Show A lrna lmrr iiUi < llnirouTimid In the Herald ol the 114 oat I non tie comment teacher examination at Park City In which Ihe same wrong linprenloli la I given aa that Implied inline In-line Patriot Hut la I that only ft I IVIed > IV-Ied auciffifully Thus I connldcr an injuillre to the teacher and you will do them a favor to correct the error lIeaae stale thai It wns the Intention of all the applicants to take out eorlllJ cateaj that limy took It with a > iaw merely of lightening their requirement for this examination of next August Thla I think ft very romtnendnblo s thing and Ilia not to bo undcrtUxxl that those whoae names were not mentioned In the exchange a a haring received certificates were unauccean < il In fact touie of them did very creditable work and when they have completed the line of aubjectn there la I every reason believe they will bo tuccenful |