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Show j I of Utah The Coalville Times. ECHO THE COUNTY NEWS Film, Uuh, June Faimei&and HaacIier4kf Kockpoitv Peoa, OakVev, North KarnaS- jGATHERED BY OUR ALERT RESPONDENTS. COR- of the Wwk from Blcarlj Tfc Krj.Town TO Tu4 ta Summit County-Wh- at tlBM'i" KrprfMiutlTM to Write AhoaU Oakliy, Utah, June Crystal Creamery a butter. is now running and is fully equipped to make a large amount of During the summer a cheese department will be eetablished. . In order to run both departments we find that we shall need more milk than, under present arrangements, is produced in the vicinity of the Creamery. We would therefore ask that you anange to produce at least ten times as much milk ss you are now producing. There are many acre of waste land near the Creamery that will grow the finest milk producing grasses in the world. Much of this land is for sale or rent. We pay the highest cash price for hntter fat, or its equivalent in butter, of 24, 1897. CRYSTAL G. G. Stevens has gone for hia health. to Salt Lake Sheriff Lindsay was seen in our vicinity last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phillips have returned from Salt Lake City. Dr. W. Visiek and wife are the guests W. H. and Mrs. Stevens at preasent. Miss Mable Frauer went to Park City last week, where she intends to reside for a few months. The fishermen have begun to camp along the banks of the Weber river The fishing is tine now. Mis Della Jensen of Salt Lake City is pending her vacation in Oakley with her brother, L. C. Jensen. N. B. Snapp and family haye moved upon his ranch in Weber canyon, where they intend to make their home for the summer. The baseball game which was played on the Oakley diamond Sunday, June 20th, between the Sawmill boys and the Oakley team, resulted in our boya getting defeated, the score standing 13 to IS. The Summit Symphony Club of Park City, was in Oakley on the 18:h and 20th of June. They rendered some excellent music at the houeee of W. U. Stevens and N. B. Snapp. Thej are a jolly crowd and we hepe they will be with us again N. B. S. this summer. 1 i ricoa. Peoa, CREAM I'.HY CO., A. A. MILLS, Manager. Times Utah, June 23, 1897. Ennaa Times; Cold wiads aad drying out weather has a bad effect on our crops. C. H. Wirth came up from Rockpoit the first of the week on business bent. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bleazard have friends from Sait Lake visiting them this week. ilas the countv declared a bounty on This question is asked squirrels? about daily. Mrs. Rachel M. Miles entertained a number of ber lady lneuds at a quilting bee uu Tuesday. s The tnusquiioes are wearing ; they are forced to bundle up to keep lroui freezing. Miss Lydia Marcliant, who has been attending school in bait Lake, returned home last week. One of our yo mg men, w ho is inclined toward music, thinks a harper is the sweetest thing on earth. Mrs. Harriet M. Merchant went to Salt Lake last week ou a visit and to briug her son home who has been attending school in the city. Bishop Walker baa purchased a new parlor organ. There are quite a number of oigans in town and the next tbrng we want is someone who can teach instrumental music. Mrs. E. F. Palmers daughter Busan Arrived in Peoa on Sunday from Mew York on a visit to her mother and other relatives. The iady has been absent for a number of years. ftC. H. West of Hoytsville was here the first of the week in the Interest of the Summit County Marble Works. Ihe gentleman left for Heber City on Tuesday, ia the interest tf his company. County Game Warden Lambert was in Peoa thefirstof the week. The gentleman ordered the owners of cannals to place fish screens in the head of their canals. Mr. Lambert seems te be alive to his duty as warden. The regular monthly meeting of the 22nd Quorum of Seventies, for those members who reside.south of Wanship, will be held iu Kamas on Sunday, June 27lb, at 12 oclock, noon. Our merchants are complaining of hard times, tew sales sod a scarcity of money and are therefore forced to be careful and not obligate themselves too to purdeeply, w bich is a wise course ' sue. Mr, and Mrs. S. G. Watson will leave here this week for a visit with relatives and friends in Hooper, Weber county. The gentleman and lady will be absent for several weeks and upon