house and store in town. ease was lesumed. I let ween d objection and Jumbo Dead. irguments on the part of counsel Mrs Witehita, Kas., June 22. The famous raven managed to testify that her which had attained hief reason for not having produced steer Jumbo, he deeds at the time of her negotia the enormous weight of 5,000 pounds was still growing, was killed here 'Ions with the attorneys for the ' heir were that be wa afraid that C today. Jumbo wa 4 years old, and measured 8 13 feet tall and feet long. t was known she had them she would ie robbed and perhaps murdered, as He had massive horns 15 inches in cir'.he had already Ipxt two wills of th cumference and 6 feet across, with pier-fe' Mr. Payne' dAhttrf fo kill ate Seng. tor him have and him mounted while his ' " , ;l hide was in good condition. V Rich Or. , .. t Itoise, Ida.; J.nbe Silver the Only Imq . levelopement has jut ' been male in Mr . , - I . , .XuEUft-t'rave- Cra-Te- ngus-Crave- n n long-winde- cutL . 23.-j-- imp-irta- Cincinnati, 0., June 22. An interdm'rict It is in n tun-te- l view with Hon. Paul fvorg of Middle-town- , in the Eastern mine, vlikh i O., is published here in which ivvned bv Col V. II. IVvvcv Die tun-ie- l is he made to say that the political has just cut a ledge at a dep.h df this should be made for free fight year t tKtfcvl i icnrly disclosing aoandene-- silver cleanout and nlnne. He declares ul f feet of ore. sail to run .n in This is the dot pest wok in till himself for Ihe free and unlimited fold. of the monies of the Constituainpnndi rlninkeff us gs'ibiisliing coinage tion the at ratio of sixteen to one. Mr. lie permanency of the vein. A'lllovv Greek Sorg Is spoken of ns a candidate for governor. i The Ltsh Pres assoeiation, whose membership includes nearly all the .newspaper editors and publishers in the state, will have an outing at beautiful Castella Springs ou July ft. Several hundred dollars'-i- n money and merchandise have lieeu donated, w hicb will be hung up al. prizes in Tarioui contests that will take place. Special rate will prevail and a large throng it The associaexpected to be present. tion days have always been enjoyablt Coca . Justlll.l)l0 SbiMiUn, Cheyext.e, Wyo., June 22. The coro-BtT- a jury impaneled to inquire into the death of Private Daniel McCriin- list of the E'gith infantry, who was shot Opcratcr rharles S.JLr ell of L'njoq this city, after examing ever forty witnesses returned verdict that Met rim'isk came to his ,eath j y a gunshot wound inflicted by Krswell is closely guarded in the county jail and will be tried for murder Private Mooney. u. shot by Lrswell while making an taek upon the latter house, is not ex- lected to live. The opinion prevalent here i that Krswell was justified in the shooting and that he will be dis- Charged. BRYANS REPLY. ..ocen.lng Malt'd. XInrstml for At isk Washington. Jane A)qajiii.i-d- . . Th. ; us Th p-- Emperor Speaks. of Alaska C 1 was fully two hours. The Hawaiian treaty was !'snssed at length and it is stated as a stt!el fact that the administration dH not now entertain nnx'Txpeetatlon of getting a rote ou the tieav in the senut before the Deeemtier session of congress It is stated that t Vmimissioucr liliiuun's report as to the condition of affair, in 'uLanas not laid before the cabinet. the Iilaho !r!r( ttlun tn Trans Amelia Take Vacation. New York, June 22. Miss Amelia Grail, known as Mile. Rita Elandi, the American prima donna of the Carl Rosa company, the noted grand opera enterprise In England, has returned to thia conntry on the French line steamer La Gascogne, fora vacation of six weeks. She goe to Cleveland, 0., her - home. XII , Gtfto Factory Destroyed. ImL, June 22. The window Itoise, Id.. June 23. The governor glass factory at Orestes, 18 miles west ha appointed the following delegates of Muncie, burned to the ground. The to the congress factory ia owned by the United Glass James Graham, R. E. Mel ariund. C. company, with plants at .Ottawa and II. Jackson, C. J. IinsSett, .bisepfy Strefiter, 111. The factory employed M. Raick, t'. It.- Hutchinson men and tlie los will be about 400 shavj and J. C. Rich. $1(10,000. Coiti;rr Trans-Mississip- pi v will Nnd SftOO on a Hailey Fourth The senate has passed bills for pubFort Duchesne. Ctali. June 2 - John of July celebration. lic buildings at Cleveland, O., to cost ' In connection with the alleged atHenry, alias Die Thompson, has been arrested at Vennl for robbery of the tempt upon the life of President Fanre $1, TOO, 000, and at McKeesport, Fa., to coat $200,000. Fort llridger postofihe a few night while on his way to thra,.e4 Four more bodies supposed to be suiinee Oflieers have obtaiiwd informa at Iong Champs, several arrests have have Wen found in the Thames, cides ti.jn from Henry as to the whereabout-obeen made bnt only one uian was debodies found in the hi accomplice, Charles Stevens tained in custody. making twenty-oDthe last three weeks. river Alla White Elver lYinee. during Oflieers The report that ClausSprockeU WM have gone heavily armed to cap tun to erect Thursday, August 20, has been fixed a plant for the roasting of Stevens, a he is a ilesperate'character coffee in for the meeting of the state