Show THE COUNTY NEWS GATHERED BY OUR ALERT CORRESPONDENTS COR-RESPONDENTS Th Bun hI the wk rom Neatly Er Town in summa Cuanh Th TlrnMt Ii toilN 1 Ilae raunrt to Writ Atwat OAKLKV OAKLIT Utah June 21 I If97 Ennui Tllu I G lI I Stevens line folio to Salt JAke for his health Sheriff Lindsay was seen In our vicinity Ult Saturday Mr and loin Joseph Ihlllipa have rw turned from gall Lake City Ir W Vlilck and wife are the guests ci I W II and Sir Stecnaat tnoeal Sties Iablu Trailer went to 1ark Oily latlvtcek where the Intends to reside for a few uioiitbi I The dthermen hate begun to camp long the hank of the Weber river I The fishing Is I liDO now Mia Delia Jensen of Salt Lake City li I i ipendiiig her vacation In Oakley with I her brother L C Jenien N II Snapp and l family hays moved upon his ranch In Weber canyon where I they Intend to male their home for the summer The baioball gamo which wat played on the Oakley diamond Sunday June HHh between the tiawmlll buy and the Oakley team resulted In our boy getting defeated the score Handing 13 to 10 The Summit Symphony Club of IVrk City waa In Oakley on the 18b and 20lh I of June They rendered tome excellent mock at the houses of W II Stevens Itlltrc Iud I and N U Unnpp Tbe are ft jolly crowd and we hope they will ba with ua again thlatuinmtr N 11 ti I 1tCOA lOA Utah June 2318117 p EOIIOI Timn t Cold wludsaaddrying out weather t tan a bad effect on our crop 011 Wlrth cnumup Iron llockpoit the lint ol Ilia week on buiinena lout Mr and Mra W 11 Uleanird have friends from Hall Lake lilting tueui this week Han the county declared a bounty on nquirrela llila question la ailed about dally Mrs Rachel M Mllca entertained u numUT of her lady trlemU at u quilling bet on TutiJay Thu luunciuiloea are wearing over roll they are forced to bundle up to keep Iron reeling Spas Lydlrt Marclmtit Mini hail been attending school in ftill 1 Luke relurnud bouiu lu > l week One uf our o ing mull who Inclined toward ininic tblnkbu harper in the BH cutest thing on north Sirs Harriet M I Maiehant welt to Ball Laku latl week ou u vlnlt and to bring her ton home who has been attending at-tending school In the city lllthou Walker has purchased a new parlor organ There are quite number ol of fans In town and tlie next thing we walls la I touieoua who can teach in atruiueiitul music Mra K F 1alineri daughter Susan arrived In 1eoa on Sunday from New York on a visit lo her mother and other relatives The lady bat been aUent for a number of yuan KG 11 Wet of Hoytivlllo was hero the that ol the week In the Interval of the Summit County Marble Works She Gentleman left lor Ocher City on Tuui day In the inlereitcl hiacompany County Usmo Warden Lambert wIn w-In leo tho fintof the Meek Thogentle man ordered the ownera cannala to place llsli acrccna In the bead of their canal Mr lambert seems tc 1 to alhe to hla duty aa warden The regular monthly meeting of the iiiid Quorum of Potently for those I nieuilrcm who renldeiioutli of Wanahlp will Ira hold in Kamaa on Sunday June i Z7lh at 12 oclock noon jOur j-Our merchant are complaining of hard flow tow sale and a ncarclty of I money and aru therefore forced to bo careful and not obligate theintehea too deeply which la I a wise count to pun lue Mr and Mn S U 1 Wation will leave hero thin week for a visit with relative and friend In Hooper Weber county The Bvntlrman and lady Mill be alm < nt i for seteral week I and upon their return re-turn home I will I movu to fork City aa Sir Wataon hai secured Iho poaltlon of I 0 teacher In the Ontario reboot The i trustees have made a w lie choice Iniel I curing the aervlrea ol Mr Walton who Is well qualified and la I an excellent I tiachcrand gentleman ieorgo Cioddard and Karl U Maeiicr I ol Halt Lake were In Pena on Saturday John hoyden W W Cluff iforge Heard W II Brunch and innny olhera of Coalville visited uaon Salurdny I Enoch llrownof lloytivlllv lllhop 8 K Atwood and W harder of Kniiuit j j John lloriln ol Itockport and Arthur Drown ol Wanihlp attended the con Terence Arthur Maxwell hit wife and I mother and MraJane Marchant went to Halt Jake on Enturday to spend a week or more with fronds and to atlllnd to ollle business Your correspondent returns hi hunk to the lion Alma Kldrcdge and K II i Itlicad for klndneia extended to himself him-self and party while In Coalville on Bun day May they live long and prosper The assnyon the ore produced from thoCrowlhcr mine near hers goes 70 ounces la I lIver aim 7 per cent topper Ietty good that eh T The more the mine