their return home wilt move to Pgrk City, as Mr. Watson has secured the position of over-coat- teacher in the Ontario school. The trustees have made a wise choice in semiring the service of Mr. Watson who ia well qualified and is an excellent teacher and gentleman. George Goddard and Karl G. Maeser ol Salt Lake were in Peoa on Saturday. John Boyden, W. W. Cluff, George Beard, W. H. Branch and many others of Coalville visited us on baturday. Enoch Brown of Hoytsville, Bishop S. F. Atwood and W. Harder of Kamas; John Hortin of Rock port and Arthur of Wanship attended the con-- 1 Arthur Maxwell, his wife and mother and Mrs. Jane A. Marchant went to Salt Lake on Saturday to spend a week or more with friends and to attend to some business. our correspondent returns his thanks to the Hon. Alma Eldredge and E. H Rbead for kindness extended to himself and party while in Coalville on Sunday. May they live long and prosper. The assay on the ore produced from the Crowther mine near hero goes 70 ounces is silver ann 7 per. cent eopper. good that, eh? The more the mine is developed the better it shows np, so I am informed. Fishermen are now coming oat this way in large numbers from Salt Lake and other places. From this on ws may hear wonderful fish "yarns and sworn te nt that whether they be the truth or not, and the seaaon allows it. fc - Mr. and Mr. O. F.j Lyons, Herbert and Amr Lyons, Mrs. Elsie Welker, CUrwnc Walker, Louisa and Charles Walker, Arthur Marchant went to Coalville on Sunday to attend the Punday School conference. J. A. Marchant is thinking of building s new opera house, one that would be a credit to the place and in which the largest plays could be put on the boards. We need such a house and 1 hope he will carry out his idea. The severe frost last week did considerable damage to all tender plants and corn, beans and potatoes were, in many places, cut to the ground while in other parts of the 'precinct little damage was done. The frost seemed logo in streaks. Miss Eva Marchant, Miss Nellie Wilkins aud Miss Mary Walker returned home from Salt Lake on Saturday and appear well pleased to lie borne once more; I know the young men are to see them. There is no place like home, the sweetest place on earth. I am pleased to say that our townsman. John Maxwell, who lias been somewhat ailing, and much of the time too ill to attend to hia business for some months past, is now rapidly recovering and is now able to attend to his store affairs again. As yon and I know, newspaper men get very little honor and leae cash. Were it not otherwise your light would shine in the Trane Mississippi Congress aad the Pioneer Jubilee while I would have been what, a Pennsylvania Dutchman ? Mo, never that, thank the good Providence. I am pleased to see that The Times has secured a correspondent in Park City. G. 0. can write an interesting letter and I trust will keep him going. If the correspondent in Kamas would resume ber communications once more it would be very much appreciated, np this way at least. Three times, since my last letter, has the Salt Lake mail failed to reach us on the day it should. This kind of mail service has got to be a common nuisance and it is not caused by the mail carrier from Wanship to Oakley, either. It is claimed that tbs train to Wanship is late and does not connect with schedule lime on this route. It is to be hoped that the contemplated excursion to Saltair for the children of this county will come off as anticipated. It will be a very pleasant outing for the little ones and a united effort should be made and meant furnished s' that all whe desired could go. In making op tbe party remember the fatherless and contribute of your means P-e-tty . 