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Show L Imb Imf Piimi.it r PUBUSHIM6 TIMES Quick! The sooner to 1 F. U. PI N N EO, Editor And Maamgar. Trm 4mImi .... IU of the ground. 9ubofiptton. yfASHlSOTOS TkM Kntbi irsuDuum Inal Copte Advertising Rates1 1 LETTER. l Months m 9 mo A - obo 9 , j column W quIucbD 1 1 ft in IW June 21 Ttie 'inoet important evenjof the sshtnglon was the sending V r k f the i eo 9 A)u o treaty (or the aanexalien of lUmt to or; t: tw 7 ooooo the L mted States as a territory to the ooj $ i go $ u le u se fi on i 1 V Jl OT) 44) ' Vi 4. we A Inch t urihe tivilui Ci)liiruiT.l WtsuiMOTON, nt 120 00 j bigger your chances at that $ i ooo offered for the missing word besides the extra prizes for the most tickets sent in. Schilling BestXtz is at your grocers. i Rule contort published hk large advertisement about the first and middle e i each month. There is jubilation among ttio.e who believe that the true policy of this f flrl Lorrt nolune. 10 umiU Kr l h utsnejiul )uer tr line lor iuU jmf itu was thie week adopted, government is to get control of all out-Itr Wa -IU I etrtrUy lhTti to Thew? ru and tfie Pacific in islands both the trig tin? tinal round ail not be (ought until Oceans. There is some talk the entire bill has been Atlantic Im Caaimlla. passed by t he Utat, Una 7, f tn4 at tka rtoftr about the ratification of tins treaty be- senate and sent to a ronfetence. Then Cm ttattar. 1194. aa ing made a party question in tiie senate, the Hoiue conferee will make a derided 1697 25. NK FRIDAY. JI COALVILLE. but it is hardly likely any considerable stand for the cutting out ot the ttetint' number of Senator can be found who amendments to the original lloufr x an-hill if a Jo will acknowledge themselves to he so sugar schedule, and if the talk of njm It to be hoped that be will Hawaii ia paaaed that there as such an aid would 'pro- bers is lived np to, they will maintain it a clause in it annexing Cleveland and claim them to be. This Is not a party until they carry theit point. Mr. Colhoun, President McKinlevs Qoeen Lil. question ; it is an American question, as President Cleveland quickly learned special Cuban Commissioner, in It acme that Croaby of the Richfield when he at Washington again tnis week and held last the thwarted attempt Oeneor baa Bean too friaky on the ceo-arannexation. The Japanese minister several conferences with the President. He attacked a Bean which exhas been asking some questions about A day or two ago there was a rumor that ploded on hie proboeia and walloped the annexation treaty which indicate President McKinley has decided to re- the staffin' and other things out 'an him. u intention on the pert ot hie gov-- , quest the Republican leader of the Although generally meek and iQwly, he n proteat agamat the House to put through the Morgan resomake to eminent has been Croe-bspells ever since it if not now certain that the lution for the recognition of Cuban belPoor editor! Verily, Bean soap was too treaty treaty will be ratified by the Senate at ligerency. rich for his blood. thii aeaaion of Congreaa, but a proteat flU4 lBM W ass glad to note that Summit from Japan woold make it ratification Better to wear calico dress without county will, after all, bare an able rep- nutonlv certnin, bnt apeedy. Senator trimming, if it ne paid for, than te owe resentative on the committee that is to Kile, wbe atrongly favor annexation, tbe shopkeeper for the most elegest receive President McKinley and Cab- aaya be liaa made pell of the Senate and silk, cut and trimmed in t lie most manner. Letter live iu a log inet on their visit to Utah. D. C. M- that fifty-fiv- e Senator have declared all your own than a blow niton cabin d cLaughlin of Park City has beenap-pointe- for annexation and twelve are in doubt mansion belonging to somebody else. a member of the committee, and about bow they will vote. Sixty votea Better walk forever than run into debt the Jubilee committee used good judg- will be needed to ratify the treaty. In for a horse and carriage. Better to sit ment in his selection. Lie is just the order to be prepared for any contin- at a pine table, for which you paid man to give the President an idea of gency,' it h understood that the (rienda three dollars ten years ago, than send a new extention, black walnut what it costs to produce' an ounce of of annexation will introduce a joint reso- home and promise to pay for it next week. top, lution in both House and Senate annex- Better to use the old silver, and will endeavor to get the chairs City for a day just for ing Hawnii. In case