Show DHYAN PEPLY I Inlnrr In llr < hsree of llrll > ir nf tin I IHIIUI I tlnelnnntl O hincn Nbrta ked 1 n use ernltsg the char wi mnile by irof Ilatniunn the 1rnptea party Mindldatfl for forernor if Maine 111I1 year Mr 1 Irran wild Sonmdltton w ranttiu > hed to the norny harll1 over to rVnator Men 1 xrept Hint It hnul < l IHI I lined enl HK to Mr I Mien Judxin nt for the raise nf bliiiptNlllkin All donatlmk were mn lu for that purpose The imiey mania dirldnl tMtweoH l fnw crab IopulUti and Sliver Urpubll emit In I pn > xirtl < > n tn the rote rant To Ignore lie IopulUta would have teen sits Inli iiwl le nllKht The hnbjrrt of iwlnn 1 nw not dlacukMil directly rln I Ireetly Mir 1 llatoman I nrvaiimn hiao refer else tu the letter w r mi < 1ue > il In my Hoik I tixik It from the imwkpapi If Irof llnteiiiHii proven I to me that It WM n inltlnka I ahull niaku the thaiiKv Iis aulntfiiueiit idlthnm |