1 'T enjoy men and pleasure on that day, should the excursion be made. 1 have just learned that E. D, Crow-thhas struck it rich in hts mine Bp Weber canvon and that he intends to begin shipping ore sometime this week or the first of next. The ore will be for tbeir er hauled to Wanship by team where it will be placet! on the rar. Ed. deserves COt MCI L. rejiorted hv the respective superin The City Council hWd an adjourned tendency. A class .exercise was givsn e Esst'CoaTvnie Sunday tchooi meetrngTirthe Crty traTT Monday night, and he balance of tbe morning class, Mayor Faddiea presiding. was occupied by Elders Goddard aud The following bills were allowed. E. H. Rbead, making deeds, etc $ 9 75 Maeser. At the afternoon boss ion the Evanston J2.00 Sundry persons David Faddies, work in City Park 2.00 school was reported, Enoch Bnown reJames Stones, sexton 120.00 ported his labors, Sopt. Boyden and Robert Walker, coaloil 5.25 Pres. Alma Eldredge gave short and .60 good addresses. They were followed by Henry Wright, making key. .. Goddard and Maeser, who F. H. Wright, lumber, etc 17.79 Elders Geo. Wrigbt, street supgrvmor 22.50 occupied the time until 3:30 when adjournment was uken on account of Sundry persons, work on footJ0.76 the funeral. bridge The llenefer ihool did some excellent Coalville Co-o147.04 lumber, etc both morning and afternoon, L. work on 18.00 singing, etc dam, J, Campbell, Daniel Summers, witness fees 2.40 and were highly complimented. This conference was one of the most W. E. Chappell, witness fees 2.00 successful and largerly attended for Geo. Crompton, labor on City . 2.00 years, and the officers and school fell Irk Eli Robinson, work in City Tark 3 00 much encouraged. Mark Hopkins, water pipe for A Wrona Ivprtul.a i 00 cemetery Times: Editor work . Jo. Allen, sanitary 9.00 J. M. Faddies, sanitary work, etc 13.30 In the Herald of tbe 18 inst. I note J. M. Faddies, feeding vags 18 90 the comment on teachers examination James Stones, cemetery work 48.00 at Park City, in which the same wrong Joe Wrigbt, work on street . 1.00 Impression is given as that implied in F, H. Wright, work on paviBon 2 00 the Patriot, that is, that only a few A Buchannan, work on 2.00 paased successfully. This. I consider an pavilion Jas. Welsh, lumber. 2.85 injustice to tbe teachers, and you will J. A. Fisher, contract 20.00 do them a favor to correct the error. Pleaae state that it was not the intention OTHER BCSIKKS8. of all tbe applicant to take out certifiThe reports of the City Marshal and cates ; that tkey took it with a view Sexton were read and accepted. of lightening tbeir requirements Th report of City Treasurer was re- merely (or the examination of next August. turned for correction. This, I think, a very commendable City Attorney Snyder stated that and it is not to be understood section 901, page 148 of tke revised or- thing, those whose name that were not dinances covered th bicycle matter mentioned la the exchangee, as baring end that riding on the side- received entirely, certificates, were unsuccessful. walks was prohibited. In fact, some of them did very creditable Tbe petition of Margaret Hartley work, and when they have completed asking for lease of City Park for three the line of subjects, thera is every years with exclusive right to sell re reason te believe they will bs sucoertful. freshmeata, was referred to th com mitte on .city property with power to act. Surveyor Rbead reported that there were between 50 aud 80 piece of land yet unsurveyed to which proper deeds could not be glren, and proffered to make a survey of the same lor $150. Tbeoontract was awarded hiss at this by-th- ' The fast freight dumped off fifteen holms here this morning. bout Three cars of wool will tie loaded here by the Heneferville people. The payrar passed through hereon the 22nd, which made all the railroad boys smile, as usual. Chas. Averll is improving very last SOW and w ill soon be up again, and will bs seen on the 944 as usual. A. Watson has gone out with a survey ing party as camp mover for two or three months. He teems to like the position very well. first-clas- Htn OAKLtT. Editob Kamas, Woodland and Bench Creek, the Butter Department of the CITY 25, 1897. Danl Hei ner passed through hereon tbs 24th. He had just come down from . p, bis ranch st Castle Rock and reports everything lovely np there. Jap Gullihur has purchased a fine horse Af Geo. Leroy, takes a short ride very morning and aavs a horse in auperier to a bike for exercise. Mr. Gilchrist is having a new coat of ""es H P'n Pul on l,is look like new . Nems as though George was going to stay with us a few years yet. j It is reported that there are 1800 car of cattle to be transported over the Union Pacific this season. Seems as though times are getting better iu the railway circle. Jas. Russell and Tboa. Stagg have been going fishing here lately every evening and say they have great luck in g. tting bites but