there ia a disposiand faded two-plcarpet, than tremble tion on the part of the opponent of an- at tbe bills sent home by the upbolstors that purpose. nexation to fillibufter againit a vote on for the most elegent parlor set ever made. Better to meet your business Tas picnic given under the auspices the treaty in the Senate this resolution acquaintance with a free f the Coalville Odd Fellows on Saturday will be accomplished just Uie same smile, than to dodge around last was only ons of the many likeevents a thongh the treaty were ratified. tbe corner to escape a dan. Better t sw hope to tee here. . It ,r!ieye4 the XeaM wee tbe street-orga- u grinder two stats bj a joint feeoln pay for mnsic than to owe for n grand p'jano.t life, gavs oppo- Una after assasulj monotony of every-da- y of ratifleatreaty bad failed Batter to gase upon tbs bars walls than rtunity lor the wivee, husbands and unpaid for. Better to eat thin pleturen children to spend and an joy thg day toThere is no doobt that the Pettigrew soap from sarthen-wsri(yon two yoor gether, as well as a chance .to become anti-truamsadmsnt to ths Urriff bill batcher nothing than to diao off Umb better acquainted with their neighbors. and roast beef and know that it doseat have been adopted bad it been belong to you. Better to lot your wii It wee no eelflsh affair, either, and whlla would to a straight vote of yes or ae, not- bn to n fit of hysterics than to run in pat the Odd Fetlowa here all the expeaee, the serions imperfections debt for nice new furniture, or sloths, or ae one was exelndsd or deprirsd of the withstanding Advocate. la it which were pointed out, but the jewelry.-Chrietai- a privilege of partlclpatlsg ia tha days' vote was net taken npou the amendA. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins A amusements. On the oentrary, all war moAllison had " ment Senator upon Ce., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: Invited and heartily welcomed,- - and the tion to lay the amendment upon the have never befote given n testimonial la prder was amply rewarded by the which waa carried by a vote ef 31 ay life. But I will tay that tci three new ledge that they had done n good table, veers we have never been without of tho - deed i that they had pat in practice that to 32, thus showing ths troth Chamberlain Colie, Cholera aad Diarabout there being more than one rhoea which they teach. We say, good for raying Remedy in the hones, and my who favored wife wonld aa soon think of being withthe Odd Fellows t not becnnee they are way to kill a dog. Senators have given out lower as a bottle ef this Remedy in amendment the Pettigrew Odd Fellows, hot becaase of the deeds notice of their Intention to offer several the rammer season. We have used it they do. Again we express the hope with all three ot our children and It hat similar amendments before ths bill that others will follow their example. never failed to cure not simply stop is disposed of, and they will do their pain, bqt cure absolutely. It is all Basisall ia all the rage ia Utah tbit beet to bars them directly voted upon right, and anyone who tries it will find For sale by John Doyden A year and it is well that it ia ao. It is instead ot being killed by motions to It so. good, scientific game and always inter lay on tbe table. Senator Pettua, who Son. Sick headache can be quickly and eating. If Coalvills would exert her-sl- f voted to lay on the table, has also offered a little she woold get many good an amendment to prohibit the importa- completely overcome b using thoee famous little pitlt known aa IieWittt games from various points, for, with a tion of raw sugar by the trusti. Little Early Riser. John Royden A little fixing we ceuld have one of the Senator Pettigrew doaen't think that Son. beet ball grounds in the entire Bute, the tact that sugar stock did not raise as MsUomI Kd acatlonftl Aimlttloi NnI l with the additional attraction of a large many points during the consideration of the For meeting of the National Edupark and pavilion, a race course, etc., tbe sugar schedule ot tbe present tariff cational Association at Ruffaloin I89fl etc. We understand the City Council bill as daring tbe tariff debate en the the excellent service given by the Union aad baseball men are bow considering Wilson bill, gives the present Senate Pacific Was commented on by all those the preposition of erecting grand any cause for pride. When Mr. Petti- who had the pleasuie of using that line. tand and wire back step, aad other grew referred to the raise in sugar stock Thi year oar educational friends meet 