Show Jnhllto NII In the Tabernacle for three days tit the Jubilee there will berorcerti in which over 1000 people will take art On tho night 01 tin first concert Land and vocal contents will take place and because of the Interest and rivalry existing ex-isting will be ol the greatest Interest to all lovers ol mu < lc A leading feature of the Jubilee will U the gathering of the pioneer from the four corner o the earth They will to the number of MO milit at the unrcillnitof Dahlia nunnllltTiit itttue of Brlxhani Young nnl later will IKI given n reception In the Tabernacle I The leading members of the Church of Utter Pay Stints ami a number III l Utahs best orators will deliver addresses address-es allll each pioneer I will be presented with a costly imtlal commemnratlva of the event they nn celebrating This I beautiful and Interesting ceremony will be performed by twenloe ell ol llulii fairest daughter each representing n county Another Interfiling feature will bo tile crow nln w Ith the w realh ot laurel 1 ofthao1de t pioneer by a rhlh The program i pro-gram for this event Is moil Impressive and It will 100 one 01 the moil Interfiling Interfil-ing feature of it celebration which will bathe grandest In the history cf the West Tho reception of President McKinley and party will be in the nature of a peat patriotic demonstration At least 100000 people will meet the chief ex ecu lve on Ills arrival During lib Hay lie will be the guest of the Main and preparation for hit entertainment In keeping with his exalted nation are now under way The cavalry now stationed sta-tioned at Fort Dncheinr have been specially detailed by the War Department Depart-ment to act an lilt escort daring hit stay and the troop at Fort Douglas are pro paring to be Inspected by their Com manderinchief |