Show N lluol KJOfllonl Aiixlllin Mfl Inc For the meeting ol mho National IMu rational Aitoclatlon Untlalo In 1800 Ihe excellent icrvlco given by the Union 1aclflc was commented on by all those who had the pleasure ol using tint line Title year our educational friends meet In Milwaukee Wli July Olli in Dili and members ot the allocation and ether from point west 01 theMliilt ilppl River should by all mon take Union Idao The service ot the Union Ildllc via Omaha or Kansas City li the very beet The equipment conilili ot hindsome day coaches Chair Can Inllman Hut let and Drawlag Room Slcejieri Dining Cart and Buffet Bnioklng and Library Can Fewer changes than via another an-other line One tare plus U60 for the round trip will be thus rate from all point well ol the MliiourUllvtr for meeting For Illuitrated matter tolderi etc I call on or write 01 I Vnm ixjent |