6th to 9th, wise Improving the ground. We hope hs was Interrupted by Senator User, in Milwaukee, Wi., July and members of the association and It will be carried out te the letter, for it who aald that the sugar debate In the ethers from points west of the Missiswill soon pay for Itself ten fold. Of Senate three years ago sent up sugar sippi River, should by all means take cenree n groat many ot oar readers and stock 40 points, and he exclaimed in re- Union Pacific. Tho service of the Union Pacific via citizens contend that tho times are toe ply ; "I thi nk that the two debates at or Kansas City is the very best. Cmaha doll now to epond money on thinge that sugar now and three years ago fustify The equipment consists of handsome are net absolutely necessary , but in this ths existence of a new political party." day coaches, Chair Cars, Pullman Bufwe take isene with them. We contend After fully discussing ths several fet and Drawing Room Sleepers, Dining foe are the very best that dull times propositions to amend the tariff bill so Cars and Buffet 8mokiog and Library Fewer changes than via any things of this kind. It helps to make as to curtail the profits of the advance Cora. lino. On fare, plus $2.50 for ths other them better. When everything is dull importations ot foreign geode, upon round trip will be tbe rate from all anddcproeeed.it needs attractions and which duties will be advanced by the point west of the Missouri River for enterprise to brighten and enliven new tariff, the Senators have informally meeting. For illuetrsted natter, folders, etc., them. A public improvement la never decided them to be Impracticable and call on or write, C. 1. Whi uxs, Agent. y of none them will be pushed. Although n thing of ; it will not spoil this is far from .satisfactory it moat be The Keel leetltnte. taken care of, and is beta tor Prof. W. 8. Arnold, general counsel of Hake the improvements; create at- accepted simply because there is aphe Leslie E. Keeiey Institute, Salt Lake, tractions sad 1st it be known through parently nothing elec that caa be done. isreceiving flattering ,e ttinmniaig from Petition rdul tieatment eat tbe State. Bid for amusements; inasking that the Senate all cl asset, on the au under his charge at ths given being come and be in to her vite people speedily dispose of the tariff bill are Keeiey Institute. Write him for parshape to entertain and reward them far pouring in upon that body in a ateady ticulars. Some for ten, some for twentv and the visit, and they will come, and their stream and from almost every section of some for fifty years have suffered from coming will heip everybody concerned. tbe country. piles and then have been quickly and The sugar fight ended as far as the permanently curet by Since writing the above, tbe contract DeWifta Witch Hazel Salve.' John ' Son? Boyj,n 4 for the erection of a fine grand stand Senate is concerned when the sugar ; column v lw short-sighte- Jadtaal I you begin tobenpl,f use Schillings Best tea, the PAST . COM THE DISTRICT COL BT Of THE THIRD Dtfttriet, state of Cub, Summit In the matter of theadpttonofTrma ounty bfVffBQi febeadoa, a minor order to show r -- t appearlii tafemefit by the verified of Lari AUiikm), guardian of the of raid W and alworbe ver tied ' Ttra peveraui 1 W A D. of iaiemeut Pealii and Cora W bea dm. bui wife, tbi nay and (iWd if. tbit court, that the id A t Wheadon and) Tola I Wheadon, ht aUe.are deatmua on ) the ai! Tereaa Deverau W beadon as t their own child, with eual nbu. pftviUt and immunities of any child born, or which A L may be born in lawful wediot kof V4 hea-band Cura t- - W hie wife, so l said tnat (be ( ari Aliion. guardian of the jmT n of aatd minor child, freely and olutitarily rclinuuisbe al! right Ut the eusto y of and pow er and control over aaid Tereaa Drveraiix Wba d n, aud all claim and in and to the . h of aald Teresa heveraux W beadon to the end that Mid Child thall be fufl by J tii parties deioriru to adopt Ihka tie It i FfieTeforc ordeivttrhar ett pcromtinTrtVMtri,tt Ttr aaid TeremslK-rerauWheadon, a minor, appear before the said Court on the .ini day of July, 197. at ten o doca iu tlur forenoon of Mid day. at Ote courtroom ol Mid ( ourt, in Coaivtib. Summit coimfy, t'ab.tohow caurr, If any thev have, win an order should not be granted aud render sd iu accordsnce uuli the iuihIkIous aw i rij Uialion of the tateineutft alort said and that nit a opt ot this order ie published at Mo'll, for three weeks, in the onlv ille 1 lines, m to t and wsnaper priUletl iubiihel in wUn, mil tmut. Mate of t tah K T and twcartop