Show IIAU d na letter lowvara calico dress without iniiiilnir If ll IK paid for than tn owe flue thupkerper for the mint elripnt silk cut aid Irliiiined In tin limit I wit hiag shiner llvtivr live III n log abln all your own than u liiownilnne minion belouglng to romebody else letter walk former than run Into debt far I a horte and crrlae > Heller lo tit III a pine table for which you pall three dollop ten years ego than wild tome a new exlentlon black walnut top and prumise to pay for It next week tetter tu me the old caneteaUd chair and faded two ply carpet than Iremblv at Ihe bllli tent home by the upholitori I for the moil elegenl parlor let ever lade lletter to meet your business adiualntancee with a Ire donloae oaa cent unite than to dodgearound tlue corner to escape a dun ItetUr toy to-y the Hrealorgan grinder two shots for mnilc titan to owe for a grand pane IIUer to lIe upon the bare wall than iletarei unpaid for Better to eat thin soup from earthenware Ifjoa owe your iiitcber nothing thin U dine off Utah and roast beet and know tint It doient belong to you letter to lei your wile bare a lit 01 hysterics lhan to run In debt for nice new furiltnre or elolhi or ewelry Chrlitaln Advocat |