Show The HUrk lUflll I IHllltn I Dublin June22At I Hireling hold 1 ncnr nllrge green In conncetlon with the jubllic a hale Innnor wa silo plnynllhnrlnglhrklalenicnl During I Mctorlkk reign one and n half million x oplu hava llarvil lu this Island three I ao million hava been evletcd and i four mlllloni hove been compelled In mil Crnlc A 1 > ndy nf iinilrrgrndunlc who march nut from thu grounds Trinity cnllrga carrying n union jack route Into In-to n collision wllh the crowd and there wnsponsldirnldo lighting After flue rumpus tho i rowd pnrailed the atrcetu and dctniiHl thus orations I rntoll |