hu been awarded to Mark Hopkins, who iuiiundiaUil; turned the contract over to John McCarthy t tie game prior. Tbe job i H 0D a i thin a wrek. The material COALVILLE TIMES. d e. imu ireuld CoalvilleCo-op- . theid Dont say you are too iat . A Ia'4d Juite Id, IxyT G MI M I Call and see if we are not as VoitKFII, luetni t Judge THE Til IK t) Jl UK IAL lUSTRI'T tot RT of the dute of ( tah, r junty of riummit -- Jo matter of the eeiairof Benjamin Mile, h fteeti - Sotitv to t red ton Notu e in hereby T S' i tne ILOW in pernom hMvinjf rlitiiu atMirmi thr- jut'ii slffite of Behjmm Mlld, ileoeasw-'l- , to tvMit :he Mine with the neeeMt Voucher I. f nrovffii. to the undwreiimed, admtnutratrii at her residence in Pent, I tah. or at the law office ef W I Mivder, pnt ( fty, Tun, within four months ('uin tfu dale RACHAEL M MILES, of RenjUitn Mo, Admiui!mx of tb decetaed ni4-Intled June II, lav7 Wn- - in brewer, as prices else. anyone NOTARY PUBLIC, Henefhr, Utah. Collections promptly made. y cane-seate- Coalville NO LADIES AND SLIPPERS AND LOW SHOES CHILDRENS ARGUMENT in all the fashionable styles and colors, examine them. I will guarantee NEEDED My Prices are Lowest in the City , their Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Beer READY HADE and also Cigars at J. H. Balls Resort at Coal- y Call and will also be sold at Ladies and Childrens L.Qi-prices to suit the tinted. I IcilO I have a full line of to convince all those who d Co-o- p. get ' ville, that he sells only the Best. He keeps -first-claonly goods in stock. Polite attention assured. Remember -- ss . WRAPPERS, SKIRTS Theres Pleasure and satisfaction," another Said n Indy to If at 1 Coalville. you will Alcohol just Carefully DE W.TCSXCIEC count the cost you will lady friend, DEITIST, Coihllle, OtiL imm Will viait Peoa, Oakley, Kama and Woodland daring the next two weeks. QOALTILLK LODGE NO. 28, 1.O.O.F. Meets every Thursday evening at 7:30, at I. O.O. F. Hall. Sojourning brethren cordially invited. J. E. Hoenxa. N. G. J. J. Joxxa, Secretary. It n place where QUALITY ia not sacrificed (or CHEAPNESS. Then yon can find here jnet each thinge, it eeems to me, as yon are wanting most. In Shirt Waists, in Dress Skirts, Ladies Wrappers, Spring Capes, in Spring and 8ummr Dresa Goods, here yon find everything that is new, neat and desirable, at the If one foresight was only as LOWEST PRICES. good as ones hindsight, how differently we all would act. A customer was Induced to purchase a suit said to be aa good aa Wanamaksr A Browns. After three a months usage it fell to piece. Tbe goods was shoddy. Tha gentleman invested ia a Wane-makA Brown suit. flrst-claa- er My beet advertising is that my patrons repeat tbeir orders. Our fitting is perfect; if any doubt this, ask Wanamaker A Brown. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Canned Goods, Pickles, Jams, Jellies and Dried Fruits. TRY OUR SILVER PRUNES. All sorts table delicacies, fresh fruits and vegetables, at buy BlSHABCK WAISTS. In trading at WRIGHTS. The RESORT A shipment of A received. SHIRT MAGGIE SALMON. st When AND at fl you wont new, pretty and stylish goods, you Wilf buy a( W.J. "Wriglxts, MRS. M. E. RHOADES, The Milliner. SXlDMt, Attorney at Law. COALVILLE. UTAH. Notary Public. Offlc two door north of 8take Has Jest received a beautiral Uie of House, Coalville, Utah. JAMES E. HOSMER, M. D.t Physician Sargeea, OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. Coalville. Office hours from 11 a. m. to t p. m and 7 p. m. All whocan should observe tbeee hours as near as possible. SPRING MILLINERY,' Elegaat la style and anallty aad at prices te suit the times. A Hat for Everybody. , No charge for Trimming. QB. E. A. 5IANZ, Physician and Surgeon. I to-ds- e f -p at tbe residence of Alexander Wright, Coalville, Utah. 5mch Office Always to the front. Shaving Tickets fi.io for fi.oo. OSCAR F. LYONS, Notary Public and Comejancer. Finest line of Cigars Collections Promptly made on Commission. n, Two doors south of Resort Paloon, OflN te the rosTorricx m n.imr., Ieoa. in the city. Caveats, aaTnd-Mirtolta:reaad an Pat- aot bum cooducud (of Moocaavt Ova Omec te Owoert u. a. Vitiiitfree. oretec aad we caa Mcvr patent la lea teoas rcaottfron Washtoftoa. andJTo-bacc- e . Scod nodd. drawing or photo., with deterio. o adrwo, U patcntablo or not, tree o . poo- Our tea not duo till potent it ncurod. J charft. J A PoaaWMLrr, How to Obtain Patents. with roat ot mb In tho U, S, and loreita countnoa raent free. Addrea. Summit Cosnly, Utah. JOHN SHERHAN, ..t , Opp. Patcmt Omci, WABHftaTON. o. C. Proprietor.;!jC.A.SNOW&CO. |