RepubBrooklyn in connection with Mhen Henry parted company writl the American convention fn Harrisburg. Pa., to lican Sugar Refining eompany, Steven the latter stated ha would no which is candidates for state treasurer nominate fighting Arbuekle llroth.rm . -' ba captured alive, and lg denied -- - f e auditor-general- 1 i 4 - Isstkvr J - l. pro't-l.rswel- an iinni,nse Every assemblage every roof ts Sightseers, every available space in the street and square, sidewalk arid 'vs, the paths and chair and even ihe trees and railings of the parks were blank with loyal humanity The queen drove slowlv to gratlfv tier oeo pb' toiler of ehitrs i,,,. atove the i oiistunt roar of acelan.i-tioHats were thrown in the air handkerchiefs waved in welcome and everyone vied with lus neighbor ie active demonstration of loyultv end "hidow had its occupant, ,1,-ail- delight The police were kept busy attending to fainting- - women, but the crowd were in the best of humor and i luffed everyone. A number of Americans, armed with kodaks, had stationed themselves op- posite the palai gate, and seme body shouted: "Now, Yanks, three cheers for your mother!" raising a roar of good-humore- d laughter. president of the u. fund ( apital National tank of tins city figured to the extent of steal something over a million dollars Hi bank closed in I'1'! Tn years prior to that time the Capital Nation al had jn'en . paying big dividend, amounting in the aggregate to half a million dollar ihe stockin') mostly Illinois people Uecii'i Hayden of the Mosher bank now has brought su.t agu nst these sto kind ers to force Hum to return the'divi dends paid by Miedicr on the ground that they were not earned but w.r paid out . .f the in .ncv o' the deposit. s He say that the b. s.ks show that the A sln.ilar bauk never nude a ilo'iar suit bus just been decided against a Navv York stockholder. II Ward How- aril, w ho must return SJs.OOJ paid him by Mosher, t harles Mosher, , . ThefeituittUm la IUum ti Appalling. Havana, Juue 21. Extermination in the island is an appalling fact. The death rate is actually increasing. A prominent Spanish medical officer, who has full knowledge of the interior. 8a? 8 that should the war be prolonged fifteen months, the western half of the island will be entirely depopulated. Tlie death rate is likely to double next month. Contagion will then mow the people down rapidly. The rains have turned the interior into quagmire in many places, The trocha is a pestilence ditch. The soldiers are suffering terribly from fever nml dysentery. Little ot the smallpox vaccination is effective. Thousands of pacificos might easily have been saved by vaciination, if taken earlier. Kmrthqnak Shock and lieary Kalns. Oaxaca, Mexico, June 22 The earthquake shocks and heavy rains have seriously interrupted telegraph coin- munication with the. Isthmus of Tehuantepec during the last three days. Advices have been received here that the official commission sent to the city of Tehuantepec by President Diaz to investigate the reported formation of a volcano and the extent of the earthquake damages has arrived at its destination and found tlie condition of affairsrunch worse than they had expected. The town of Tehuantepec contained about 1ft, ono inhabitants, anil is completely destroyed, so far as bouses and buildings are concerned, not one A N?gro lilot. remaining standing. There were a Tenu., June 21 Henry Chattanooga, number of substantial and costly builda negro excursionist from Thomas, in the livtown. The jieople are ings Birmingham, fired into a party of ing in tents and in the opt n air on the Gadsden negroes just as tlie train was outskirts of the place. leaving and wounded Will Garner, a local cab man. Garner and his friends Railway Employee Sleet, returned the fire snd a general riot enNewcastle, Ta., June 22. A secret sued. Thomas was shot in the back meeting of the five great orders of rail- and neck and was stabbed twite in the way employees which was held here shoulder and will die. Two other was attended by members of the were shot and Birmingham negroes different orders from all over the was stabbed. another Mean whisky the country. The press committee of was the cause of the trouble. the meeting was instructed to only Mr. Rail S40.000. Wilting to give out the resolutions passed, but it is understood that steps were taken Madrid, June 21 Premier Canovas is looking for a federation of the several willing to pay the w'idow of Dr. Ruiz orders. Resolutions were passed re- - j $40,000 if the United States government will not press an official claim. The cording the various labor organizations as favoring arbitration in the settle- announcement of this fact has aroused ment of all differences between them- vehement public opposition, which the selves and their employers, apd call on Madrid press is inflaming. The newsthe Republican party to make good its papers blame the government for alcampaign promises and have an arbi- lowing Dr. Ruiz to be killed, but cen- tration law passed speedily, protesting sure it for acknowledging it. They say gainst furthtY extension of time in Spain is under the iron heels of the which railway companies shall equip Yankees. their