Show UTAH iNWS The emiimlaalonen nf Emery emint hare repenUsd th nrdlHinc recently pis + e < l llc tillnr bep In U > n Hamilton In Jail at Silt akr on the charge of nninlering her liuiband Ii I ktlll In feeble 1 h nlth and 1 requires Ihe renter nf n phynlelan A child aged IS immlh daughter of John toner n enr > eiiter at Murray fell Into an Irrigation dlleha feirynnli friHii the hottM and I WH draw mil I Charkw lelford nf Ikinntlful ha iffn nominalI by rmigrmeiiian King as cadet at the nltod I Ktaleo Military nendemr with M W Cole nf HAlt 1nke City ai nllernale 1 he 1 kecniul 1 prop uf lucerne la I 1 eing cut grain to I Mngharvealed l and everything every-thing betArum line year for the farm ero In WnhllllllllOHlflty In yea ye-a Nineteen Mormon mlwIonnrlM led tIt lake City Imt week fur the rasl They are dr tlned for varlou Held In lhl country and lun > < c Pour ranee of imall > ox are Mill to mint among the Kanaka ut Josephs I TiNwIe county whnhnve hem taken to the Irprr I wtllemrnt and Imlnlrd nn1 nothing limo been 1 done for Hum In lilt way nf medical 1 alt ndnnce The rumor that Duncan KJppen J nl llountlful who returned rently from a Kijourn nf three year In the Snmnan Islands nu n Mormon inlsiloiiury wet wlllilrprmy li prunnuneedl rananl lr Park unto iup < rlnten U nt if public Initriictlon to I aiming up thi ontrnet with llm publisher for tin text IxKk adopted by the recent text lHH > k convention hurls put lloherwhc lad I n honk ndnple1 mint enter Into n contract and give hondi to furnlth the IIOIe nl the prlcw named In life 1M Mr Corn rhino who lichnrged I with murder In lie flint degree for the killing nf her luiiband Samuel linen no n mcnilKT nf the 1 wrnly fourth Infantry band hind u prrllmlnury hearing hear-ing before Justice McMastir at Hall 1 nkn city and wa held for trial In Ilia district court tinder a 130110 bond ashlnglon county I + being b depopu latest nf cattle nn acvounl of the high prim lielng jail lirerynnu onnlng rallle in I idling In fail the hlgheit price for yearn II I Icing paid Ihrrc art more buyer than lalllr nut curls our hu been grnlunlly overbid linn the oilier Home very flue herd are being nushed tenant Mllfonl for ihlp uienlT Therairnf Jhn Adnmnn lotheri chargci 1 with gambling nt 1 ort Doug In I hare Ixcn tried by court mnrtlnl nt the pint Adam wa found guilty and nentenrcd to acre one montli In the guird linuip troika IK Ing deprived lily pay for ono month ih rernl other men who were bled for ramblingwere limply fined A gambling den wai found under the Landptirlrro where live monto game were running John Stalin Halt Ukatlt to I togo to-go Into the lecture Bel I III wlllnpcn Jitllliighnm and clote t nt Park 9ly lie Iou armed hlmwlf wllh it banner l IvarlngId porlrntt nut the legend Stnbbi the 1 rump Orator of the WI hubjeeli this Swlnl and I Pn I lillrnl Vu lltlon nf tho Inluitrlnl lakswk Mr ttibb + hn + not retired from furniture M ho I his u work In hand called I I ha Coming rlU Jnmc OConiior and John Ihlnn whose tru lll nuuin liCtmrlim ICrniptnn oils joulln who pluidiMl giittly to burglary attn alx I IUlllllh1l1e1l s tool n rrc then Went tn the reform whool but IHV I lintid thvmrlviio bully III think III I ktllullon Hint tlly niull not In I kept there any lotigvr were rought I Iwforc JnlgiiNiirrell nl suit Uike 1 Ily for further prwtivdlng nnd his honor MMI triirnl Kunnnr In ilghtmn luoiitht 1111 KiinpUm lu mm year In the IIe prison St leorgu noun throvui Into ecelt monl over n lire In the und I hole on the tills tint Islets t1e the 1111111 ITuh of nlnmt wn ntI Ihu nun la got It unlUr control Die fire nrao tarts it In the ambles of D I II Iminoi jr by little UiVk und llnHrnekiri and n high wind unaa blowing fees iulliwi < it urrlug thus Ihimm lovxnr the I und and nelriiibnrn 1lIr Mouse time It looktd in If they were dnnmm but two brlgudea working from lath lde gut IInmlrcontrol 1 odnlllag i wni souse lo the fist our wills the hit i trr vn vycLwd ta1Jyt Jlr TVnnuii It had it y VlIt t fan iu stbto uuy i xti nl The Ltuh front nnvHilntlun nhooc rminlHrkhlp Inoludtw nearly nil the neniipapcr mlltor n1 I publish In the tate will Iran nn outing at hens llfiiUnktilln Spring l on luly A Sic mil huudnil dlura In nione and inervhnndlke hare IXMII l donated which will be I huug up I ao prluw In nrloui ront kta that trill talus place Kpffla rate will prevail and n large throng li expMtiHl tu IK present The nuoola thins diii hare alnuy beau enjayuule coca |