Show Netier At the last tension of lire City Council It was decided to strictly intone tin bl cycle iiiiil dotf I tax ordinance II IIII Notice It therefore nlvim Hut the bl cycle ordinance prohibiting lire tilling of bicycles I on lie klill be enforced en-forced at once and that nil dog on which the tax le I not paid adorn July 10th will > e hut RoY Wium City Mmbal Dont thin your blood with natulrai or poison It with blue nieatrot aid nature try l using DoWltli Little Early Riser the famous little pill for con itlpatlon MllouinrM anil stomach and liver troubles They are purely vegetable vege-table John Hoyden ft Son Awarded Illghut Honors Worlds Fair DR iS BAIONfi I PODLR MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Ibulcr Fret II horn Ammonia Alum or ary other adulterant 40 Years the Standard Peoples Mercantile Company CHI bD Z EfJ8 CLOTHING l f a 4 Lt r alJ fr > t See them before buying It costs nothing to examine Peoples Mercantile Co AI iIA UUMIJUG1J Manager COAL Always On Hand at the WflSAICH MINE Lump 225 Stove r 125 Tcaiiis L Loadeil Prorn1Iy N No Delay n l f PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY WeberCoal Co Clearance Sale in sonic of our lines nt Bedrock Prices Calland sec to he convinced t All other goods at HARD TIME RICLS < G W ROBT YOUNG Wanship 1I I i I |