la developed the Utter It shows up cot am Inlormed Fishermen are now coming oat this way In large number from Salt Lake and other places From this on we may hear wonderful fish yarn and sworn teat that whether they be the truth or not and the teaaon allows Mr and Mil 0Fi Lyons Herbort and Amt Ion Mrs Klile Walker Clirance Walker Louisa mid Charles Walker Arthur Uarchant went to Coal vlllo on Sunday to attend the Sundry School conference J A Marchant la thinking of building build-ing a now opera home one that would be a credit to the place and In which the largett play could be put on the boards Wo need inch a homo and 1 hopo his will carry out his Idea The severe frost lout week did con lldcrahlo dnmagu to all tender phlnti and I corn Ian and potntovn were In many place cut to the ground w Idle In other parts ol the Jpreclnct little dam ego war done The frost dented toga In atrenki I Slur Kin I Mnrchnnt Ml Nelllft Wll khu and Mina Mnry Walker rvlurmd homo Irom Suit Inks 1111 hatunlny and appear well pleased to Im hoinu once more I know the young men uru to nee Ilium There li no place like home the awieleat place on earth I nrn pleated to lay that our towni man John Maxwell who has bven noiiiuwhiit ulllng and much of the time too III to attend to III huilm for oino montlii pnt la I now rapidly recovering re-covering and II l now able to attend to hits atom aflalra again Ac yon end I know newspaper men get cry little honor and leu cash Were It not otherwlie your light would ahlne In thoTranaMlialulppt Congress and l the Pioneer Jubilee while I would have beenw hat a 1ennaylvanU Dutchman Dutch-man T No never that thank the good Providence I am pirated to tee that Tug TiutM has eenueil H correnpondent In ark City 0 Oc n write an intcrtitlng letter and I crust will keep hint going Utho correspondent In Canine would reiumu her couimunlcatlona once more It would ho very much appreciated up tills way at let Threw totes nince my last letter due the Rait fake mall failed to reach ill on the day It ahould Thla kind of mall I ervlce due got to be ft common null awe and it la not canned hy the mall carrier from Wanthlp to Oak Ie either It la I claimed that the train ft Wanihip la halo and doe not connect a illi belied ule time on this rnuto I It la I to Iw ho > eil that the contemplated contemp-lated erciiraion Siltalr fur the children child-ren of thin county will comooirai an llclpattot l It will lie I a very pli < u 4iit outing lor this Illtlu one and a united ellort tliould Ix made and incunt tine I Ithcd ee that all who dctlred could go In making up the party remember Iho J t I fat hierlese and contribute your meant for their enjoy men and pleasure on that d hy ahould the rxcoralon be made i have just learned that K II Crow tier has I struck It rich in lua I mine tip Weber canyon and that Intends t to legin l shipping sometime pile > week or the first of lieU The ore will ba hauled to Vanthlp by tram where U will Ui placed l on HIP rare Nil I iletrnra konuthlng and 110 1 hope he haa got It The Sunday School conference which I wa hold her on bnlurday waa a very enlonblenir A portion of the Sun i nay Scl ooln of lank City Kamaa Wan thlp lIucklI Oakley and Conlvlllu were III nlttiidiinre Irof leorge Heard led the ilnglmi and all were de1 lluhtril l with the tinging and 1 iiuinlc There went ulao in atlendanco Ildira George Uoddard and Karl n Mae + cr ol Salt lake City who gave timely and In lereitlnglnitrucllona to the pupil t and ttracliera remarka wire Ito nde by 1reldent W IV Clolr and Ruf > erlntend lent l-ent John lloyden ol Cualvllle The ex erclieaof clnnoea wero Intereatlng that of the clan of lark City especially an Mill Olive Ithead prrilded the organ and delighted yuun f nod old with do llghtful uiunc The day was one which all long be remembered by our cllltrna and I trnat that our visitors had a goal time and enjoyed theioaelvea II It K Visa AIIIIIII WAMaiiir Utah June 23 IIIUT TOBTIMMI rfl4 liOv Kph Ual < awent lo Salt Lade this week The band la I building them ft bam wagon Sirs A Baton wont to Halt Lake on the 22nd H II Wllllama has commenced the erection of a nice residence till week The Fourth of July committees is I busily preparing fir a grand celebration There will ban I atrent paraila In the morning The 22nd Quorum of Kuventlea wll hold their meeting In Coitlvillu SiinJa 27lh at 12 oclock noon Thono men ben living In this northern part of thu county n ro refuelled to attend There will also bu another meetini held l In ICnnian the stow dray