ears and engines with automatic brakes and favor a restriction of forThe View of Emperor William. eign immigration. June 21. The Paris corLondon, iL of the Times reports a conrespondent Threatened by Anarrhtat. versation affecting to represent the .ondon, June 2. Owing to the re- views of Emperor William, in the cent explosion of bombs in Paris and course of which, speaking of his anx- the arrival in England of many for- - iety as to 'tlie fu'ture of Europe, lie eigners known to be connected with says that he does not fear internal the Scotland A aril authori- - sensions or the anarchists. But he ties have txen very active. Anarchist fears the expansion of one of the leaflets treating the jubilee in threat- - powers and the intervention ofgreat the ening terms have been issued. Om of United States in the affairs of the Old them describes the Queen's reigu a : World. sixty years of cowardly wars for gold H,,b Arrested, on ignorant and defenseless savages. ' Ida.. Jnne 21. Bob and hs "tin increase of tlie wealth of Montpelier, who was arrested by Sheriff Great Britain, but not for the mass of VVarl of Uintah county, AVyo., last ia whose condition working people, worse than sixty years ago. w,ek, has been fully identified by Pay- f Teller McIntosh as one of the The leaflet quoted also says: The tlj-e- e men engaged in the Montpelier mass of lunatics to the appalling going holdup on August 13, last, tsher- asylums yearly have been driven mail T Rich, of Bear Lake county is now in by tlie stress of the difficulties of life Evenston awaiting requisition papers, during Victoria's glorious reign. lie will be tried at the next term of . Boycott DfatL Cp District court. London, June 22. ( apt. Boycott is Spaniard Redeeming Tbelr Son. dead. He was aliout 5ft years of age New York, June 21, A dispatch to and became famous through tht first man subject to boycott" in Ire the Journal from Havana says: A He was a land agent in 11 in Madrid dispatch says since January land. the Connemara section of County 1st last, 88,100, 000 has Wen paid into ?OTernment treasury by Spanish Mayo, where he collected rents. In l!"0 Mr. Parnell made a speech in Parents redeeming their sons from which he urged the people of Ireland Ujtary service in Cuba and the Phil-t- o abstain from ngrarian crimes and to adopt instead a polieyof sending harsh Japan Coming. landlords, ngents and bailiffs to CoSan Francisco, June 21. A ' the oKl terra for Japanese ventry, boycotting. r, the Illy ie, is on her way Events s shaped themselves that to this port. Sht will receive order Capt. Boycott wa the first man that here from the Japanese government, the Irish experimented on in this con: and is anticipated that she may he it hence now th6 neetion, familiar word, ordered to Hawaii. boycott. Friends of William M.Evarts'eontra-Jic- t ( Iilldrru Burned to Death. the published report that he ia Buffalo, N. A., June 22. Fire partly ill. critically destroyed the home of Joseph Metcn-sk- i The Frince of Wale's entry, Persimin East Buffalo, and his five chilwinner of last yejar's Berbytwoo mons, dren were frightfully burned. AscoVirtcea. the at gold cup died 10, in the hospital Sophie, aged The directors of the DesMmnes 4 Fort this morning. Roy, aged 12: Brown, aged 5;' Verona, aged 3 and Cecelia Dodge railroad have declared a dividend aged 8. are lying on cots at the hospi-tal- , of 6 per cent on preferied stock payable and the attending physicians sav August 2. A formidable movement is on foot there is little chance for recovery. Yletenski is also in the hospital. Hi to oust Russell Sage from the presi-flenc- y arms and face were burned in (th atof th Iowa Central Railway tempt to save his childreu. eompany. Iy j Athens, June 21. It is reported hers James L. Shrxmp of Idaho, bother o that Jlinperor William has sent a telesenator Shrimp Mr. Shroitpis a resi gram to the Kultan requesting him to lent of Sal 'lion Chtv, has leen f0f take measures for a speedy evacuation .ears prominent in tneretiiitile' affair, of Thessaly. There are no indications that a settlement has been reached in n the tart it nv an I state, an I was the peace negotiations. There was a a didata can fur a. ently upgoialiuent conflict at Ilierapetria, Crete, between lovernor of Alaska. the insurgents and the Inhabitants of t the town, and an Italian gunboat fired Tlr n4!iirt DlnrtiKM'A mail, Washington. June 71 - 'I he cabinet lent nominated ' tn Xrtli Delight. The queen is now Jiinu 22. Linceln, NVb, , June 21. Nearly Picr 'ontou An iupiuease crowd path- moneyed men of Illinois, sea tt red ntar Paddington station iu the pver the stute from Chicago to bust ar'y hours of the morning and aited St. Louis, many of w horn reside a' W atoliil patience The early hours " vrv eniiyyned bv the of liells defendants in what is likely to anl n tt,, u,rillulf breeze every w hero the most sensational bank iiugali"n boated the ibyal standard ever instituted in the west, tin nest Throughout, the route w as tenanted oh tptcr ill the famous ease in w he li n ' tSsfrr In tha Capital Sfttto1 Dank steal at l.lneotn. Neis - Xli Itti Ills Nrlgtilw.r Fn, I,enj,,(nili.ii oO.oiait nl X. j ' Man-or.W- man-of-wa- -- f 1 |