Show llAiuAU li I all the Jlel In Utah tlili year and It It I well that It li I to It lea good 1 Klcntlflc Rauie and always Inter itloK K Coalville would exert her elf a little the would get many good garnet from various polnti for with a little fixing WH could have one of the best ball grounds In the entire Stale with the additional attraction a large park and pavilion a racu couno etc etc We understand l the City Council and baseball men are now considering the pr < iittton ol erecting a Iliad land and wire back Hop and other wise Improsing the ground We hope It will be carried out U the letter for IL 1 will soon pay for Itself ten old 01 count a great many ol oar reader and cltlieni contend that the tinea are too dull now to spend noney on things tin are not absolutely necessary but In thl we lake lime with them We contend that dull Lillie are the very bolt for thing ol this kind It help to make tbim better When everything li I Ual anddepreiKdlt needs attraction and nterprlte to brighten and enltve them A public Improvement li I Dna Dn-a 01 today It will not poll II taken CAre 01 and It here for tomorrow Make the Improvementij create attraction at-traction and Ut It be known through eat the State Hid for amuiementi Invite In-vite peoplo to tome here and be III I chap toentertalu nd reward then far the vlilt and they will come tend their coming will help umjbody concerned Since virltlns the shove tin contract for the erection ot a fine grand stand hF auth Uctrtiip has Iwn I awnlel l 10 Murk opklnt who InimnlUtaly turnnl the contract over to John McCarthy at tie able price The Job ll I tu be completed IIlIhlll a week The material Iall I on the ground |