for thuso living lithe li-the noutliern part A apeclul meeting mvue held In tlio ward house Saturday uvenlm Irorga tloildard and Karl II Mucaer of Bait Lake were the apcakura Thulr remarks were listened to with marked attention They encouraged the young to lend gnat and moral lives Y WAIIHAUII WAIHATCIC Utah Juno 22 1807 Eutyua fINU William Hall lelt for Logan on a short trip on Tuenlay John Hlmpaon an old realdent 01 Coalvllle was ft traveler through hereon here-on Thursday Moat of thu aheephcrda have been sheared and are on their way now to higher altitude The heel ahearlng teuton la now drawing K clone A few more days will wind up the bulnit for 1807 Several light mint fell during thin week but not nulllcltnt In quantity to do much good to growing crop Contldorable wool has changed hands during the pat to wrekaU to 10 coma pier I pound the price told at mottly aTcn car load ol cattla went unloaded here on Friday to graze here during the aummer JII Hundred thoumida have been induced In-duced to try Chamlierlalna Cough Remedy by reading what la I done for other and having tested Its inerita for Ihemtelvca art today III wnrineit friend Son For ulu by John Ilujden ft I delis Keno Utah June 25 ln > 7 Eiliroa TI LITho LI-Tho fast freight dumped off about flfteen boboi hero Ihli morning Three can of wool will to l loaded here toilay 1 by the Hemferville proptt The payrar paired through here on the 22nd which made all the railroad buy mlle ua usual Chaa Uerll li Improving very taut now and all soon be up again and will be seen on the 114 at usual A Watson dan I gone out with a survey leg party aicitnp mover for two or three months III at em to like the petition very well Danl Hrlner patted through here on the 21th He had just come down from lila ranch at Cattle Hock and report everything lovely up I there Ja j < lulllhur lint purchased a fine lioriepf 1110 Leroy take a short ride everT morning and am a hone In uperltr to a Like lor exercise Mr lltchrltt In I having n new coat ol paint put en his home which tnakca It look like Mil items ai thoiiith George i at going to tUy H lib nn a few years yet I It la I reported that lucre are 1800 cnn 01 f cattle to bo lraniiorted over the Union Pacific lids season Pcemi a though times are getting butter In the railway circle Jaa Hunell and Thus Ktigg have been going flitting here lately every evening and tar they have great luck InK In-K tling bites but a e have found I out that they are only mot < ulto bites Great Oihcimcnt I Oeo Leroy toil another one ol his fine hones hls tttek by belngdronned and regret the lota very much lie thlllh now he will have to teach his hou4I the art awlmmlng In order not to lose any more Ve think this a good plan George I The Howe Morris Bummerhayi Co of Haft Ih Lake City loaded four cars of wool ht > e this vtckfor lloaton and expect ship five or six more can In a couple of days Tbli of court makes the agent at thla paint more work but he liken to doe the company have lot olbualneaa 1 1r Lw U f im r tii Ilixirm Ulali June 24 1807 HVlfo Tin ai Mr Itohman and alittr ol 1eteraon wen flitting here on Sunday last Home ol our folks attended the funeral II I Mn Chappell Coal vlllo last Satan day dftlTIle TIle tedding dauca given by Mr and lira JB Fawcetton the 251h will well ftttciled We have had a light front two or three morning during the past week but not enough to hurt herder was well represented at the Sunday School conferencn hiild III Coal villa on Sunday last and rendered Ilielr put of thin program creditably The llnnefer folk ahlpped their wool on the Will The pries readied was U dente Thule la I better than hint year but tile iheepmeii Mould like It atlll better Charles llrewer who han been sick for tomclwe departed thla Illu early on the morning of the 23rd The funeral wasjhold on this 24th Several of bus relatives from Ogden attending A biographical bio-graphical sketch of hla life will appear in next Itiu The wedding upper given at the home ol John Bhlll In honor of hli daughtcra wedding took place on Saturday night About thirtyfive partook of the supper and pronounced It good The brldo rrrelved many nice present and the young couple atari out In wedded Ufa under very favorable clrcupiatancre lly the way what II l Henefer going to ilo lor a celebration > on the Forth and how U I the going to how her patriotism In the great cauiu of Independence that we toast to much about Wake up people and let your children tee thai It li not all shot and teach them to honor the day W II |