we have found out tbat they are only moequito bites. Great fishermen Geo. Leroy lost another one of his fins horses this week by being drowned, and regrets the lose very much. He thinks new bs will have to teach hif horses the art of swimming in order not to loss any mors. Via think this a good plan, George. Rowe Morris Bnmmerhsys Co. f ihe City loaded four cars of wool this week for Boston sad expect to ship fir or six more cars in s ooupl of days. This, of coarse, makes the agent figure. t this paint more work, but he likes to E. II. Rhead made a proposition to gee the company havo lots of business. exchange a parcel of land near tbe city . . . i The Sunday School conference which hr,! on Saturday waa a very eniovable affair. A portion of the aay l.ools of Prk City, Kamas. hIJ J Sun-Brow- n Wan-feren- ship, Rockport, Oakley and Coalville were in attendance. Prof. George Beard led the singing and all were delighted with the singing and music. There were also in attendance Elder George Goddard and Karl G. Maeser of Salt Lake City who gave timely and instructions to the pupils sod ' teresting teachers; remarks were also made by President W. W. Cluff aud Superintendent John Boyden oi Coalville. The exercises of classes were interesting, that of the class of Park City especially to. Miss Olive Rhead presided at the organ and delighted young and old with delightful music. The day was one which will long be remembered by onr citixent aad I trust that our visitors had a good tins aad enjoyed themselves. B. R. E. Vibe. WAMSHlr. WaitsHir, Utah, June 23,1897. Ennaa Times: y . . . went to Salt Lake .this Bates Eph ( 1 , V-A,;.. 1 Am The band is building wagon. Mrs. A. Bates tbe 22nd. Hsmefex, Utah, Jan 24, 1897. them a band Editob Tims went to Salt Lake on Bsssrn. i week! fi. ' tf k : Bohman and sister of Peterson wen visiting here on Sunday last. E. II. Williams hat commenced the Some ot our folks attended the funeral erection of a nice residence this week. ef Mrs. Chappell in Coalville last SaturThe Fourth of July committees is day. busily preparing (or a grand celebration. The wedding dance given by Mr. and There will be a street parade in the dra J. S. Fawcett on the 25th was well morning. attended. The 22nd Quorum of Seventies will We have had a light frost two or hold their meeting in Coalville Sunday three mornings during tbe past week, 27tb, at 12 oclock noon. Those mem- but not enough to hurt, bers living in tbe northern part of the Ileneler was well represented at tbe county are requested to attend. There School conference hfeld in CoalSunday will also be another meeting held in ville on Sunday last, aud rendered their Kamas the same day for those living in part ol the program creditably. the southern part. The llenefer folk shipped their wool A special meeting was held in the on the 25th. The price realized was 9 ward house Saturday evening. George cents. This is better than' last year, Goddard and Karl G. Maeser of Salt but the sheepmen would like it Hill Lake were the speakers. Tbeir remarks better. were listened to with marked attention. Charles Brewer, who has been sick for They encouraged tbe young to lead good sometime, departed this Ills early on Y. and moral lives. the morning of the 23rd. The funeral wssjbeldlon the 24th. Several of his WAHIACU. from Ogden attending. A biorelative Wausatcu, Utah, June 22, 1897. graphical sketch of his life will appear Editor Times: in next issue. William Ball left for Logan on a short Tbe wedding tapper given at tbe trip on Tuesday. home of John Shill, in honor of his John Simpson, an old resident of daughters wedding, took - place on thirty-fiv- e Coalville, waa a traveler through here Saturday night. About ou Thursday. partook ef the supper and pronounced it Most of the sheepherds have been good. The bride received many nice sheared, and are on their way now to presents, and the young couple- start out in wedded life under very favorable higher altitude. The aheep shearing season is now circumstances. By tke way, what is llenefer going to drawing to a close. A few more days will do for a celebration on tbe Fourth, and wind up tbe business for 1897. she going to show her patriotism Several light rains fell during the bow is cause of Independence that in the great to in sufficient week, but not quantity so much