Show luilllllle hhuollni Chrveil Wn Innc T ruins ner o jury Impnnele to inquire Into the dalh of IrivnU Ilnnlel Metrlm ilk uf ho hjfiilh Infnntry who wan shot byllutern Vidoii OiKrnter rharleaU Krnwvll I of tnU dly after exnmlng ever forty nltneakm ehlTIIol I n venllet that MK rlmlluk wont tn till dentil by n junnhot wmn 1 lnlllctp1 liy lnwell nwell I K I eloaely Kimnlei In Die county Jail and will b tried for murder IrlvaUS Mooney who wai Blunt by rawell I while imiklni nn nt tack upon the Intter luiuw In tint ex 1 > pil In love The opinion prevalent here In I that Pnwrtl wni Justified In dintRed the nhnitlnt and Hint ho will b silo |