about? Wake np, boast we do much good to growing crops. and let your children see that Considerable wool has changed bands people! is not all sham, and teach them to it dunng tbe past two weeks ; 9 to 10 eents honor the day. W. B. per pound is the price sold at, mostly. AS The Vlwar qT car loads of cattle were unloaded ere the arrivals at the The following to the on hers here graze Friday during : summer. J. B. Cluff lhi F W Ienford, Frank Janson, Salt Hundreds of thousands have been in- f ake ; J C Hooper, Bt. Joe ; 1 Frodsham, duced to try Chamberlains Cough Ogden; W G Patrick, James Gibson, Remedy by reading what is done for Thos. Hood. G Maylor, J Condy, T others, and having tested its merits for T. J . Almy, Mr. and Mrs. L 1) Condy, y it warmest themselves are R McKenzie, GA Smith, F friend. For sale by John Boyden A Young; n, R F Nielson,' Salt Lake; Peters' J Son. C E Lloy J, Logan ; E A Eastice, ChiW. B. Johnson, Newark, O., says; cago; C Wilson, Butte, Mont; C. E. "One Minute Cough Cure saved my Laugton, Mew York; M Well, .Chlrsga; It J A Johnston, Ogden; TT Thomas, only child from dyiug by croup, has saved thousands of others frolt Butte; Mrs. V K Goss, Minneapolis, and othtn croup, pneumoma.-bronchiti- s serious threat a ad lung troubles. John Minn.; Taylor Goodwin, Heber; Dr. C. M. Wilson, Park City. Boyden & Son. Mr. - to-da- 0 1 H I 0 water Aa,4o ptecee JmSm um bee; h belonging to th city, which was referred to tbo committee on city property. Tbs committee on streets, alleys and bridges were empowered to buy a plow. Tbs committee on license to whom was referred the petitions of T. L. Allen, Gomer Thomas, Simpson A Swalnson and J. li. Ball, asking for rebate on license recommended that tbe requests be not granted, which was adopted. The committee on City Property were empowered to erect a suitable backstop in City Park, suitable for baseball purposes. Tbe City Marshal was authorized to enforce the do. tax ordinance. The Fire Chief banded in the following names, which will comprise the volunteer fire department: . F. M. Pinneo, Snyder, J J. Jones, J. 8 Salmon, Roy Wilkins, J. H. Salmon, Carl Allison. L. E. Eldredge, Win. Wheaton, E. D. Beauhien, John James, W. M. Boyden, John Callis, Gus Buffmire, Robt. Menzies, Joe Wilde, Geo. Wilde, BenJ. Uoyd. A the assessment roll had not been returned by the assessor, th fixing of the rate of tax was deferred until the next meeting, after which the Cos noil adjourned. To w a oM k: 'u o ? o Ps fU 05 - a w u 0 r 2car I American Clothing Company, 7 SoBmI Sunday School Conference convened 19, st"10 a. m. st Merchants Hall. John Boyden, County Elders Superintendent, presiding. Geo. Goddard and Dr. K. G. Maeser of tbe Deseret Sundsy School Union Board were in attendance. The usual opening exercise were had. Supt. Boyden made a few introductory remarks. , Kamas and Rockport Sunday schools were reported . The intermediate-departmeof Wanship Sundsy school went through very creditably an exercise on the "Life of Joseph. Appropriate remarks were made hr Supts Maeser nod Goddard. At 2p, m., after the opening exercises, reports were heard from Peoa and Park City Sunday schools, a class exercise by the primary department of Park City Sunday school was exceedingly well rendered, as also the recitation by young Miss Rasbsnd. Elders Goddardnd Maeser gave some very useful instruction concerning Sunday school class work. at Peoa Jane nt PARK CITY, the farmere and people of Summit County We will sell for the next 30 days the following articles at d off from the regular price, but you must mention The Coalville Times: MENS WOOL SHIRTS. one-thir- JERSEY WORKING COTTON Mens shirts of all kiuds. Boys Shirts of all kinds, for Knee old, up. pants for children, ages 3 to 14. Boys long pants, ages 10 to 20. Mens socks from 5c. np. Ladies hose First-clafrom 7c np. celluloid collar, 15c; cuffs, ss 25c; Mens good pants at 85c to I2.50; Mens duck lined coats at $1.45. And shoes and boots almost at ' your own price, as we have AT COALVILLE. a great many large sizes Sunday school conference was con- and they will go at half tinued at Coalville in the Stake House price! at 10 a. m, Sunday the 20th. AIERICAI CLOTHING CO.. Pul City, After the opening exercises were over E. J. WOLTER, Manager. the Hesefer and Coalville schools were . V . |